Tag: solidarity

  • 527: Stop union-busting Solidarity Rally & fight Sleep-ins ruling

    527: Stop union-busting Solidarity Rally & fight Sleep-ins ruling

    BREAKING NEWS!! Shrewsbury Pickets overturn convictions  “The NSSN sends our congratulations & solidarity to the Shrewsbury Pickets and their families. We should particularly remember those such as Des Warren, who passed away during this heroic struggle for justice. There should now be a trade union inquiry into the framing of the workers and the cover up.” Rob Williams…

  • 361: Support the CWU & come to NSSN Solidarity Forum

    361: Support the CWU & come to NSSN Solidarity Forum

      In last week’s NSSN bulletin, we headlined the strike that was due to take place from tomorrow by CWU members in Royal Mail. Disgracefully, a High Court judge has granted an injunction to management, forcing the union to postpone the strike for seven weeks to take part in external moderation. This is despite the…

  • NSSN 359 Postal workers’ Yes vote, rail, and tube action, NSSN solidarity forum

    NSSN 359 Postal workers’ Yes vote, rail, and tube action, NSSN solidarity forum

    The full version of this week’s NSSN e-bulletin no.359 can be viewed here -this week’s highlights include news, protests, solidarity campaigns against victimisation, strikes and industrial action ballots involving BFAWU, Unite, RMT, ASLEF, PCS, Unison, GMB, CWU, NUJ, BECTU, FBU, BALPA, NEU, NIPSA, UVW and IWGB as well as international reports plus much more  …

  • Sign petition & support growing resistance of metalworkers in Turkey

    Sign petition & support growing resistance of metalworkers in Turkey

    Dear Friend,   I am writing to ask you to sign the petition below and support the growing resistance of the metal workers in Turkey.   The resistance which started with Renault workers and spread across TOFAS, Coşkunöz, Mako and Valeo workers has now encouraged Ototrim factory workers and Ford Otosan workers in Bursa and…

  • Brazilian water worker sacked: urgent solidarity needed

    Brazilian water worker sacked: urgent solidarity needed

    The NSSN has just received this request for urgent solidarity:   BRAZIL – Urgent solidarity protests needed.   Faced with lack of water for people, Sabesp cuts costs, sacks more than 500 workers and victimises trade union activists.   NO TO REDUNDANCIES AND VICTIMISATION AT SABESP!   For the immediate re-employment of Marzeni Pereira and…

  • From Italy: solidarity to London bus workers!

    From Italy: solidarity to London bus workers!

    We workers in local public transport and from the National Coordinating Committee of Local Public Transport Workers would like to express our full solidarity with your struggle. In Italy we are experiencing the same problems.  Our national contract has not been renewed for years, our wages have stagnated and governments of all political persuasion carry…

  • FBU strike solidarity & financial appeal

    FBU strike solidarity & financial appeal

    Stop the government attacks on firefighters FBU appeal for solidarity   Dear sisters and brothers,   Members of the Fire Brigades Union are requesting your solidarity as our pensions campaign takes a new turn. The FBU Executive Council has called a four-day strike in England starting on Friday 31 October at 18:00 and continuing until…

  • 5,000 Iranian iron workers strike

    5,000 Iranian iron workers strike

    More than 5,000 Iranian mine workers went on strike on August 19 in central province of Yazd demanding the release of two workers who had been arrested by the State Security Forces. The two workers of Bafq Iron Ore mine were arrested at the request of the mine’s management. The arrested miners, Amir Hossein Kargaran…

  • Soma miners solidarity appeal. Letter of protest to Turkish government

    Soma miners solidarity appeal. Letter of protest to Turkish government

    Dear Friend, I am writing to ask for your support for the coal miners who recently lost their lives in Soma, Turkey. I urge you to read this email and send the attached statement to Turkish Government Officials stated at the bottom of this email. At least 245 coal miners have lost their lives in the western town of Soma, Turkey, after…

  • INTERVIEW: Portuguese posties fight privatization

    INTERVIEW: Portuguese posties fight privatization

    João Isqueiro is member of Executive of SNTCT – The Portuguese Postal and Telecommunication Workers National Union spoke to Francisco Raposo on behalf of the NSSN Francisco Raposo – Postal workers from CTT – Portuguese public company of postal services – are involved in a struggle process for a long time now. Can you describe the…

  • Belgium March over closure of Fords

    Belgium March over closure of Fords

    On Sunday 11 November, more than 15,000 people attended a demonstration organised by the Belgian trade unions for jobs and against the closure of the Ford car factory in Genk. The plant closure would mean the slashing of 4,000 jobs (without even counting the subcontractors). The announcement of the closure comes as November was a…