Month: June 2015
London Met Unison strike against job cuts
Unison members at London Metropolitan University held a day’s strike action today. The strike was called in response to management plans announced in March to slash 165 jobs at the institution. The walkout follows on from a number of days on action short of strike by Unison members. The other union at the University, UCU,…
VIDEO: Glasgow Unison rally to defend victimised rep
Brian Smith, Glasgow Unison Branch Secretary, speaking at a rally in Glasgow’s historic George’s Square. The march and rally was called to support the Glasgow Homlessness Caseworkers strike, now into it’s 13 week and Robert O’Donnell. Robert was sacked by the management of the Glasgow Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC) for attempting to organise…
Come to the 9th annual NSSN conference Saturday July 4
STOP THE TORY UNION-BUSTERS! FIGHT TOGETHER AGAINST THE CUTS! Come to the 9th annual NSSN conference Saturday July 4 11am – 4.30pm. Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, London, WC1R 4RL. Confirmed speakers include: Mark Serwotka PCS General Secretary, Ronnie Draper BFAWU General Secretary, Matt Wrack FBU General Secretary, Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Peter Pinkney…
Sign petition! Release Janahan from detention now! End deportations to Sri Lanka
Tamil Solidarity demands the immediate release of Janahan Sivanathan from Morton Hall Immigration Removal Centre (IRC) where he is currently being held. Janahan is an active member of Tamil Solidarity and detention and the threat of being returned to Sri Lanka pose a serious risk to his life. Janahan has been severely affected by the…
Victory for Kone Strikers!
The escalation of strike action across the country by around 300 engineering service workers has thwarted attempts by bosses from Kone using a tracking system as a disciplinary tool. The Finnish owned company were intent on using unreliable “spy in the cab” technology. In one case the data showed that an engineer was supposed…