Month: March 2013

  • ‘Serious attacks require serious action!’

    ‘Serious attacks require serious action!’

    As NUT conference is set to begin this weekend, we have given over the start of our bulletin to NSSN steering Committee Martin Powell-Davis (also NUT NEC) on the conference and important plans that need to be made to step up the fight against cuts. NUT Conference 2013 meets to debate how best to defend…

  • Steve Acheson Defence Campaign – Appeal for Funds

    STEVE ACHESON DEFENCE CAMPAIGN Steve Acheson, Unite member and blacklisted electrician was dismissed from an engineering project at a power station in Warrington in December 2008. Ever since he has made the 80 mile round trip every Friday, at his own expense, to peacefully protest at the terrible injustice of blacklisting and to expose this…

  • No. 134 Solidarity action –  “We need a General Strike”

    No. 134 Solidarity action – “We need a General Strike”

    Solidarity action?  “Let’s call it by its proper name – we need a general strike” Boooo! That was the response from the 500-strong rally of PCS strikers to the appearance of Tory Chancellor George Osborne on the big screen outside parliament. While he lied and spun his way to making more cuts, inspiring speeches were…

  • PCS Budget day Strike reports

    PCS Budget day Strike reports

    March 20th PCS strike against austerity on Budget day – Reports from the pickets and rallies Central London – Once again central London is dotted everywhere with the yellow and blue of PCS flags and placards. Karen at the Highways Agency thought that as pay packets are hit, more workers will realise that they have…

  • Solidarity with PCS striking on Budget day!

    Solidarity with PCS striking on Budget day!

    As the CONDEM government look to further shift wealth to the rich and leave more and more of us literally gasping for breath as we try to make ends meet, we are proud to express our support and solidarity with the PCS members who will be taking strike action tomorrow over pay, pensions and terms and conditions.…

  • TUC Name the day for a General strike – Lobby 24th April

    TUC Name the day for a General strike – Lobby 24th April

    NSSN to lobby TUC General Council on Wednesday April 24th – from 8.30am outside TUC Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) has called a lobby of the TUC General Council on April 24th. The NSSN has been campaigning for the maximum co-ordinated strike action to stop the cuts.…

  • 133 – “It’s not about making sense, it’s about making money”

    133 – “It’s not about making sense, it’s about making money”

    The NHS starts our bulletin this week. On Saturday, there is likely to be a big demo in North London to defend Whittington Hospital (see below). Meanwhile, the ConDem attacks are coming into effect soon. Here is a brief piece from NSSN supporter Chris Moore: The Health and Social Care Act – it’s not about…

  • NSSN 7th annual conference

    NSSN 7th annual conference

    11am-5pm, Saturday June 29th, Camden Centre, Judd Street, London, WC1H 9JE Speakers include Mark Serwotka, PCS general secretary, Billy Hayes, CWU general secretary and Steve Gillan, POA general secretary The NSSN was initiated by the RMT transport union in 2006. Seven national unions – RMT, PCS, CWU, NUM, POA, NUJ, and BFAWU – are either affiliated…

  • Resisting Austerity in Europe & UK Sat 16th March

    Please make every effort to attend the SERTUC  Fighting Austerity Conference as it was reported at the SERTUC EC that only 60 people had registered by yesterday.  Martin Powell-Davies is the Chair of the  Public Services Sub Committee of SERTUC and is the main organiser of this event (& NSSN Steering Committee).  Registration details below.…

  • No. 132 It’s time for a united union fight for decent pay!

    No. 132 It’s time for a united union fight for decent pay!

      NSSN ebulletin 132 International Women’s Day 2013: Women to the fore against austerity – “it’s high time for a united union fight for decent pay” Women internationally have fought to defend jobs and services and this has never been so important as we approach international women’s day this year.  All the gains that we…