Tag: Conference

  • 454: Demonstrate against Tories in Manchester

    454: Demonstrate against Tories in Manchester

      The NSSN is supporting the demonstration this Sunday in Manchester against the Tories at their conference. The ruling of the Supreme Court against Boris Johnson’s suspension of Parliament shows how weak and divided the Establishment is. The labour and trade union movement should step up the fight for a general election. The TUC should…

  • NSSN 445: NSSN Conference shows the mood for struggle

    NSSN 445: NSSN Conference shows the mood for struggle

    Hundreds of union reps and members attended the 2019 National Shop Stewards Network last Saturday in London to discuss defending jobs, fighting for a pay rise and stopping the cuts. Throughout the day, in the main sessions and workshops, the increasing number of strikes and disputes were reported, in many cases by strikers themselves. Many…

  • NSSN 444: Come to NSSN Conference this Saturday July 6th

    NSSN 444: Come to NSSN Conference this Saturday July 6th

    ‘May’s gone – now get rid of ALL the Tories!’ ‘Support the Strikes!’ Come to 2019 NSSN Conference in London on Saturday July 6th 11am-4.30pm Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL – confirmed speakers: Mick Cash RMT General Secretary, Dave Ward CWU General Secretary, Sharon Graham Unite Executive Officer, Ronnie Draper BFAWU General…

  • NSSN 443: Support the strikes – come to NSSN Conference July 6th

    NSSN 443: Support the strikes – come to NSSN Conference July 6th

      This year’s NSSN Conference takes place at a time of rising workers’ struggle. A whole number of industrial disputes have been breaking out. Increasingly, many of these are resulting in victories. NSSN supporters have been getting down to the picket lines to give solidarity as well as calling for support and financial assistance in…

  • NSSN 438: Come to NSSN Conference 2019 on July 6th

    NSSN 438: Come to NSSN Conference 2019 on July 6th

      This year’s National Shop Stewards Network Conference is on Saturday July 6th in London. It is open to everyone in the labour and trade union and anti-cuts movements. Come and take part in the biggest annual gathering of rank and file trade unionists. Hear from some of the biggest union struggles such as the…

  • NSSN 396: Come to NSSN Conference this Saturday!

    NSSN 396: Come to NSSN Conference this Saturday!

      The 2018 National Shop Stewards Network Annual Conference is from 11am-2.30pm this Saturday July 7th in Conway Hall – 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. The attendance fee is £6 and it is open to all trade union and anti-cuts campaigners. Affiliation letter and conference appeal letter is here  Facebook event NSSN Conference…

  • NSSN cancels conference to support July 1st demo

    NSSN cancels conference to support July 1st demo

    As our supporters and affiliates will know, this year’s conference of the National Shop Stewards Network (our 11th) is due to take place in London on Saturday July 1st. Hundreds of trade union and anti-cuts campaigners will be preparing to take part in discussions and debates about the crucial struggles and disputes facing working people.…

  • Come to NSSN 2017 Annual Conference July 1st in London

    Come to NSSN 2017 Annual Conference July 1st in London

    2017 National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) Conference: 11am-4.30pm Saturday July 1st in Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. £6 fee   Time to fight back against the Tory Cuts and their anti-union laws! The fightback has started. The bosses and the Tories hailed record low strike figures in 2015 but are now…

  • Come to the NSSN’s 10th Annual Conference – July 2nd

    Come to the NSSN’s 10th Annual Conference – July 2nd

    Unions are under threat. It’s no accident that the Tories announced their (anti) Trade Union Bill at the same time as they roll out yet more cuts. They fully understand that the unions, with 6 million members, can be a major obstacle to another austerity wave and the fight is on. Junior Doctors are striking…

  • Come to the 9th annual NSSN conference Saturday July 4

    Come to the 9th annual NSSN conference Saturday July 4

    STOP THE TORY UNION-BUSTERS! FIGHT TOGETHER AGAINST THE CUTS! Come to the 9th annual NSSN conference Saturday July 4 11am – 4.30pm. Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, London, WC1R 4RL. Confirmed speakers include: Mark Serwotka PCS General Secretary, Ronnie Draper BFAWU General Secretary, Matt Wrack FBU General Secretary, Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Peter Pinkney…