452: NSSN TUC Rally says: “general election to get Tories out!”


For the 10th successive year, hundreds of TUC Congress delegates, union members and anti-cuts campaigners along with climate change activists attended the National Shop Stewards Network rally in Brighton before the start of TUC Congress.


The main issue was the need for a general election to replace Boris Johnson’s Tory government with one led by Jeremy Corbyn and the policies for workers’ rights that he outlined in his speech at the TUC.

The main speakers were Dave Ward CWU General Secretary, Howard Beckett Unite Assistant General Secretary, Amy Murphy USDAW President, Ronnie Draper BFAWU General Secretary, Mick Cash RMT General Secretary, Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Fran Heathcote PCS President, Rob Williams NSSN Chair, Katrine Williams NSSN Vice-Chair and Linda Taaffe NSSN Secretary chaired the rally.

Throughout the meeting from the platform speakers and the floor we heard about the increasing number of disputes, including the national strike ballot in Royal Mail, the indefinite strikes in BEIS and Bromley libraries (who opened the rally with picket lines songs!), the longstanding action to keep the guard on the train and many many more.

There were also speakers about the Climate Change strike on September 20th and the COPS Conference against Police Surveillance on November 16th.

Already since the Congress, there has been an important breakthrough, such as that by Unite members at Luton Airport and Greenwich Council and we hope that a resolution to the indefinite PCS strike at BEIS is in sight.

These and the main other disputes show that workers are prepared to fight, given a lead. Let’s step up the fight to get rid of the Tories!

Watch NSSN TUC Rally video


Sunday September 29 End Austerity Now! Protest the Tory Party Conference – hosted by Unison North West, The People’s Assembly Against Austerity and Manchester People’s Assembly Facebook event



Support these indefinite industrial actions:-


Unite and GMB

Support the Harland & Wolff occupation – renationalise to #SaveOurShipyard! The NSSN gives our full solidarity and support to the workers in the Harland & Wolff shipyard in Belfast, in Unite and the GMB, who have gone into occupation to fight to secure their future. We support their call to re-nationalise the shipyard to save jobs. 10 years ago, Belfast Visteon workers occupied their plant when the company went into administration. They fought for their jobs alongside their brothers and sisters in Enfield and Basildon but won enhanced redundancy when facing mere statutory terms. In 1971, workers in Upper Clydeside Shipbuilders in Glasgow undertook a working occupation, supported by a demonstration of 80,000 trade unionists and forced a Tory government to intervene to keep the yards open.

Follow #SaveOurShipyard on social media and send messages of support via twitter to @UniteunionNI and @GMBNI

GMB Harland and Wolff members meet Corbyn to ask him to save historic yard



Support the Bromley library workers – Unite the Union members working in Bromley Libraries have been at the forefront in defending the service. We stopped the Council handing the service over to failed privatisers Carillion. We stopped the Council replacing professional staff with unpaid, untrained volunteers. We pointed out what would happen if the Council ignored its own consultation exercise (where over 80% opposed the proposal) and handed the service over to Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL). Our predictions very quickly became true when last year we had to take strike action to ensure that libraries had adequate staffing. Now GLL are again attacking the library service by again refusing to fill vacant posts. They expect workers to provide an improved service with fewer staff. This is the reality. Both Bromley Council and GLL have misled the public. GLL claimed that they can provide an even better service for 25% less cost. They refused to say how – claiming commercial confidentiality. Bromley Council said that there would be no loss of professional staff – yet there are now so many vacancies that managers are running form library to library just to keep them open

Sign the petition to defend Bromley Library Service Call and support the indefinite strike. Please send messages of support and any financial assistance via Unite regional officer Onay Kasab [email protected]

Pharmacy support workers ‘fury’ at NHS Tayside as industrial action continues (5 Sept) – In the long running dispute with NHS Tayside, pharmacy support workers taking part in industrial action have today (5 September) reacted with fury as the process for dealing with the grading appeals has collapsed. Unite members who have been participating in strike action since 19 August 2019 were optimistic that an end was in sight to the dispute following the establishment of a jointly agreed local job evaluation panel consisting of trained evaluators. The appeal process was scheduled to begin on Monday 2 September with the panel’s final decision, after consistency checking, to be delivered on Wednesday 4 September. However, Unite was informed by NHS Tayside yesterday that the ‘consistency checking’ did not go ahead due to a staff side member withdrawing from the process stating that this case was ‘too high profile’ and that they did not have ‘sufficient experience’. Following this withdrawal, the process has now collapsed with industrial action set to enter its third week read more



BEIS dispute: Pay news welcome but the devil is in the detail (10 Sept) – PCS has been made aware of a pay offer by BEIS in the ongoing contractor dispute. According to Minister Andrea Leadsom the pay offer appears to be in line with the London Living Wage (LLW) of £10.55 an hour. The information was given to the press, highlighting a further meeting with the union at the end of the week read more

You can support the workers on social media using the hashtags: #LivingWage #PCSstrike

Please donate to the strike fund and send messages of support to [email protected]



NSSN news

Get your trade union branch or trades council to affiliate to the NSSN – it only costs £50. Already affiliated? Please think about renewing it. Also, many of our supporters pay a few pounds a month. You can set up a similar standing order to ‘National Shop Stewards Network’, HSBC – sort code 40-06-41, account number 90143790. Our address is NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE

Download the ‘Join the NSSN’ leaflet here

And if you can, come to one of our regional Conferences. If there is not one in your area, get in touch to either assist in organising or have a speaker at one of your meetings or events. Contact Rob or Linda on [email protected]

Follow us on twitter via @NSSN_AntiCuts and Facebook



Union News

More PCS

Fifth period of strike action announced for Interserve staff at the FCO (12 Sept) – The breakdown of talks with ACAS has led to the calling of another five days of walk-outs. Industrial action by Interserve members covering the Foreign and Commonwealth (FCO) contract was suspended in July due to positive progress in ACAS talks between PCS and management. However, these talks broke down last week due to intransigence from Interserve and a further break down in trust. Strike action has been called for five days, over a seven day period, on 19, 20, 23, 24 and 25 September. In July, Interserve agreed with PCS for ACAS to carry out a ‘membership check’, where ACAS independently check how many of the staff within the agreed ‘bargaining unit’ are members, and if there are more than 50% recognition is granted. However, after the check took place, it was revealed that Interserve had increased the pre-agreed bargaining unit by 20% to include office based support staff who had not been part of the dispute. This meant that recognition would be subject to a ballot of staff, which would be run by ACAS read more

Government must act to tackle DVSA members’ concerns (3 Sept) – Act now to help PCS DVSA members who are taking strike action because they are overworked and feel demoralised, is the message to the transport secretary from a Labour MP. Alex Norris has written to Grant Shapps to show support for our members working in IT support at DVSA who are into the second week of a 4-week strike over attacks on their terms and conditions including flexible working and a lack of consultation from management. The strike affects maintenance of IT systems, which are used to book and allocate tests, incident management and training of new staff. The walkouts in Swansea and Nottingham are the beginning of a rolling programme of action across the DVSA, which could cause massive disruption to the service unless management is prepared to satisfactorily meet our reasonable demands read more. Visit the picket line which will be held every day (except bank holiday Monday) outside The Axis Building, Nottingham from 7am – 9.30/10.00am each day Monday – Friday. Donate to the strike fund online using account number: 20331490, sort code: 608301, quoting the reference “DVSA Strike Fund”

Support the Stockport UC strikers – these workers took action last week. Donate to the PCS Stockport and Tame Valley Branch Hardship Fund: Sort code 60-83-01, account number 20260684. Send messages of support to [email protected] and all will be forwarded on read more



Get a RMT anti-fascist ‘No Pasaran’ t-shirt – All sizes . £10 per T-shirt including postage . Bulk orders are fine . Email to [email protected] or text 07932 576 955. Payment by bank transfer or cash

BREAKING NEWS!! RMT calls further industrial action on Cross Country

No ScotRail cuts! Demonstration (11 Sept) – Venue: Outside Glasgow Queen Street station travel shop Thursday September 12 from 1300 hrs until 1500hrs. Abellio, the current ScotRail franchise holder, is planning on providing just two ticket desks offering the full range of tickets. This is a reduction from four desks in the current temporary location on Dundas Street, and six desks in the old Queen Street station. This senseless cutback will impact customers who rely on face-to-face ticketing services like the elderly, people with disabilities, and people without online access. RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that it was clear that Abellio is in a precarious financial position and was putting profit before customer service read more

Maritime union RMT declares dispute with P&O over jobs sell-out on Irish Sea (5 Sept) – SEAFARER UNION RMT said today that it has now declared a formal industrial dispute with P&O, and is beginning preparations for a national industrial action ballot, over the employer selling-out Ratings jobs on Irish Sea routes. In early June P&O announced the sale of the Bahamas registered MV European Endeavour to Finnish ferry company Eckerö. RMT members directly employed by P&O on the European Endeavour were offered a voluntary redundancy package or alternative employment hundreds of miles away from their Irish Sea base read more

RMT announces strike action at engineering firm Wabtec Faiveley UK (Rail Doncaster) – RAIL UNION RMT has announced strike action at engineering firm Wabtec Faiveley UK (Rail Doncaster) in a dispute over pay. Wabtec build and maintain rolling stock for train and freight operating companies. Following a strong mandate for action in a recent ballot, the National Executive Committee (NEC) has decided to take action to send Wabtec a clear message that their current stance on pay is totally unacceptable. Members are instructed to take the following strike action by not to booking on for any shifts that commence between:-

  • 06:00 hours on Monday 16th September 2019 and 05:59 on Monday 23rd September 2019

Additionally members are instructed to take the following industrial action short of a strike in the form of an overtime ban:-

  • 06:00 hours on Wednesday 11th September 2019 until 05:59 on Monday 16th September 2019
  • 06:00 on Monday 23rd September 2019 until further notice read more


More Unite

Strike by Greenwich call-out workers suspended for talks to take place, says Unite (11 Sept) – A strike by emergency care workers at Greenwich council, due to start on Friday (13 September), has been suspended as council bosses have halted plans to downgrade the service for the time being, Unite today (Wednesday 11 September). Unite said the seven Telecare Service workers, who are on call for more than 2,000 vulnerable people in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, have suspended the strike as the council has agreed not to impose its proposals at present. Unite regional officer Onay Kasab said: “The council has now halted introducing these changes, which we believe would seriously erode the service for some of the borough’s most vulnerable residents, for the time being. “As a result, we have suspended the continuous strike due to have started on Friday, so more talks can take place with the council’s management. Unite will enter into these negotiations in a constructive frame of mind, however, we reserve the right to reinstate strike action if sufficient and sustained progress is not made.” Read more

Breakthrough for workers at Luton Airport (10 Sept) – Security guards employed by London Luton Airport have ended their long running dispute following a breakthrough in negotiations and a subsequent vote to accept a new shift pattern. The security guards have taken 73 days of strike action and there have been ongoing talks with Acas, but a breakthrough was reached after the company finally accepted alternative proposals which the workers could also support. Unite regional officer Jeff Hodge said: “Through the hard work of Unite representatives and the resilience and solidarity of Unite members, the workers have won a vast improvement to the company’s proposed shift pattern read more

Liverpool university staff strike against ‘£3,000 loss of pay’ (10 Sept) – Staff at the University of Liverpool are to begin a rolling programme of strike action, starting Saturday 21 September and ending Monday 2 December, in a row over pay and conditions which could see them losing about £3,000 a year from their pay packets. Campus support services’ staff, members of Unite are angry about attacks on their terms and conditions being imposed by Liverpool university without appropriate consultation read more

Bradford’s libraries and museums’ staff to be balloted for strike action over ‘swingeing cuts’ (10 Sept) – Library and museum staff in Bradford will be holding a ballot for strike action as residents continue to face swingeing cuts to the city’s 14 libraries and museums. Unite said today (Tuesday 10 September) that it will hold a ballot for strike action and industrial action short of a strike of its approximately 50 library and museum members in defence of the library and museum service. The ballot opens on Friday (13 September) and closes on Friday 27 September read more

First Glasgow drivers to be balloted for industrial action (9 Sept) – Unite the union has today (9 Sept) confirmed First Glasgow drivers are to be balloted for industrial action following 97.5 per cent of the membership in a consultative ballot rejecting the company’s lack of consultation over new service routes. In August, First Glasgow registered service changes beginning in October without any consultation with Unite, which breaks the existing collective agreement. Unite believes these service changes will result in direct cuts to running times, service routes and recovery times for drivers. Unite believes the introduction of the changes are motivated by a drive to further increase profits in advance of any potential sale of First Glasgow. In May, First Group announced it is to sell its UK bus operations including the profitable First Glasgow routes. If the ballot is successful, then strike action, and action short of strike, is likely to take place in October to coincide with the new service changes read more

Suez workers stood together to achieve pay victory (9 Sept) – Refuse workers in South Gloucestershire who stood together to reject a below inflation pay offer from their employer have gone on to win a pay increase worth around £1,300 over two years. Suez, which employs 230 workers responsible for waste collection and recycling for South Gloucestershire council, posted pre-tax profits of £3 million in 2017. However, the company had been stalling on pay talks when it was clear the company had the ability to pay workers a fair pay increase. After pressure from workers, management came back with an initial offer which the Unite members flatly rejected. A number of further offers were made, one of which included a six year pay deal. Workers overwhelmingly rejected the offer as it would have prevented any further pay bargaining for that period. Workers stood together and balloted for industrial action. At the eleventh hour, prior to a planned 4-day strike, management finally offered workers a 3 per cent increase for 2019 and another 3 per cent for 2020 which included increases to all overtime rates read more

Unite announces strike dates at Diageo (3 Sept) – Unite the union has today (3 September) announced a series of strike action dates at Diageo’s Leven, Cameron Bridge and Shieldhall plants. Talks broke down between the trade unions involved in the dispute with Diageo on Friday (30 August) at the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) due to the failure to achieve a reasonable pay increase for the workforce. The dates of the strike action, which will involve up to 500 Unite members, are as follows:

18–19 September – Cameron Bridge and Leven from 08.00–07.59

19–20 September – Shieldhall from 18.00–17.59

26–27 September – Shieldhall from 18.00-17.59

26–27 September – Cameron Bridge and Leven from 22.00-21.59

The dispute relates to the annual pay award as Unite’s membership rejected Diageo’s latest offer of 2.8 per cent pay through the consolidation of the product allowance read more

Week-long strike by Lincolnshire health visitors, as bosses ‘starve’ them of pay rises – Lincolnshire health visitors are ratcheting up their campaign for pay justice and maintaining their professional standards by staging a week-long strike next month, Unite announced today (Wednesday 28 August). Unite accused the hardline county council bosses of failing in their public duty by making no constructive efforts to resolve the impasse and of ‘starving’ the health visitors of legitimate pay rises. The dispute centres on Unite’s calculation that its 58 health visitor members have lost more than £2,000 a year since they were transferred from the NHS to Lincolnshire county council in October 2017. The week-long strike will run from Monday 9 September to Friday 13 September inclusively – and will be on the top of the 17 days already taken or scheduled read more



Addaction staff in Wigan and Leigh strike again today as talks stall (12 Sept) – Staff employed by Addaction in Wigan and Leigh have taken further strike action on Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 September after the latest round of talks failed to make a breakthrough. Thirty-one drug and alcohol support workers are acting over pay and broken promises. The staff were previously employed by the NHS but the service, commissioned by Wigan Council, was transferred to the London-based charity. Workers continued to receive pay rises in line with those of NHS employees and were given assurances by the organisation’s managers this would continue into the future. But when the 1% pay cap in the NHS was removed from April 2018, Addaction refused to implement the promised wage rise. After exhausting the internal grievance process, staff were balloted by UNISON and there was a 100% vote in favour of strike action. A third round of Acas talks will take place on Tuesday 24 September to find an end to the dispute read more

Strike ballot for higher education staff over pay and pensions (9 Sept) – More than two thirds of staff rejected offers on pay and pensions during the summer. Two separate ballots on strike action involving 30,000 university support staff have been launched on higher education pay and pension scheme changes, says UNISON today (Monday). The votes open today, after more than two thirds of staff rejected offers on pay and pensions during the summer. The pay deal from university employers would mean a below-inflation rise of just 1.8% for most staff, according to UNISON. Many university employees would also pay more under recent changes being proposed to their pension scheme, says the union read more


More GMB

TUC Congress backs Asda workers threatened with sack over controversial contract (11 Sept) – Loyal Asda workers are ‘instructed to keep smiling while being threatened with the sack’, TUC’s annual Congress was told in Brighton today. The body – hundreds of delegates representing 5.6 million union members – unanimously told the supermarket to ‘respect your workers’ as it passed a motion today. Asda has told employees they must sign the so-called ‘flexible’ Contract 6 which means they will no longer be paid for any breaks and be forced to work bank holidays and weekends read more

More than 1,800 vote to strike at Wilko (5 Sept) – Thousands of Wilko staff have voted to strike after the company tried to force staff to work weekends. Around 1,600 GMB members at two Wilko distribution centres – in Magor, Wales and Worksop, Nottinghamshire – will walk out following the vote. Dates of the strike are yet to be confirmed read more

Diageo Scottish strike the consequence of ‘insatiable corporate greed’ (5 Sept) – Strike action will hit all of Diageo’s Scottish operations later this month, after GMB Scotland served statutory notice to the company this afternoon [Tuesday 3 September) following the collapse of pay talks. A rolling programme of action will start on Tuesday 17 September and run until Friday 27 September, severely affecting Diageo’s bottling, maturation and distillery operations across Scotland and disrupting the production of staple brands such as Johnnie Walker, Gordon’s & Smirnoff (see footnote for full schedule). Last month, 80.5 per cent of GMB’s near 1,000 members supported moving to strike action after months of pay talks ended with Diageo tabling a 2.8 per cent ‘final offer’ for staff across it’s Scottish operations read more

Support the striking Hull Karro workers – As Karro workers their 8th week of strike action, every Monday, for fair and equal pay. Hull and District Trades Council held a rally yesyerday evening in support of their cause see more on Hull and District Trades Council Facebook group

Please send messages of support to:

[email protected], GMB strike committee

[email protected], GMB official

Cheques to GMB Hull Branch No 7, c/o Shaune Clarkson, Karro Food Strike Committee, GMB Offices, 62 Russell Street, Hull HU2 9AD



Support strikes at Peacehaven Community School in east Sussex against academisation – Send messages of support to: Phil Clarke 07709696561 [email protected] and Jack Tyler 01444 894500 [email protected]   Hands Off Peacehaven Community School Facebook group



Industrial action ballot considered if Isle of Man Government does not address pay dispute (6 Sept) – The NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union has written to the Department of Education, Sport and Culture (DESC) warning that a ballot of members for industrial action will be considered unless the NASUWT’ s request for a Court of Inquiry over the teachers’ pay award is actioned without further delay. The NASUWT declared a formal dispute with DESC over the pay award six months ago and in April the NASUWT and DESC agreed to invoke a Court of Inquiry to attempt to settle the dispute. The NASUWT followed this up by writing formally to the Department in May requesting a Court of Inquiry be convened read more



TUC backs 20 September walkouts and fight against climate crisis (10 Sept) – The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has backed the global school walkouts on 20 September and pledged to support the efforts of school children striking for climate justice. Delegates at the annual congress in Brighton today backed a motion that warns the future of the planet is at risk if we don’t force governments to cut emissions. The motion also called on workers to back the 20 September global walkouts and lend 30 minutes of their day to show support for school children taking part in the action. The TUC has said it also wanted to see unions playing a key role in a “just transition” to a low-carbon greener economy read more

Mammoth 15-day strike at Nottingham College begins on Wednesday (9 Sept) – Members of the University and College Union (UCU) at Nottingham College will walk out on Wednesday (11 September) in the first of a mammoth 15 days of strike action as part of a row over new contracts. Staff will be on picket lines from 7.30am at the main college entrances including on Maid Marian Way, on Pelham Avenue at the Clarendon Campus and the outside Adams Building in the Lace Market. The college faces weeks of walkouts throughout September and October after members voted to stage a one-day walkout this week, escalating to strikes of two, three, four and five days in subsequent weeks. The full strike dates are:

Week 1: Wednesday 11 September

Week 2: Thursday 19 and Friday 20 September

Week 3: Monday 23, Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 September

Week 4: Monday 30 September, Tuesday 1, Wednesday 2, Thursday 3, and Friday 4 October

Week 5: Monday 7, Tuesday 8, Wednesday 9, Thursday 10 and Friday 11 October read more

University strike ballots will open on Monday 9 September (6 Sept) – UCU has confirmed that strike ballots will open at UK universities on Monday 9 September in rows over USS pensions and pay, workloads, casualisation and equality. The union’s higher education committee (HEC) has confirmed the timetable for a ballot of 69 institutions over USS pensions and also for a pay, workloads, casualisation and equality ballot that will run at 147 institutions at the same time. The ballots will run from Monday 9 September to Wednesday 30 October and HEC will meet to consider the results on Friday 1 November. The ballots will be disaggregated so each institution will be polled separately read more

Support sacked Sandwell College lecturer Dave Muritu read more



CWU Royal Mail strike ballot – union launches national strike ballot in Royal Mail read more   National Dispute – resources page



Museum of London staff vote for industrial action (11 Sept) – Prospect union members working at the Museum of London have voted overwhelmingly for industrial action after the museum imposed a below-inflation pay rise of 1.5%. Turnout was well over the legal threshold for legitimacy. The timetable of action will be determined in due course. The 1.5% pay rise is the latest in a series of below-inflation pay rises which have left workers in the Museum of London with a 6% real terms pay cut since 2013. Over this time the gap between the highest and the lowest paid in the organisation has grown. The director’s salary has increased by 4.7% in real terms, this includes a 5% increase (including bonus) last year, and the number of employees earning over £100k a year has doubled read more



Pilot strike proves need for fresh negotiations to avert further action (Sept 10) – The British Airline Pilots Association says the two-day strike action (Monday 9th September to Tuesday 10th September 2019) has been a powerful demonstration of the strength of feeling of BA pilots. BALPA urges the airline back to the negotiating table with some meaningful proposals to try to avert the next scheduled strike on 27th September. As the strike action draws to a close (due to end at 23.59 this evening, Tuesday 10th September), BA pilots have been virtually 100% solid in supporting the strike. BALPA calls on BA to return to negotiations with something positive to resolve this dispute and try to prevent the next strike action on 27 September. Should British Airways refuse meaningful negotiations, further strike dates will be considered by the BALPA national executive team read more

UK Ryanair pilots announce a further seven days of strikes (Sept 4) – Ryanair members of the British Airline Pilots Association have announced further strike dates following the company’s refusal to seek conciliation talks at ACAS to resolve the dispute. Pilots already carried out strike action on 22nd and 23rd August 2019 and are also currently on a strike which began on Monday this week (3rd September 2019), and continues until 23.59 on Wednesday (5th September 2019). BALPA feels it has been left with no choice but to add more dates given Ryanair’s intransigence. The next rounds of strikes will be: 18th to 19th September 2019 (48 hours), 21st September 2019 (24 hours), 23rd September (24 hours), 25th September (24 hours), 27th September (24 hours) and 29th September (24 hours) read more





Other news

TUC Courses for Summer 2019 that are being delivered in Tottenham by the Trade Union Education Department of the College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London (CoNEL).

If you, or any of your colleagues would like to apply for any of the 10 day Certificate courses you can do so online at www.tuceducation.org.uk/login/index.php. If you have any issues applying online, please give us a call on 020 8442 3075 with your email address and we can send you an application form. For the Diploma courses, please contact the Trade Union Education Department directly (details on the Diploma flyers).

It would be appreciated if you could also speak to your branch secretary or other branch officers and reps to promote these courses.

Many thanks colleague.

Kind regards

Mark Andrew


Trade Union Studies

College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London

Tel. 020 8442 3097




Blacklisting & Victimisation

Blacklist Support Group financial appeal: the Blacklist support group is desperately short of funds, to continue the incredible work we need more finance, would you please consider making a donation, raise it at your branches and trade councils. Please make cheques payable to Joint sites committee and send to 70 Darnay Rise Chelmsford Essex CM1 4XA. Please forward onto your contacts many thanks Steve Kelly (JSC Treasurer)

Blacklisted t-shirts available at: https://shop.hopenothate.org.uk/component/hikashop/product/78-blacklisted-t-shirt

Book: http://newint.org/books/politics/blacklisted-secret-war/

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNcgrNs6pB8

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/blacklistSG/

Blog: www.hazards.org/blacklistblog





Justice for Pearl Continental Hotel Karachi workers and their union – tell the government of Pakistan to respect the ILO and freedom of association! Read more

Indonesia: BMI union leader convicted in trial farce, union to press criminal charges for systematic wage and benefit violations read more








29 End Austerity Now! Protest the Tory Party Conference – hosted by Unison North West, The People’s Assembly Against Austerity and Manchester People’s Assembly Facebook event



16 Undercover Policing and the Trade Unions conference: Saturday 16th November 2019 Eventbrite



PHONE 07952 283 558

EMAIL mailto:[email protected]


TWITTER – https://twitter.com/NSSN_AntiCuts


ADDRESS NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE