Tag: poa
NSSN 691: Keep the pressure on to scrap the Tory anti-union laws
Tories Gone! – Fight for Workers Policies – come to the NSSN Rally & Lobby of TUC Congress – Old Ship Hotel Brighton, 1pm Sunday 8th September Speakers confirmed so far: Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Sarah Woolley BFAWU General Secretary, Ian Lawrence NAPO General Secretary, Marion Lloyd PCS NEC (personal capacity), Suzanne Muna SHAC…
NSSN 616: 2023 begins with rail strikes #SupportRailWorkers
2023 starts as 2022 ended – with workers on the picket line. The first week of the year sees railworkers on strike nationally RMT members will be on strike Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday while ASLEF are out on Thursday. The NSSN will continue to support these strikes as well as all the others that…
607: Turn TUC lobby Parliament into #ToriesOut demo!
The Tories are imploding. Truss has been forced out, triggering another leadership election. But new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who was Boris Johnson’s Chancellor, will also look to make workers and their families pay for the crisis. We face massive austerity and the threat of even more anti-union laws to try and stop us taking…