5 July 2014 saw a packed 8th annual National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) conference, held at Conway Hall in Red Lion Square, London.
Opening the conference, this video reviewed the year, including a tribute to Bob Crow, who founded the NSSN eight years ago, and backed its initiatives, showing the wide range of militant struggles that have taken place, and looked forward to the 10 July united action by the FBU, GMB, PCS, NIPSA in Northern Ireland, Unison and Unite.
Speakers at the conference, the first session of which will be uploaded to YouTube before the 10 July 2014 action, included:
Peter Pinkney, RMT president, who gave a tribute to Bob Crow and a fighting speech.
Brian Caton, POA former general secretary, standing in for the current General secretary, who moved the successful resolution to TUC congress calling on the TUC to make the necessary preparations for a general strike, as Steve Gillan was ill.
Janice Godrich, PCS president, who brought greetings from PCS to the conference.
Ronnie Draper, Bakers Union (BFAWU) general secretary, whose union is spearheading the fight for a £10 minimum wage in the UK.
Ginger Jentzen, a victorious Seattle $15Now campaigner, who explained how a mass campaign brought an 80% wage increase to the poorest paid workers in Seattle.
There were workshops on: Fast Food Rights – for a living wage – against zero hour contracts;
Fighting NHS cuts;
Construction – fighting the umbrella scam and blacklisting;
Political representation for workers after Collins;
Housing workers fighting back.