NSSN 295: Bakers Union strikes back in Yorkshire & Wales!

On April 1st, the NSSN alongside other campaigning organisations, took part in a Fast Food Rights/Hungry for Justice protest alongside the BFAWU Bakers Union outside Downing Street. It was to protest at the Government’s new ‘Gimmick’ National Living Wage. The Tories tried to portray it as a real breakthrough for the low-paid but BFAWU President Ian Hodson attacked the hypocrisy of a ‘minimum wage’ that didn’t apply to workers under the age of 25.

Pennine strike picket line
Pennine strike picket line

But he also warned that unscrupulous employers would try to make their workers pay for the rise by cutting shift allowances and other premiums. This week, BFAWU members are on strike in two plants to fight the cost-cutting of 2 Sisters Food Group of companies. Workers will be taking their second 48-hour strike from Sunday at Pennine Foods in Sheffield, while the first 2-day action will start from Thursday at RF Brookes in Newport. The two strikes will be linked-up with Sheffield workers travelling to the Newport picket, where they will also be joined by PCS National Museum Wales strikers. Now Unite members at the company’s Pizza Factory in Nottingham are also balloting.

If the workers needed any inspiration, they only have to look to their own fellow BFAWU members at yet another 2-Sisters factory Gunstones, also in Sheffield last year, when workers won a pay rise after they took strike action for the first time ever. The NSSN will be on both picket lines over the next few days and have assisted with protests against M&S who are supplied by 2 Sisters. We are determined to help build solidarity throughout the union movement to assist the BFAWU in winning more victories.

NSSN supporting BFAWU protest outside Sheffield M&S
NSSN supporting BFAWU protest outside Sheffield M&S

Pennine Foods Sheffield – Please send messages of support to [email protected] / [email protected] and donations: make cheques out to BFAWU and send to Pennine Strike Fund – BFAWU, Stanborough House, Great North Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL8 7TA  Support Pennine Strike Facebook Group

RF Brookes Newport – Please send messages of support to Dai Mort – BFAWU branch secretary 07792945231 [email protected] and donations: BFAWU region 2 – 19a West Bute Street, (Rear) The Courtyard, The Docks, Cardiff CF10 5EP

BFAWU website





Back Amgueddfa Cymru/National Museum Wales staff on all-out strike – PCS members at Amgueddfa Cymru/National Museum Wales have escalated their 2-year dispute over removal of extra payments for weekend working to an all-out strike read more   Facebook Group   NSSN supporters in Cardiff helped raise £159 for the strikers last Friday

Send message of support to Peter Hill PCS Branch secretary at [email protected] and complain to Director General David Anderson – [email protected]

Solidarity meetings:

Bristol – Wednesday 18 May https://www.facebook.com/events/585485981615222

London – Thursday 19 https://www.facebook.com/events/1762956343990963/

Make a contribution to the hardship fund:

Bank: Unity Trust Bank

Account name: PCS Amgueddfa Cymru 107006 Branch Hardship Fund

Account number: 20364700

Sort code: 60-83-01

Or via PayPal: http://bit.ly/26eNhvq

BIS members to strike again over job loss threat – PCS members in BIS will be taking two more days of strike action next week on Thursday (2 June) and Friday (3 June) Shameful decision to close BIS office in northern powerhouse city  

  • Sign the online petition against the closure of the Sheffield office
  • Write to your MP
  • Tweet your messages of support @pcsbis using the hashtag #KeepSheffieldOpen.
  • Donate to the strike fund: cheques made payable to the PCS BIS hardship fund can be sent to the BIS group treasurer at 9 Medina Way, Upper Stratton, Swindon, SN2 7NW or money can be transferred to Unity Trust bank account 20240992 sort code 60-83-01



Unite at the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) were on strike on Thursday 19th May. Pay Up HCA! – Strike Pay Appeal: Two more strike days are proposed on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th June.  We are therefore urgently appealing for donations to our strike fund to assist those on strike and minimise hardship. You can contribute as follows:

  • By cheque made out to “Unite Housing Workers Branch LE111”, sent to PO Box 66701, London E11 9FB.
  • By BACS to account name Unite Housing Workers LE/1111 Branch, account number 20040626, Sort Code 60¬83¬01 read more

Unite in Peabody reject 1.5% pay offer

Support Alison Morris: Defying all justice, Fire alarm rep sacking row continues – The boss of a Birmingham drug and alcohol charity, which sacked health and safety rep Alison Morris for raising concerns with her manager over fire safety, has received nearly 3,000 emails calling for her reinstatement. David Biddle, the chief executive of CGL (Change, Live, Grow) the city’s leading substance abuse charity, has received thousands of emails supporting Alison Morris’ reinstatement. Email message of complaint via http://www.uniteforoursociety.org/page/speakout/justice-for-alison-


This year’s annual NSSN conference – our 10th – will be on Saturday July 2nd in Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL – 11am-4.30pm. Conference fee is £6 each www.facebook.com/events/1361018323924300/ – confirmed speakers: Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Matt Wrack FBU General Secretary, Ronnie Draper BFAWU General Secretary, Janice Godrich PCS President, Chris Baugh PCS Assistant General Secretary, Sean Hoyle RMT President Yannis Gourtsoyannis BMA junior doctors committee national executive

NSSN France



Strike ballot is open read more

Support Simon O’Hara — Teachers at Small Heath School in Birmingham are continuing to take action to support Simon who remains suspended. You are encouraged to send messages of support to David Room at [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/Reinstate-Simon-OHara-1090494714318024/


BMA Junior Doctors dispute – after initially ruling out talks over the Saturday part of the new contract, the Government backtracked opening up the way for new talks with the BMA. Members are now considering a new offer read more

BMA website: coverage of most last strike

For info on picket lines, strike rallies, protests etc follow #JuniorDoctorsStrike #NotSafeNotFair #JuniorDoctors on twitter.  BMA launches judicial review   http://oneprofession.bma.org.uk/

The NSSN has produced a model motion that can be used in unions at all levels and trades council here


BURSARY OR BUST MARCH: Continuing the fight to save NHS bursaries – Saturday June 4th 1pm from St Thomas’ Hospital Westminster Bridge Rd, SE1 7 London https://www.facebook.com/events/1020899857963987/




Read reports from May 25-26 national strike here

Stop the sackings of union reps at London Met – #savelondonmet #saveourreps Yesterday (April 30) our branch chair Mark Campbell and secretary David Hardman were made redundant in what is an outrageous attack on their strenuous and tireless trade union activities defending jobs and education at London Met read more   Sign petition

UCU on ‘devastating’ plans to axe 400 more jobs at London Metropolitan University



Reinstate Clive Walder

Clive Walder, a longstanding leading rep in the CWU was sacked last November after 38 years of service with British Telecom. Clive is chair of the CWU Birmingham, Black Country & Worcester branch. Last week, his Employment Tribunal was dismissed on a technicality after a claim by BT, denying Clive the right of a fair hearing. This is outrageous.

Clive worked in a BT call centre and was dismissed after an aggressive customer reported him to management just 33 seconds into a phone call. The decision was made without taking stress into account despite the local CWU branch reporting that 7% of staff at the call centre leave their jobs each month, some walking out mid shift. Management took the decision without consulting any medical advice or taking into account any mitigation.

Clive is a NSSN steering committee member and we will be supporting the campaign protesting the sacking and campaigning for his reinstatement.

Contact Clive to send messages of support and invite him to your union branch, shop stewards committee, trades council etc – [email protected] 07771931185



NSSN / Kill the Bill news

Get your trade union branch or trades council to affiliate to the NSSN – it only costs £50. Already affiliated? Please think about renewing it. Also, many of our supporters pay a few pounds a month. You can set up a similar standing order to ‘National Shop Stewards Network’, HSBC – sort code 40-06-41, account number 90143790. Our address is NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE. Affiliation letter attached and here

Download the ‘Join the NSSN’ leaflet here

And if you can, come to one of our regional Conferences. If there is not one in your area, get in touch to either assist in organising or have a speaker at one of your meetings or events. Contact Rob or Linda on [email protected]



More Union News

Nationalise Tata – support the Steelworkers

For latest developments, follow Facebook group

Video of May 25 London demonstration:-



RMT sets out “dossier of dirty tricks” deployed by Scotrail (1 June) – As strike ballot enters final week RMT sets out “dossier of dirty tricks” deployed by Scotrail bosses in guards dispute. As the RMT strike ballot on Scotrail, over the extension of Driver Only Operation and the threat to the safety-critical guards, enters its final week the union has set out a “dossier of dirty tricks” currently being deployed by the company’s most senior bosses to try and twist public opinion read more    Abellio caught red handed trying to organise scab-army as RMT ballot on Scotrail continues

RMT warns Southern/GTR that their continuing attacks on staff put workers in danger of abuse and assault (May 31) – RAIL UNION RMT warned today that a persistent campaign of abuse and denigration of its front-line workforce by Southern/GTR is leaving staff open to attacks and assaults by members of the public who may have bought into the company lies read more



Argos drivers’ move to Eddie Stobart sparks strike (1 June) – The row over Argos’ plans to transfer 96 drivers in Leicestershire to controversial haulier Eddie Stobart Ltd (ESL) has now sparked two sets of strike action next week, involving more than 400 workers at the Lutterworth site. Unite, the country’s largest union, called on Argos to reconsider its decision to transfer the drivers to ESL due to take place on Sunday 12 June read more

North Sea workers go into dispute amid “worry and frustration” over cuts of 30 per cent to pay, terms and conditions (27 May) – Strike action on North Sea oil platforms moved a step closer today as talks over pay, proposed cuts and changes to working conditions by the Wood Group broke down. Wood Group is proposing pay cuts of up to 22 per cent, though once cuts to other allowances are added this rises to a 30 per cent cut read more

Thomas Cook cabin crew enter further talks after strong vote for strike action (25 May) – Members of Britain’s largest union Unite working for Thomas Cook Airlines as cabin crew have backed strike action by three-to-one in a dispute over health and safety concerns and ‘dangerous’ changes to rest breaks it was announced today (Wednesday 25 May). 74.4 per cent of those voting backed taking action as Unite said it would be entering further talks with the company tomorrow at the conciliation service Acas in a bid to resolve the dispute. Further talks are scheduled next Tuesday (31 May) read more

Solid support for Manchester bus strike over company’s broken promises (24 May) – Today’s strike by up to 700 First Manchester Ltd bus drivers, members of Britain’s biggest union, Unite has had solid support with only a handful of buses leaving the Oldham depot (driven by the company’s management team) and services at Queens Road depot totally suspended. Both parties have agreed to talks under the auspices of Acas, the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, starting tomorrow (Wednesday 25 May) in a bid to resolve the dispute read more

Bromley demo against council cuts July 23 – supported by Unite Local Government National Industrial sector Committee: Assemble Norman Park, Hayes Lane, Bromley BR2 9EF at 11am



PCS Campaign against Land Registry privatisation goes into overdrive – The PCS campaign against Land Registry privatisation has been stepped up a notch following unanimous endorsement of our strategy and campaign by PCS conference, which pledged further practical and financial support up to and including the use of industrial action to defeat the government’s ill-conceived plans. This has not only given our members a massive boost, but also sends a clear message to our management and the government that we will do whatever it takes to defeat the notion of Land Registry privatisation once and for all. Alongside our industrial campaign, we have also been working closely with customers and others with an interest in land including many industry experts. Public opinion is also clearly against what is planned and nearly 300,000 people have signed a 38 degrees petition against Land Registry privatisation. 38 degrees have confirmed that this is the largest response they have ever had to a petition of this type. The petition (so far) was handed into the Department for Business Industry and Skills (BIS) on 26 May, the day that the public consultation ended. This event was attended by a large crowd including PCS members, conveyancers, other pressure groups and MP’s but unfortunately neither Sajid Javid MP (Minister for BIS) or other Bis officials were prepared to collect the petition in person

Land Registry PCS members present petition
Land Registry PCS members present petition



London Rio cinema closed by strike (26 May) – BECTU members at The Rio walked out on strike at 3.30pm on 25th May and closed the cinema. Striking union member were protesting over low wages and a disputed operational restructure. They were overwhelmed by the number of local people, trade unionists and parliamentarians who gathered to cheer them on including Anne Bunch who has been a member of The Rio since 1972 read more     Follow on Facebook and twitter




Metsa Wood strike, Widnes – About 50 GMB members from Metsa Wood, which produces timber products for B&Q, were on strike last Thursday, May 26th, with a picket in place at the depot in Ditton Road, Widnes. George Patterson, GMB full time officer, told me that the strike was in protest at the company offering a meagre 0.8% pay rise despite making a £390 million profit. One of the workers told me that it used to be a great place to work but that over the last 5 or 6 years it has all been totally changed with profits for the shareholders being put way ahead of treating its staff properly. Further details here: http://www.gmb.org.uk/newsroom/metsa-wood-strike-over-pay

Metsa wood2-crop2



Industrial Action Ballot On SQA Assessment Workload Open (24 May) – The EIS has today (Tuesday) opened a statutory industrial action ballot for Secondary teachers in relation to the excessive assessment demands that are being placed on pupils and teachers by the SQA. Postal ballot papers have been sent to EIS members in the Secondary sector today and the ballot will remain open until Thursday 16 June at 10am read more


Mandate / SIPTU (Ireland)

May 26 Tesco strike deferred following wrc intervention

Support the Luas workers. Support Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/533923853456339/

SIPTU to consult Luas driver members on Labour Court recommendation

SIPTU members in National Ambulance Service control centre to take industrial action



The Cleaners at Capita contract will be striking on the 3rd of June, in support of the fellow workers and for the London Living Wage . This campaign started on the 20th May and we already invade the building reception 2 times and did all day protest .NOW this brave workes will be strike for 1 day, WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO FIGHT AGAINST RACISM AND POVERTY WAGES – JUNE 3RD From 9am All day, big rally 1pm  65 Gresham St, London EC2V 7NQ https://www.facebook.com/events/1004805586285405/


United Voices of the World

Cleaners vote for strike (May 28) – 100% of UVW members employed as cleaners by Thames Cleaning & Support Services Limited (“Thames”) at 100 Wood Street, where the offices of financial giants such as JP Morgan and Schroders are, have voted to take STRIKE action over the unnecessary and unlawful dismissals of several cleaners, and Thames’ refusal to recognise UVW or pay the London Living Wage! Strike dates to be confirmed. Please consider donating to our strike fund. Bank details can be found at http://www.uvwunion.org.uk/volunteer/   read more on United Voices of the World Facebook Group

Reinstate ‘The Topshop 2’ & demand a Living Wage – read West End Extra report of May 14 Topshop Oxford St protest



Other News

Tamil Solidarity – Solidarity Day: Saturday June 4th in Unite HQ, Holborn, London https://www.facebook.com/events/1724072431169931/



Unison backs 18 June convoy in solidarity with refugees – The news that the Italian navy rescued almost 600 refugees when a trawler capsized in the Mediterranean off the coast of Libya highlights the plight of people fleeing war, poverty and persecution. And that is why UNISON is sponsoring the People’s Assembly Convoy to Calais on Saturday 18 June as a show of solidarity with the refugees read more

Axe the Housing Act national demonstration Saturday June 18 – assemble 12noon Hyde Park Corner London Facebook Group


Blacklisting & Victimisation

Buy the book ‘Blacklisted: The Secret War between Big Business and Union Activists’ Author: Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain. Blacklisted tells the controversial story of the illegal strategies that transnational construction companies used to keep union activists away from work. See the official trailer from ReelNews  

Blacklist Support Group financial appeal: the Blacklist support group is desperately short of funds, to continue the incredible work we need more finance, would you please consider making a donation, raise it at your branches and trade councils. Please make cheques payable to Joint sites committee and send to 70 Darnay Rise Chelmsford Essex CM1 4XA. Please forward onto your contacts many thanks Steve Kelly (JSC Treasurer)

Blacklist Number 1 by Sean Taylor video & single released this week Blacklist Number 1 by Sean Taylor is available to download from Friday 3rd June on all good music sites including iTunes, Amazon Music, Spotify and Google Play

Pre-release preview is available from Wednesday 1st June when the official music video produced by Shaun Dey from Reel News goes live on YouTube (watch out for a cameo appearance by the shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, John McDonnell)

Support the Blacklist Support Group campaign for justice by downloading and adding the track to your favourite playlists plus sharing and recommending the song to your friends.

Remixes coming soon……..

(any dance producers wanting to support the cause – contact BSG)

book http://newint.org/books/politics/blacklisted-secret-war/

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlCa8yQmZ70

Blog: www.hazards.org/blacklistblog

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/blacklistSG/

Donate to ReelNews – http://reelnews.co.uk/donationssubscriptions/




France: Fight against Valls/Hollande government intensifies read more

USA: Striking Verizon Workers Win Big Gains read more

Greece: Bus cleaners renew strike after management’s broken promises read more   Send messages of support to the union of the cleaners [email protected] and protest to the bus company [email protected] and to [email protected]

Turkey: Support the union members fighting to save the forests of Cerattepe read more

PepsiCo complicit in ongoing rights violations at Indian warehouse supplier read more

Portugal: Lisbon dockers victory read more


Diary (see & use false economy)





2 10th annual NSSN Conference in Conway Hall, London https://www.facebook.com/events/1361018323924300/

9 Durham Miners’ Gala http://www.durhamminers.org/gala

15-17 Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival http://www.tolpuddlemartyrs.org.uk/

Sunday 17 July  Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival 2016, Dorset:-

Barking Dagenham and Havering TUC Coach Day Trip (coach leaves Dagenham Civic Centre 7.45am – returns 5.45pm) Deposit £5

Bookings Contact:  Susan Aitouaz      [email protected] ​​ ​​


Croydon TUC Coach Day Trip (coach leaves Ruskin House, Croydon 8am – returns 9.45pm) Deposit £6

Bookings Contact: [email protected] / 07941 890 756




PHONE 07952 283 558

EMAIL mailto:[email protected]


TWITTER – https://twitter.com/NSSN_AntiCuts


ADDRESS NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE