Month: April 2013

  • Video: NSSN lobby of the TUC

    Video: NSSN lobby of the TUC

  • Bulletin 139 – Time to get your diaries out..

    Bulletin 139 – Time to get your diaries out..

    We’re supposed to be in the age of declining unions but if the TUC calls a 24 hour general strike, the young, the unorganised and the unemployed will join the unions.” RMT General Secretary Bob Crow closed the NSSN lobby of today’s (April 24th) TUC General Council, which saw up to 200 union member and…

  • Union members to lobby TUC to name the date for a general strike

    Union members to lobby TUC to name the date for a general strike

    A union rank and file organisation will be lobbying the TUC General Council on April 24th for the TUC to name the date for a 24 hour general strike against the ConDem austerity offensive. As the Financial Times reports today (‘Unions split over call for 24 hour general strike’ – April 3rd), the leaders of…

  • Stop the Blacklist @ Crossrail protest today

    Stop the Blacklist @ Crossrail protest today

    You can’t describe how NOISY this demo was but it was part of  the right response to the ongoing bullying of sacked Unite Rep Frank Morris. Yesterday he was attacked by Security guards and today there was a big and noisy Unite turnout to raise the game. NSSN Rob williams and other steering committee members…

  • NHS in Wales under attack

    NHS in Wales under attack

    Mass action needed to save our health service ! This is the full article from theNSSN NHS Bulletin3-1which we have just produced for distribution.  The Welsh government has major plans to reshape the NHS in Wales. By 2014/15 spending per head of the population on health in Wales will be lower than in any other…

  • Fight the Ford Closure

    Fight the Ford Closure

    Ford’s closure plans have angered workers in East London. Workers from Ford’s Dagenham Stamping & Tooling Operations plant finished their night shift and descended on Ford’s UK headquarters as Unite convenors from around the country met management on 18 April for a Ford National Joint Negotiating Committee (FNJNC). A consultative ballot for strike action gained…

  • No. 138 Wearing Red &  Seeing Red – Lobby TUC

    No. 138 Wearing Red & Seeing Red – Lobby TUC

    It’s sad when someone dies but it was difficult not to celebrate or mark the death of Thatcher yesterday by wearing red or with action and discussion. As Thatcher ended her life in the extortionately priced Ritz hotel in London, it was revealed that she had also been given huge amounts of our money. And…

  • Bury Thatcher’s legacy – TUC must call a 24-hour general strike!

    Bury Thatcher’s legacy – TUC must call a 24-hour general strike!

    When people try to remember where they were when they heard that Maggie Thatcher had died, their reaction will tell us everything about her legacy – Cameron and Clegg’s austerity Britain. The millionaires, including two-thirds of the Cabinet, will think of the 5% tax cut they started to pocket on the first day of the…

  • ConDems ratchet up class war –  We need a GENERAL STRIKE!

    ConDems ratchet up class war – We need a GENERAL STRIKE!

    ConDems ratchet up class war –  We need a GENERAL STRIKE! The beginning of this month marks a step change in Con-Dem attacks on all workers. Class war has been ratcheted up, with the charge cynically led by Iain Duncan Smith (IDS) on £134,000 a year and living in a rent-free mansion. New Coalition welfare…

  • PRESS RELEASE – Union members to lobby TUC to name the date for a general strike

    PRESS RELEASE – Union members to lobby TUC to name the date for a general strike

    A union rank and file organisation will be lobbying the TUC General Council on April 24th for the TUC to name the date for a 24 hour general strike against the ConDem austerity offensive. As the Financial Times reports today (‘Unions split over call for 24 hour general strike’ – April 3rd), the leaders of…