Category: Appeals
Come to NSSN 2017 Annual Conference July 1st in London
2017 National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) Conference: 11am-4.30pm Saturday July 1st in Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. £6 fee Time to fight back against the Tory Cuts and their anti-union laws! The fightback has started. The bosses and the Tories hailed record low strike figures in 2015 but are now…
Open letter from blacklisted construction workers
Open letter from blacklisted construction workers We the undersigned, are writing this open letter in the spirit of fraternal debate amongst members of the newly merged UCATT / UNITE construction union. The upsurge in industrial militancy in the last few years demonstrates that when the official union works alongside rank and file activists, it is…
Come to the NSSN’s 10th Annual Conference – July 2nd
Unions are under threat. It’s no accident that the Tories announced their (anti) Trade Union Bill at the same time as they roll out yet more cuts. They fully understand that the unions, with 6 million members, can be a major obstacle to another austerity wave and the fight is on. Junior Doctors are striking…
Solidarity with attacked Brazilian civil servants
Hired thugs beat rank and file trade union protesters Last Monday, a group of civil servants in Praia Grande, Brazil, who are in struggle for a wage increase of 12.5%, occupied their trade union (linked to Força Sindical), offices, against the treacherous actions of the union leadership which threatened to sell out their dispute.…
URGENT – Campaign for remission of Andres Bódalo’s sentence
URGENT – CAMPAIGN FOR REMISSION OF ANDRÉS BÓDALO’S SENTENCE AGAINST THE CRIMINALISATION AND REPRESSION OF SOCIAL PROTEST From the SOC-SAT (Union of Agricultural Workers-Union of Andalusian Workers) we ask for urgent collaboration in our campaign to collect signatures for the plea for remission of Andrés Bódalo’s sentence. He has been jailed for his participation in…
We won’t be fooled by Osborne’s gimmick wage! #FoolsGold protest April 1
The Tories will be re-branding the minimum wage as National Living Wage this Friday April 1st. The 50p rise is nowhere near enough to take low-paid workers out of poverty pay and the under-25s are excluded! But we won’t be fooled by Osborne’s gimmick wage! To counter the Tory hypocrisy, a campaign is being launched…
Generations United! Pensioners and Youth fight together
I was recently elected as the delegate representing the Thames Valley on the National Pensioners Convention Executive Committee. The NPC represents 1.5 million pensioners, many of them members of trade unions who mostly finance the organisation. We are a campaigning body that fights for pensioners through out the country not only for their pensions but…
Day-Mer statement on Ankara bombing
The NSSN took part in the demonstration on Sunday in London against Saturday’s bombing and also a press conference in TUC Congress House yesterday in solidarity with a 2-day general strike in Turkey. Below is a press release from Day-Mer (Kurdish and Turkish Community Centre) The growing call for peace cannot be silenced…
Campaign Kazakhstan protest today Sept 28
On Monday 28 September 2015 at 4pm, a protest will take place outside the London office of Kaz Minerals Plc, demanding action to alleviate the suffering of their workers and the victimisation of activists. 100 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 5JL A letter has been sent to the Directors including the Chairman Vladimir Kim deploring…