London Met Unison strike against job cuts

Unison members at London Metropolitan University held a day’s strike action today. The strike was called in response to management plans announced in March to slash 165 jobs at the institution. The walkout follows on from a number of days on action short of strike by Unison members. The other union at the University, UCU, is also in dispute with the employers.

A rally of striking members was held outside the main campus building on Holloway Road, supported by the local UCU branch as well as Unison members from Islington and Camden Local government as well as a representative from the Unison national leadership.
Chairing the rally Branch Chair Claire Locke revealed the Governors have refused to meet the Unison branch leadership! This is despite their willingness to meet with the UCU branch and the student union.

Branch Secretary Max Watson thanked the strikers for their commitment and fellow trade unionists for their support. Hailing the days strike action a success he pointed to the number of pickets as well as the closure of the Calcutta House library.

Messages of support for the strike can be sent to [email protected]
To keep up to date with the strike go to the branch website at or follow their Twitter account @LondonMetUNISON

London Met Branch Chair Clare Locke chairing the rally
Max Watson, Branch Secretary sums up the day