NSSN 713: Union power shown on the picket line during #HeartUnions week
This year’s TUC HeartUnions week takes place as an increasing number of workers take action – showing the vital importance of being organised in a trade union. Read about the disputes in this weekly NSSN bulletin, which builds support and solidarity for unions and their members in dispute – fighting on pay, terms & conditions…
NSSN 712: Support the February strikes!
Workers continue to take to the picket lines for the pay rises they need, and increasingly against the cuts, as well as attempts of union-busting by employers. The NSSN sends solidarity to all action from workers and their unions, and you can read about them in our weekly bulletin. Please continue to support the strikes!…
NSSN 711: NEU calls more national Sixth Form Strikes
The NSSN sends solidarity to the NEU and their members in 32 Sixth Form Colleges who start a further 3 days of strike action this Wednesday 29th January. They will also take action on Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of February. In addition, the NASUWT is balloting its members Sixth Form Colleges for industrial action.…
NSSN 710: Support the winter strikes
Workers’ action is continuing into January. These include the following – NEU have names further national strike dates in Sixth Form Colleges and has a number of local disputes, PCS members are striking against the victimisation of HMRC reps in Benton Park View and has called more strikes in its long-running dispute of outsourced workers.…
NSSN 709: NEU announce indicative ballot on pay
NEU announce indicative ballot on pay (from NEU website – 9 Jan) – At a special meeting of the national executive of the National Education Union, held this week, the union has agreed to proceed with a preliminary online ballot of teacher members in England. This is to gauge the strength of feeling about the…
NSSN 708: Support the New Year strikes!
The NSSN sends New Year greetings to all our supporters and affiliates. 2025 is starting as 2024 ended, with workers on the picket line. The NSSN will continue to report on workers’ disputes and strikes in our weekly bulletin and build support and solidarity for them. Please sign and share the following petitions:- NSSN news …
NSSN 707: Workers end tumultuous year by continuing to take action
This is the last weekly NSSN bulletin of 2024. It has been an intense year. The hated Tories were smashed in the general election – thrown out of office by workers after 14 years of austerity, cost of living squeeze and more anti-union legislation. But the first 5 months of the new Labour government has…
NSSN 706: Support the December Strikes!
As we near the end of the year, we continue to send solidarity to workers and their unions taking action to defend their pay, jobs and terms & conditions. We will keep building support in our weekly NSSN bulletin, where you can find information about current disputes. Solidarity! Please sign and share the following petitions:-…
NSSN 705: Fight the jobs slaughter
This week’s NSSN bulletin headlines the struggles against the rising tide of closures and redundancies in industry and threats across the public sector. This is on the back of the closure earlier this year of the blast furnaces at Tata’s Port Talbot Steelworks. We send our support to workers facing these threats, including at the…
NSSN 704: Support the NEU Sixth Form Colleges Strikes!
This week, we headline the NSSN bulletin with the strike by NEU members in Sixth Form Colleges on 28 November, 3 December and 4 December. Please support these strikes and all the others that are publicised in our weekly NSSN bulletins. NEU: Sixth form college strike days announced (13 Nov) – Following a resounding 97%…
NSSN 703: Support the Strikes!
The NSSN continues to publicise the continuing action taking place. Please read this and every week’s NSSN bulletin to find information about current and ongoing disputes and please continue to send support and solidarity to workers and unions taking action, particularly those facing victimisation and strike-breaking. The NSSN demands the immediate repeal of the undemocratic…
NSSN 702: Support striking PCS outsourced workers & reinstate sacked reps
The NSSN headlines this week’s bulletin with the ongoing disputes by outsourced members of the PCS union in government departments. We support their pay claims and agree with the demand that these workers are brought in-house. We also stand in solidarity with sacked PCS reps at HMRC Benton Park View, and support the campaign for…