Tag: Cuts

  • 610: Liverpool dockers win as strike wave spreads to public sector

    610: Liverpool dockers win as strike wave spreads to public sector

    The NSSN sends our solidarity and congratulations to Unite and its members at Peel Ports in Liverpool, who have secured an inflation-busting pay deal after taking strike action over nearly two months. At the same time, the growing strike wave is spreading to the public sector. Just days after the UCU announced that its members…

  • NSSN 605: Come to NSSN pre-TUC Congress Action Summit this Sunday

    NSSN 605: Come to NSSN pre-TUC Congress Action Summit this Sunday

    NSSN pre-TUC Congress Action Summit this Sunday – 1pm 16th October Holiday Inn Brighton Facebook event. For transport details, email [email protected]. Let us know if your union/organisation would like a stall at our event It is a hybrid event – to allow those who can’t make it to Brighton to take part online. Zoom details:- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88529269348 Meeting…

  • 435: Southampton teachers & support staff defeat school cuts

    435: Southampton teachers & support staff defeat school cuts

    Teachers and support staff at Valentine Primary School, members of the National Education Union (NEU), are celebrating an important victory following strike action. Union members reached an agreement with Southampton’s Labour-run city council for a two-year freeze on cuts. This report is from local NSSN supporters who have been prominent in giving solidarity to striking…

  • 346: March together Saturday: fight together to get Tories out!

    The General Election result has shocked the Tories and the media but it has confirmed that we’ve had enough of brutal cuts. Jeremy Corbyn’s manifesto gave workers the opportunity to express their anger. On the massive March 26th 2011 TUC demonstration, up to 750,000 trade unionists and anti-cuts campaigners marched against Cameron’s austerity plans. The…

  • Come to NSSN 2017 Annual Conference July 1st in London

    Come to NSSN 2017 Annual Conference July 1st in London

    2017 National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) Conference: 11am-4.30pm Saturday July 1st in Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. £6 fee   Time to fight back against the Tory Cuts and their anti-union laws! The fightback has started. The bosses and the Tories hailed record low strike figures in 2015 but are now…

  • Come to the NSSN’s 10th Annual Conference – July 2nd

    Come to the NSSN’s 10th Annual Conference – July 2nd

    Unions are under threat. It’s no accident that the Tories announced their (anti) Trade Union Bill at the same time as they roll out yet more cuts. They fully understand that the unions, with 6 million members, can be a major obstacle to another austerity wave and the fight is on. Junior Doctors are striking…

  • Save BIS Sheffield – support April 9 March for Jobs

    Save BIS Sheffield – support April 9 March for Jobs

    Save BIS Sheffield – support April 9 Sheffield March for Jobs (from PCS website) 22 March 2016 Thousands of people are expected to join a PCS march through Sheffield on 9 April to protest against the loss of hundreds of jobs in the city. At the end of January the Department for Business Innovation and…

  • London Met Unison strike against job cuts

    London Met Unison strike against job cuts

    Unison members at London Metropolitan University held a day’s strike action today. The strike was called in response to management plans announced in March to slash 165 jobs at the institution. The walkout follows on from a number of days on action short of strike by Unison members. The other union at the University, UCU,…