NSSN TUC Congress Rally in Brighton: ‘Fight together to scrap the 1% pay cap and get the Tories out!’ – 1pm Sunday September 10th in the Arundel Suite in the Holiday Inn, 137 King’s Rd BN1 2JF.
Confirmed speakers: Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, Len McCluskey Unite General Secretary, Mark Serwotka PCS General Secretary, Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Ronnie Draper BFAWU General Secretary, Sean Hoyle RMT President, Amy Murphy USDAW Southern Division NEC member and Len Hockey Secretary Unite Barts NHS Trust branch – currently on strike. Chaired by Janice Godrich PCS National President – all welcome! We will also be giving a platform to speakers from other current disputes to build solidarity Facebook event From NSSN website
Email [email protected] if you need transport
NSSN 354: Support #Sept4 strike day! John McDonnell to speak at Sept10 NSSN TUC Rally!
This summer has seen a real wave of strike action and in the last two weeks some welcome victories – by Birmingham and Doncaster binworkers and Glasgow janitors. But if the first few days of the autumn are anything to go by, workers are determined to take action against attacks on their pensions and to defend their jobs and increasingly to fight for a pay rise to protect their living standards.
The NSSN is again organising a rally at the TUC Congress in Brighton on Sunday September 10th. Over 5 million public sector workers have seen their income plummet because of the Tory pay cap. Our rally will bring together the leaders of some of the most militant unions with union reps and activists from the many disputes that have broken out this summer. We are delighted to announce that Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell is confirmed to speak as well!

Amongst these will be the Barts NHS Trust strike on their 25th day of action next Monday. They will be joined in our rally and on September 4th by BFAWU McDonald’s workers in Cambridge and Crayford, walking out for the first time in the UK. But also out on that day will be RMT members fighting Driver Only Operation (DOO) on Southern Rail, Merseyrail and Arrive Trains North. And it will be the penultimate day of a 3 week strike by Argos warehouse workers.
This action shows the support that pay strikes across the public sector would get from workers everywhere who are suffering at the moment. It’s time to fight together!
It’s on! Get behind the 4 September #McStrike – McDonald’s workers balloted at Crayford (south east London) and Cambridge stores have voted by an incredible 95.7 percent for strikes, and their BFAWU bakers’ union has now named Monday 4 September as the first strike day. A strike committee of workers met and decided to go for the date for their historic action–the first ever strike at McDonald’s in the UK. The workers taking this bold step need the URGENT solidarity of the wider trade union movement. Please give generously now to their strike fund HERE. Please also rush messages of support, encouragement and solidarity for the workers to [email protected]
This Saturday 2 September, two days before the strike, BFAWU is holding a protest at McDonald’s HQ in East Finchley, north London. We are calling on solidarity from the wider movement on this day, with banners, collections etc, brought along in support. On the day of the strike, Monday 4 September, workers at the Cambridge site will picket from 6 – 7am, while workers at the Crayford site will picket from 6 – 7.30am. The strikers and their supporters will then come together outside Parliament at 10.30/11am for a rally including confirmed special guests to be announced, including Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell. Stay posted for details of what will be happening after the rally. We are asking for maximum support possible with banners and supporters gathering at the rally, and for local activists and anyone who can to show their support at picket lines where possible too. Outside London, we are calling for solidarity protests/leafleting at McDonald’s stores in localities. For guidance for solidarity actions on the day, a model motion etc read more on BFAWU Fast Food Rights website which the NSSN is part of
Support Argos warehouse workers – Unite members started a 3 week strike on August 15 in Basildon in Essex, Bridgwater in Somerset, Castleford (West Yorkshire) and Heywood (Greater Manchester) and joined by workers at the Barton Business Park, Burton-on-Trent read more Please send messages of support to [email protected]. Strike fund donations should be made payable to Unite the Union and sent to Paula Hutchinson, 37 Camden Road, Airedale, Castleford, WF10 3LY

Support Barts NHS Trust strike: read more – send messages of support and request strikers to speak at your meeting to the Unite branch secretary Len Hockey – [email protected]. Sign the online petition – www.change.org/p/pay-up-serco. Send messages of protest to Serco – [email protected] Donate to ‘Branch LE/7384L’ sort code 60-83-01 account number 20344885 – make cheques out to ‘Branch LE/7384L’ and post to Barts NHS Strike Fund, Unite the Union, 33-37 Moreland St, Clerkenwell, London EC1V 8BB
Fund-Raiser in Support of UNITE Barts strikers at Whipps Cross hospital – 7pm Thursday September 7th Star of India 875 High Road Leytonstone, E11 1HR London. Facebook event. Tickets are £10.00 each for a buffet meal. Guest speakers (to date) include John Cryer, MP and Matt Wrack (FBU General Secretary). There will also be a raffle. (Donations of raffle prizes from union branches gratefully received). It’s important to highlight that reservations need to be made in advance- as the events at the Star are often fully booked. Those want to go should email [email protected] – using “UNITE Dispute” in the subject line. All monies raised will be donated to the UNITE strike fund. For more information email Tom Taylor at: [email protected]

Support RMT strikes against DOO this Friday and Monday on both Arriva Rail North and Southern Rail and Friday, Sunday and Monday on Merseyrail in guards’ safety dispute RMT calls on Transport Secretary for full disclosure of reported deal with Aslef on Southern Rail
After meeting with Metro Mayor over Merseyrail dispute fails to make progress RMT asks “which side are you on?” (Aug 30) – RAIL UNION RMT has today thrown out the question to Labour politicians across Merseyside “Which side are you on?”, after talks with Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram and Merseytravel officials failed to make any progress in advance of the next three day phase of strike action in the guards’ dispute which kicks off on Friday. RMT officials, led by General Secretary Mick Cash, met with Steve Rotheram along with Merseytravel officials Liam Robinson and Frank Rogers yesterday. The union has said that it is bitterly disappointed that the talks failed to make any progress as it was confirmed in stark terms that the axing of guards on Merseyrail is entirely finance led at a time when the private rail operator is awash with cash read more

Demonstrate on September 2nd to save Chatsworth Ward at Mansfield Community Hospital
Local campaigners aiming to save Chatsworth Ward at Mansfield Community Hospital have organised a march and rally on Saturday, 2nd September. Assemble at the hospital on Stockwell Gate at 11am and bring your banners! The rally will be at noon in Butter Cross Square. #weareallchatsworth
NSSN news
Get your trade union branch or trades council to affiliate to the NSSN – it only costs £50. Already affiliated? Please think about renewing it. Also, many of our supporters pay a few pounds a month. You can set up a similar standing order to ‘National Shop Stewards Network’, HSBC – sort code 40-06-41, account number 90143790. Our address is NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE. Affiliation letter is below
Download the ‘Join the NSSN’ leaflet here
And if you can, come to one of our regional Conferences. If there is not one in your area, get in touch to either assist in organising or have a speaker at one of your meetings or events. Contact Rob or Linda on [email protected]
Union News
Britain still needs a pay rise – TUC Parliamentary Lobby and Rally
Date: Tuesday 17 October
Time: 4.30pm – 6pm for the rally (which follows a Parliamentary Lobby)
Venue: Parliament Square https://www.tuc.org.uk/events/rally-and-lobby-parliament-fair-pay-public-servants
TSSA PublicScotRail petition smashes 10,000 target in less than a week (30 Aug) – A TSSA petition demanding that the Scottish government bring ScotRail back into public ownership has gained over twelve thousand less than a week two days of going on-line. See the campaign video here read more
More Unite
Unite announces crane strike at HTC Wolffkran (29 Aug) – Widespread disruption of construction sites across the UK is anticipated after Unite, the UK’s largest construction union, announced the first strike date at tower crane company HTC Wolffkran, in a dispute over pay. The initial 24 hour strike on Friday 8 September has been called as Unite was ‘left with no option’ when the company refused to return to the negotiating table. HTC Wolffkran is the largest tower crane company in the UK and the strike will cause widespread disruption on many major projects including the new stadium being built by Tottenham Hotspur. Members voted for strike action after the company refused to continue negotiations and imposed a two year deal on the workers of a three per cent pay increase in both years and increasing annual leave to the standard industry level. The imposed pay increase is a cut in real terms as the retail price index (RPI) is currently 3.6 per cent read more
Ireland: support crane drivers hear interview on FM104 website Unite: CIF accused of transparent attempt to divide workers
Fawley oil refinery caterers in first ever strike over below inflation pay offer (24 Aug) – Catering staff working for Baxterstorey at the Fawley oil refinery canteen in Hampshire are set to strike for the first time tomorrow (Friday 25 August) in a dispute over a below inflation 1.5 per cent pay offer, Britain’s largest union, Unite announced today (Thursday 24 August). The 18 strong female workforce who cater for up to 1,000 workers in a safety critical environment at the refinery will be walking out for 24 hours from 00:01 hours Friday 25 August and for a further 24 hours on Tuesday 29 August. With more 24 hour walkouts planned for Friday 1 September and Tuesday 5 September, Unite called on Baxterstorey bosses to get back around the negotiating table, warning that they risked escalating the dispute if they sought to bus in staff to cover the striking workers read more
Support striking British airways Mixed Fleet cabin crew: Unite chief calls on British Airways to use ‘pause for peace’ to resolve cabin crew dispute after 85 days of strike action- Unite have called on British Airways to use a ‘pause for peace’ to enter talks and find a resolution to the long running mixed fleet cabin crew dispute over pay and the sanctioning of striking workers. Writing to Alex Cruz, the boss of British Airways, Unite general secretary Len McCluskey said: “You will be aware that we have not issued any further notice for strike action which will currently end on 30 August. “This is in order to create a ‘pause for peace’ so that our respective teams can get around the table with a view to securing a mutually accepted resolution to the current dispute. “Given the nature and length of the dispute I am more than willing to involve myself in any future talks with you and would ask that the company looks at a number of dates from 31 August onwards.” read more. Donate to hardship fund – account name: Mixed Fleet Branch, sort code: 60-83-01 account number: 20376387 ref: MFU or make cheques out to Mixed Fleet Branch and post along with messages of support to: Unite the Union, 99 New Road, Harlington UB3 5BQ. Send messages of protest to BA CEO Alex Cruz [email protected]. Follow @MFUnite on twitter
All London Bus Driver Demo (Driven to Distraction) – 9.30am Thursday 14th September City Hall The Queen’s Walk, SE1 2 Facebook event The London Assembly report tells us that bus drivers are working under enormous stress, having short breaks, lacking in toilet facilities, suffering enforced overtime causing major fatigue to drivers. Unite says that this is not acceptable and that TfL must implement the recommendations made in the Driven to Distraction report. Unite London Bus Drivers will present the Mayor with our own Bill of Rights to demand that he intervenes to ensure Bus Drivers are treated with respect. TfL have until October 2017 to implement those recommendations and we will be watching very closely to ensure they do
Unite warns London’s travelling public face safety and welfare challenges as TfL fails to plan for bank holiday strikes (25 Aug) – A failure by Transport for London (TfL) to put an effective contingency plan in place, when support staff take 48 hours strike action from 00:01hrs on Sunday 27 August, will create safety and welfare issues for drivers and passengers alike warned Britain’s largest union, Unite today (Friday 25 August). Over 400 Unite members employed by TfL in the CentreComm control centre, as bus station controllers, network traffic controllers, infrastructure controllers, revenue protection inspectors and road transport enforcement officers are taking strike action in a dispute over pay read more
Stop DWP office closures:-
Hoylake jobcentre strike underlines human cost of office closure (25 Aug) – The human cost of closing Hoylake Jobcentre was highlighted today (25) by a well-supported strike by PCS members taking action against the closure of their office. The removal of this vital service from the community is part of the DWP strategy to close more than 100 offices over the next 5 years, with many jobcentres and other offices closing by March next year. Today’s closure in Hoylake will leave the community without a jobcentre that has been based in its current location since 2000, and will force the public to travel over 4 miles if they need to visit the office. The strike has been supported by 100% of the members in Hoylake and has sent a strong message to the department, with excellent support from other union branches, local activists and members of the PCS DWP group executive committee. Send messages of support to Martin Cavanagh at [email protected] read more
Whitley Bay strike: outrage as management start clearing office – PCS members striking against the closure of Whitley Bay jobcentre were outraged as DWP managers decided to start clearing the office of furniture while they picketed outside. No staff crossed the picket line on the second day of the strike and more than 25 pickets and supporters outside the jobcentre were shocked that management had decided to start clearing the office ahead of its closure read more Sign the online petition
Rock solid support for Sheffield jobcentre strike (25 Aug) – There has been rock solid support by PCS members for the latest 2-week strike against the closure of Eastern Avenue jobcentre in Sheffield. Our members at Eastern Avenue jobcentre began the action, the latest round of which ended today (25), on 14 August as part of the PCS campaign to protect services for unemployed, sick and disabled people read more. Send messages of support to [email protected] Sign the online petition
For all strikes to defend jobcentres and DWP offices: Make a donation to the PCS fighting fund online or by cheque to PCS DWP Group, 3rd Floor, Town Centre House, Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8LY
31 August: join PCS Home Office, MOJ and HMRC payday protests – PCS is holding protests across the UK on 31 August calling for the 1% public sector pay cap to be scrapped on the day that the Home Office and Ministry of Justice plan to impose the cap for another 12 months. On 31 July, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) imposed the cap on employees for another 12 months. Just four weeks later on 31 August, the Home Office and MOJ plan to keep the 1% cap on their own pay award. This means that by 31 August, 3 of the largest departments in Whitehall will have delivered yet another real-terms cut in pay to their staff. Seven years of pay restraint, including the ongoing cap, have been highly damaging for many public sector workers read more
Bron Afon Workers Step Up Action – Bron Afon workers strike Support workers at Bron Afon Community Housing in Cwmbran have begun their second 5-day strike in as many weeks, as the Unison members escalate their action to send a message to management that £3000 pay cuts will not be accepted lying down. Strikers have been boosted by visitors from PCS, Cardiff Trades Council, Newport Trades Council, Caerphilly Trades Council and other organisations, and by messages of support from service users – one of whom said she “owed her life” to the workers, Cerith Griffiths, Wales Secretary of the FBU, and a certain Jeremy Corbyn, who urged management to “direct all their energy” to resolve the dispute. Many of the strikers were visibly moved read more
Durham Teaching assistants reject council’s offer to settle dispute –Durham County Council had voted to put a new proposal to Teaching Assistants. They say it was an improved offer and will see 78% of Teaching Assistants not losing money. However, the County Durham Teaching Assistants’ Activist Committee had serious concerns about the proposal for the following reasons: 22% of TAs are still facing a pay loss. They might have their pay protected for 2 years but they have already had 21 months of extreme stress not knowing if they can keep their homes or their jobs read more https://www.facebook.com/TAsDurhamValueUs/
Support the Kinsley School cleaners in Wakefield on indefinite strike since September 6th – Facebook Group. Donate to strike fund – send to Wakefield Unison, 18 Gills Yard, Wakefield WF1 3BZ
CWU launch Four Pillars Royal Mail ‘Pick Sides’ campaign
Video update from DGSP Terry Pullinger on the Four Pillars of Security Campaign! Watch here Unite calls on Royal Mail to explain ‘complex’ pension proposals
RCN national #ScrapTheCap Pay Rally – 12.30pm Wednesday 6th September Central London read more Facebook event
Join the ‘Scrap the cap’ pay protests https://www.rcn.org.uk/nursingcounts/scrap-the-cap
West End theatre workers seek 9% pay rise (22 Aug) – Theatre workers in London’s commercial West End are seeking a 9% pay rise in the pay review due in October. The ambitious pay claim is justified, says BECTU, by “the steady increase in the cost of living with RPI currently standing at 3.7%, with an anticipation that it will continue to rise throughout the year.” The pay claim for 2017/18, submitted in June, comes as the previous three-year deal draws to a close read more
Support Picturehouse workers: Picturehouse BECTU members from six cinemas are in dispute. Five of them in London were re-balloting up until August 29th. Picturehouse management refuse to meet with us to discuss our requests: recognition of our chosen union, BECTU; to pay no less than the London Living Wage; fair pay differentials for other pay grades; full company sick pay, maternity and paternity pay. The company have refused independent conciliation and have sacked four union reps at the Ritzy cinema in an attempt to undermine staff action. Picturehouse owners Cineworld made £93 million profit in 2016, while the CEO’s total pay package was worth over £2.5 million. They can afford to pay their staff properly. Please drop by and show your support for staff!
Support the BECTU Picturehouse reps who have been victimised. They have applied for interim relief and waiting for the result
Irish Times: Staff at Cineworld to ballot for industrial action as job losses loom
What is the Living Wage? https://www.livingwage.org.uk/what-is-the-living-wage
Picturehouse cinemas on strike: http://www.picturehouselivingwage.com/
Donate to our strike fund: https://www.crowdpac.co.uk/campaigns/250/picturehousestrike
Watch ReelNews video of previous Brixton strike with speech by John McDonnell MP Labour Shadow Chancellor
Keep supporting the Picturehouse workers: read the latest on Brixton Ritzy Facebook Page and those of Hackney, Crouch End, Central, Duke of York Brighton and Dulwich East.
Sign petition: reinstate Indro Sen immediately – Indro Sen, a maths lecturer and trade union branch officer at the College of North West London (CNWL) has been dismissed for actions in assisting a former colleague at an employment tribunal case. He was voted by students as the most popular teacher, 2014-15. We demand that the College Governors and Senior Management Team reinstate Sen immediately sign here
Support the reinstatement of London Met union reps: Mark Campbell and David Hardman https://uculondonmet.wordpress.com/
SHAKE THE MAGIC MONEY TREE and SCRAP THE PAY CAP: Demonstration and rally – THURSDAY OCTOBER 12th. Assemble 5:30pm opposite Downing Street. March past Department for Health – Treasury – Department for Education – Home Office
Support the NUT London school strikes against cuts at Forest Hill in Lewisham read more
Read on page 5 of ‘NIPSA News’ how NIPSA is fighting to defend the facility time of leading elected lay reps, including President Carmel Gates and Maria Morgan
Demonstrate: September 27th Precarious Labour Strikes Back – The IWGB is planning a big precarious labour bonanza march through central London in September! On the 27th of September Uber will be appealing last year’s Employment Tribunal decision which awarded ‘worker’ status to Uber drivers. The lead claimants in this case are members of the IWGB. We are going to march through central London to the Employment Appeal Tribunal in support of our members and all Uber drivers, and to show ‘gig economy’ bosses, the courts and the British public that we will not lie down as our employment rights are taken away! Facebook event
United Voices of the World union
UVW members who clean and polish the Ferrari and Maserati showrooms in South Kensington are set to strike for a living wage. They are currently paid the minimum, poverty wage UVW Facebook page
Other News
Sunday September 3rd – Burston Strike School Rally 2017 – Guest speakers already confirmed include John McDonnell MP, Len McCluskey, Unite General Secretary http://burstonstrikeschool.co.uk/rally2017/
Blacklisting & Victimisation
Buy the book ‘Blacklisted: The Secret War between Big Business and Union Activists’ Author: Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain. Blacklisted tells the controversial story of the illegal strategies that transnational construction companies used to keep union activists away from work.
Blacklist Support Group financial appeal: the Blacklist support group is desperately short of funds, to continue the incredible work we need more finance, would you please consider making a donation, raise it at your branches and trade councils. Please make cheques payable to Joint sites committee and send to 70 Darnay Rise Chelmsford Essex CM1 4XA. Please forward onto your contacts many thanks Steve Kelly (JSC Treasurer)
Blacklist Support Group update – 30th August 2017
- Blacklisting debate in parliament 5th September 2017 – 1:30pm Westminster Hall Houses of Parliament
Blacklisting will be debated again by MPs in parliament in September after Chuka Umunna secured a Westminster Hall debate. This parliamentary procedure will last around 90 minutes and allows Chuka and other MPs who attend to ask questions of the government minister. This is an excellent opportunity to contact your own MP to ask them to attend the debate and raise issues such as ongoing contemporary blacklisting, a public inquiry or why public sector contracts are still being awarded to blacklist firms.
Roy Bentham, BSG joint secretary and blacklisted carpenter from Merseyside commented:
“Despite the human rights conspiracy being exposed in the High Court, blacklisting has never gone away. Many union members continue to be barred from major construction projects right now in 2017. As someone who fell foul of contemporary blacklisting recently by Carillion on the Liverpool Royal Hospital, this parliamentary debate is most welcome. But the time for talking is over, what we need is action”.
Blacklist Support Group will be attending – assemble 12:30pm outside the public entrance to parliament for any press photos etc..
Please Note: Westminster Hall debates take place in the Grand Committee Room off of Westminster Hall, NOT the chamber of the House of Commons.
- Unite instruct a barrister to review documentary evidence of possible union collusion in blacklisting
BSG believe that this is a vital first step in the right direction. Well done to everyone who has fought for this over the years, including all those signed the original Open Letter and the UNITE EC members who raised it at the highest level of the union.
Our original Open Letter calling for an independent investigation:
Len McCluskey’s response in The Guardian:
- Spycops
Have the Met Police got no shame?
Helen Steel tells Met “I’m not paying £7,000 for your spycops cover up”
‘Andrea’ on spycops attempts to avoid giving evidence in public to public inquiry:
Ricky Tomlinson on spycops targeting unions & Shrewsbury Pickets:
Spycops fringe meeting at Labour Party conference co-hosted by Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers & Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance.
Monday 25th September 7pm
Speakers include: Richard Burgon MP – Helen Steel – Dave Smith
- The only trade unionist on the Equalities & Human Rights Commission has been sacked by the Tory minister – solidarity with Sarah Veale
- Heather Heyer R.I.P.
A heroic trade union comrade murdered by Nazis in Charlottesville. Blacklist Support Group send solidarity to all those standing up to white supremacist ideology and will support anti-fascists against the BNP, NF and EDL in the UK.
- Dates for the diary
Sun Sept 10th 1pm
National Shop Stewards Network TUC Congress rally – speakers include John McDonnell Holiday Inn, Brighton
Sat 23rd September
Haringey Council are working in partnership with blacklist firm Lend Lease in a £2BILLION regeneration project
March against social cleansing
Monday 25th September 7pm
Spycops fringe meeting at Labour Party conference
Speakers include: Richard Burgon MP – Helen Steel – Dave Smith
27th September
Precarious workers fight back – London protest to coincide with the Uber appeal against ‘workers rights’ decision
Employment Appeal Tribunal, EC4Y 0DS London, United Kingdom
20th October
Trade Union Pale Ale celebrates the centenary of the Russian Revolution – music from Joe Solo
Kings Arms, Salford
31st October
Orgreave Truth & Justice demo – speakers include: Roy Bentham
Book http://newint.org/books/politics/blacklisted-secret-war/
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlCa8yQmZ70
Blog: www.hazards.org/blacklistblog
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/blacklistSG/
Donate to ReelNews – http://reelnews.co.uk/donationssubscriptions/
Protest over Iranian journalists’ right read more on NUJ website
3 Burston Strike School Rally 2017 – Guest speakers already confirmed include John McDonnell MP, Len McCluskey, Unite General Secretary http://burstonstrikeschool.co.uk/rally2017/
10 NSSN rally at TUC Congress
30 Construction Safety Campaign (CSC) AGM is the 30th September – Ricky Tomlinson invited speaker
1 Protest the Tory Conference. Let’s get this party started Facebook event
17 Britain still needs a pay rise: TUC Parliamentary Lobby and Rally, 4.30pm – 6pm for the rally (which follows a Parliamentary Lobby), Parliament Square https://www.tuc.org.uk/events/rally-and-lobby-parliament-fair-pay-public-servants
PHONE 07952 283 558
EMAIL mailto:[email protected]
TWITTER – https://twitter.com/NSSN_AntiCuts
ADDRESS NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE