Come to the 9th annual NSSN conference Saturday July 4


Come to the 9th annual NSSN conference Saturday July 4

11am – 4.30pm. Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, London, WC1R 4RL.

Confirmed speakers include: Mark Serwotka PCS General Secretary, Ronnie Draper BFAWU General Secretary, Matt Wrack FBU General Secretary, Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Peter Pinkney RMT President, Helen Pattison Youth Fight for Jobs, Dave Smith anti-blacklisting campaigner and Isai Priya Tamil Solidarity trade union co-ordinator

BREAKING NEWS!! The NSSN is delighted to announce that Harris Sideris from Athens in Greece is going to speak at NSSN conference. He is one of two workers sacked by Vodafone bosses a few weeks ago and is a member of the trade union committee of the contract workers (at Vodafone) – who are fighting for full union rights. There have been two one-day strikes at Vodafone since the sackings – the second was last week


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The proposed new Tory anti-union laws would outlaw strikes if less than 50% of members voted in a ballot with an even stricter threshold for workers in ‘essential’ services. If these laws come in unchallenged, it will be a green light for bosses to ride roughshod over workplace agreements and victimise union reps.

It’s no accident these plans were announced 6 weeks before Osborne’s July budget. The Tories – elected by just 24% of the electorate – fully understand the unions, with over 6 million members, can be an obstacle to another wave of vicious cuts – if they take decisive mass action, particularly on the scale of a 24 hour general strike.

There should be a national TUC demonstration in London when the Bill is debated in Parliament, perhaps as early as this autumn, and the threat of mass strike action if it is passed. The NSSN calls for an emergency TUC General Council – a council of war to organise a national campaign of public meetings and rallies on the theme of ‘Strike to fight the cuts and stop the union-busters!’

The NSSN national conference on July 4th will rally shop stewards and union activists to launch such a campaign.

Workers need to put pressure on union leaders to organise the action needed to defeat the attacks on union rights and stop the cuts. As part of this, we encourage trades councils to call public meetings of affiliates to coordinate opposition to the plans. These could include local demonstrations to bring together all those fighting the cuts in the trade union and anti-cuts movements, especially young people who can be attracted to the fight for a £10/hr minimum wage and against zero-hour contracts.

The many strikes taking place and the fantastic protests that have been organised since the election shows what is possible. This is potentially a weak government that can be defeated if we organise!

Come to the NSSN conference; alongside the main speakers we will run workshops on organising housing workers / housing crisis, fighting the blacklist, young workers fighting for £10/hr and against zero-hour contracts, transport workers, defending the NHS.


Who we are

The Network is for rank and file TUC affiliated trade union workplace representatives but all trade unionists and anti-cuts campaigners – young and old – are welcome at our meetings and actions.

The NSSN has campaigned for mass co-ordinated strike action, up to and including a 24 hour general strike to fight the cuts. We are part of the Hungry for Justice/Fast Food Rights campaign against zero-hour contracts and for £10/hr minimum wage.


What we do

The Network exists to support workers in struggle. We campaign for justice in the workplace, workers’ rights, solidarity, equality and union freedom. We fight the bosses’ victimisation and the blacklist. Visit the website or contact us to find out more.


How you can join

Individual membership is £5. Minimum affiliation is £50 for each union organisation, including branches, shop stewards’ committees and trades councils. The NSSN was initiated by the RMT in 2006. Nine national unions – RMT, PCS, CWU, NUM, POA, NUJ, BFAWU, FBU & NAPO – officially support our campaigning work. Affiliation to the NSSN is £50. Make cheques out to NSSN and post to PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE.


How we can help you

We have a website, Facebook group, twitter account, and a weekly e-bulletin. All are available to trade unionists and their organisations to publicise their disputes, events etc. Please feel free to use these platforms. Invitations to speak at your union meetings are also welcome.



Name & union





Cheques made payable to “National Shop Stewards Network”. Pay on the day or send money and details to: NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE

To register in advance: email [email protected]



