• NSSN 632: Support May Day weekend #Megastrike

    NSSN 632: Support May Day weekend #Megastrike

    The next week is always of supreme importance to the workers’ movement. On Friday 28th April, all those who have been killed, maimed or injured at work will be commemorated on International Workers Memorial Day (see TUC website for events). May 1st is May Day – the Workers’ Day, where the collective fight of workers…

  • NSSN 619: 500,000 workers out on February 1st #StrikeTogether

    NSSN 619: 500,000 workers out on February 1st #StrikeTogether

      The strike wave will take a major step up on Wednesday 1st February when 5 unions will take national strike action – NEU, PCS, UCU, ASLEF and RMT. Up to half a million workers will be out and will be joined by the growing number of localised disputes. It will be the single biggest…

  • NSSN 613: Striking Royal Mail workers protest at Westminster

    NSSN 613: Striking Royal Mail workers protest at Westminster

    The NSSN continues to stand with the CWU and its members in Royal Mail. Postal workers are taking action against the attack on their jobs, pay and terms & conditions by senior management. The CWU has called a national strike rally in London for postal workers this coming Friday December 9th – 1pm Parliament Square,…

  • 551: NSSN lobbies TUC Sunday to fight Tory & bosses offensive

    551: NSSN lobbies TUC Sunday to fight Tory & bosses offensive

    NSSN TUC Rally 12pm Sunday September 12th online via Zoom Facebook event Zoom details:- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86116774093?pwd=OVNvZldISGozKzd6U0QvL1hBWEI3Zz09 Meeting ID: 861 1677 4093     Passcode: NSSN2021 Due to Covid, both the TUC and our rally will again be virtual this year. This will be the 12th successive year that we have lobbied the TUC for the fighting programme…

  • 549: Unite activists protest in fight for motor way workers’ sick pay

    549: Unite activists protest in fight for motor way workers’ sick pay

    Last Wednesday 18 August, the NSSN joined a protest by Unite activists in support of key workers, employed by construction company Kier, who keep the South East’s motorway network operational held a protest at the company’s offices, due to the refusal to pay them sick pay. Video from Reel News: Kier, End the discrimination on…

  • NSSN 520: Tories U-turn on plan to attack workers’ rights

    NSSN 520: Tories U-turn on plan to attack workers’ rights

    The NSSN celebrates the Tory u-turn over their proposed review of employment laws and regulations post-Brexit. Despite their denials, this would have looked at a whole number of workers’ rights. But the fact that they have been forced to retreat, without a real mobilisation of the trade union movement, shows the weakness of this Tory…

  • 499: Come to Online NSSN TUC Rally 1pm Sunday Sept 13

    499: Come to Online NSSN TUC Rally 1pm Sunday Sept 13

    NSSN TUC Rally – 1pm Sunday September 13th Facebook event The National Shop Stewards Network is holding its annual rally at the time of the TUC Congress, which because of the COVID-19 pandemic has been truncated. This year’s NSSN event will be virtual but it has never been more important given the threat to workers’…

  • NSSN 496: Join the NHS Pay protests on Saturday August 8th

    NSSN 496: Join the NHS Pay protests on Saturday August 8th

    NHS workers are on the march for a 15% pay rise that starts to close the income gap caused by a decade of pay freezes. Please join the protests that are taking place, with many on Saturday August 8th. Details of some of these can be found here in the Nurses and Midwives say NO!…

  • NSSN 446: Support NIPSA civil servants’ July 26 pay strike

    NSSN 446: Support NIPSA civil servants’ July 26 pay strike

    This week, the NSSN headline our bulletin with the impending civil service strike by the biggest union in Northern Ireland NIPSA (Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance). You can follow news about the action on the union’s website This statement is from Carmel Gates –  NIPSA Deputy General Secretary:- “Up to 20,000 civil servants across Northern Ireland…

  • NSSN 434: #WeStandWithLyra

    NSSN 434: #WeStandWithLyra

    The NSSN stands in solidarity with the family, friends, workmates and comrades of Lyra McKee and her union the National Union of Journalists (NUJ). Lyra was killed while reporting on rioting in the Creggan area of Derry on April 18th. Our supporters took part in vigils and remembrances in Northern Ireland, Ireland and the UK…

  • 413: Teaching unions start indicative ballot on pay & funding

    413: Teaching unions start indicative ballot on pay & funding

    This week, we headline with the consultative ballot by teaching unions. This is from the NEU:- Hands up because enough is enough! Recently, we set the Government six tests for school funding before the Chancellor’s autumn Budget. This was the Government’s opportunity to change course and properly fund the schools our children deserve. Instead, the…

  • NSSN 356: Watch VIDEO of NSSN TUC Rally

    NSSN 356: Watch VIDEO of NSSN TUC Rally

    NSSN 356: Watch VIDEO of NSSN TUC Rally – march & strike together for a pay rise! Last Sunday, up to 300 union activists, including TUC Congress delegates crammed into the National Shop Stewards Network Rally in Brighton, chaired by Janice Godrich PCS National President. They listened to Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and leaders…