Tag: swindon

  • 437: Breakthrough for Birmingham Homecare workers – save Honda

    437: Breakthrough for Birmingham Homecare workers – save Honda

    We headline this week’s NSSN bulletin with what appears to be a major success for the Birmingham Home care workers in Unison. We hope that this can be confirmed and consolidated. We also report on the catastrophic news that senior Honda management have announced that they intend going ahead with the closure. We have been…

  • NSSN 431: Honda workers march – “This is the fight of our lives!”

    NSSN 431: Honda workers march – “This is the fight of our lives!”

    The streets of Swindon were filled last Saturday with Honda workers, their families and supporters from the trade union movement. Thousands marched against the planned closure of the car plant in 2021. 3,500 Honda workers’ jobs are on the line and up to 10,000 more affected in related industries. Amongst the speakers at the rally…

  • 430: Join demo to stop the Swindon Honda closure!

    430: Join demo to stop the Swindon Honda closure!

    The NSSN will be joining thousands in Swindon this Saturday March 30th on the demonstration called by Unite the union against the closure of the Swindon Honda plant. The plan is for this to happen in 2021, with 3,500 Honda workers’ jobs on the line and up to 10,000 more affected in related industries. This…

  • NSSN 337: Support the fight for pensions at BMW, AWE, Fujitsu & Royal Mail!

    NSSN 337: Support the fight for pensions at BMW, AWE, Fujitsu & Royal Mail!

    This week sees another dispute flaring into action over employers closing final salary/defined benefits pension schemes as BMW car workers start five weeks of strike action at Oxford, Swindon, Hams Hall near Birmingham and Goodwood. Workers at the Atomic Weapons Establishment will have taken 16 days of strikes after voting by 80% in a re-ballot…

  • ‘Nothings got worse since austerity took hold’ – Really?!

    ‘Nothings got worse since austerity took hold’ – Really?!

    A BBC survey purported to show that over 40% of those interviewed had not noticed a change to local government services since austerity took hold. Some even thought services had improved! Yet we all know of closures to libraries, swimming pools, reduced council facilities and the rest. Even the BBC website has stories from leading councillors…

  • Honda Swindon Job losses

    Honda Swindon Job losses

    Workers at the Honda car plant in Swindon were shocked when the company announced 800 job losses on the 10th January. This figure was widely reported in all the news channels and newspapers. I spoke to a worker at Honda who told me that the number of jobs due to be cut is in fact…