Tag: Redundancies
NSSN 705: Fight the jobs slaughter
This week’s NSSN bulletin headlines the struggles against the rising tide of closures and redundancies in industry and threats across the public sector. This is on the back of the closure earlier this year of the blast furnaces at Tata’s Port Talbot Steelworks. We send our support to workers facing these threats, including at the…
486: Defend jobs & contracts – fight bosses’ offensive
This week’s NSSN bulletin highlights a new sinister stage of the Coronavirus pandemic: an increasing number of companies taking advantage of the economic paralysis to announce closures, redundancies and the threat of these to demand reductions of workers’ pay and worsening of terms and conditions. This shows the reality of so-called ‘national unity’ during COVID…
London Met Unison strike against job cuts
Unison members at London Metropolitan University held a day’s strike action today. The strike was called in response to management plans announced in March to slash 165 jobs at the institution. The walkout follows on from a number of days on action short of strike by Unison members. The other union at the University, UCU,…