Category: International
Solidarity with attacked Brazilian civil servants
Hired thugs beat rank and file trade union protesters Last Monday, a group of civil servants in Praia Grande, Brazil, who are in struggle for a wage increase of 12.5%, occupied their trade union (linked to Força Sindical), offices, against the treacherous actions of the union leadership which threatened to sell out their dispute.…
VIDEO: Greek trade unionist Harris Sideris at NSSN 2015
Closing the National Shop Stewards Network 9th Annual conference, special guest speaker, the Greek trade union activist Harris Sideris, explained how trade unionists were fighting back in Greece. The packed NSSN conference, held at Conway Hall in London Saturday 4 July, heard Harris demand that the Greek people should not pay for the crisis of…
Brazilian water worker sacked: urgent solidarity needed
The NSSN has just received this request for urgent solidarity: BRAZIL – Urgent solidarity protests needed. Faced with lack of water for people, Sabesp cuts costs, sacks more than 500 workers and victimises trade union activists. NO TO REDUNDANCIES AND VICTIMISATION AT SABESP! For the immediate re-employment of Marzeni Pereira and…
From Italy: solidarity to London bus workers!
We workers in local public transport and from the National Coordinating Committee of Local Public Transport Workers would like to express our full solidarity with your struggle. In Italy we are experiencing the same problems. Our national contract has not been renewed for years, our wages have stagnated and governments of all political persuasion carry…
5,000 Iranian iron workers strike
More than 5,000 Iranian mine workers went on strike on August 19 in central province of Yazd demanding the release of two workers who had been arrested by the State Security Forces. The two workers of Bafq Iron Ore mine were arrested at the request of the mine’s management. The arrested miners, Amir Hossein Kargaran…
Soma miners solidarity appeal. Letter of protest to Turkish government
Dear Friend, I am writing to ask for your support for the coal miners who recently lost their lives in Soma, Turkey. I urge you to read this email and send the attached statement to Turkish Government Officials stated at the bottom of this email. At least 245 coal miners have lost their lives in the western town of Soma, Turkey, after…
NSSN condolences to victims of Soma mine disaster
The National Shop Stewards Network sends its condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the hundreds of miners killed or feared dead in what will inevitably be Turkey’s worst ever mining disaster. As reports come in and events unfurl, our anger is added to those of workers in Turkey that such a horrendous incident…
VIDEO: The War of the Ports
“The War of Ports” is the result of a set of European dockworkers testimonials about the solidarity international movement with the port of Lisbon. Taken from the Estivadores Solidariedade YouTube channel.
Solidarity Appeal – Justice for Berkin Elvan
The AKP government in Turkey has continued its violence against trade unions political parties and social groups. This was graphically demonstrated in the attacks against mourners at the funeral of Berkin Elvan. Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT), an organisation supported by the NSSN has issued an appeal for solidarity with those facing state…
NSSN 178 – Tubeworkers strike back! 1st day strike reports
READ 1ST DAY STRIKE REPORTS FROM NSSN WEBSITE From Bob Crow RMT General Secretary to RMT members:- Dear Colleagues STRIKE ROCK SOLID! EVERY JOB MATTERS – DEFENDING JOBS ON LONDON UNDERGROUND The strike action that began last night has been rock solid and this has meant the London Underground network has effectively been closed…
PETITION: Acquit the workers of Las Heras Oil Refinery
Reposted from the Trotskyist Fraction – Fourth Internationl website We, the undersigned, condemn the sentences handed out to nine workers of the Las Heras oil refinery in Santa Cruz province, Argentina by the Caleta Olivia Criminal Court on December 13. Four of them, one of whom was a minor at the time, have been sentenced…