The 5th July 2014 saw a packed 8th annual National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) conference, held at Conway Hall in Red Lion Square, London.
Ronnie Draper, General Secretary of the Bakers union, the BFAWU, described the conference on Twitter as, “the biggest shop stewards gathering of the year”. As the photos will show, the NSSN conference brought together a diverse number of activists from the rank and file and leadership of Britain’s fighting unions
A full house at Conway Hall
The top table at conference plenary session from left to right: Peter Pinkney, Rob Williams, Katrine Williams, Janice Godrich, Helen Pattison, Ginger Jentzen
Rob Williams, NSSN Chair, delivers annual report: “We (the trade union movement) are the real mainstream. That will be shown on Thursday”
Peter Pinkney, RMT President demands TUC call a general strike to smash the capitalist system
Ginger Jentzen, organiser from 15 Now campaign on the struggle for a living wage in the US.
Helen Pattison from Youth Fight for Jobs on organising for £10 an hour minimum wage
PCS President Janice Godrich: “Support July 10th day of resistance”
Ronnie Draper, BFAWU General Secretary: “Workers don’t want the crumbs of shares in exchange for wages & conditions. They want The Bakery!”
Brian Caton former general secretary POA standing in 4 current General Secretary Steve Gillan (indisposed)
Alex Gordan, RMT: The struggle against zero hours contracts cannot be won contract by contract. It requires strategic approach by unions together
Katrine Williams, Chair of PCS Wales on political representation for workers.
Bryan Kennedy, victimised Unite One Housing Convener.
Adam Lambert, Unite 1111 Housing branch and St. Mungo’s Convener on the fight of housing workers.
Martin Smith reporting on GMB conference decision to support £10 an hour minimum wage
Session on fight for £10 an hour led by Clare Laker & Helen Pattison
Session on political representation for workers. Ian Hodson & Dave Nellist speaking. Chaired by Paula Mitchell
Ian Hodson, President of BFAWU speaking at political representation debate
Discussion from the floor at political representation session.
Dr. Jackie Grunsell (4th from right) leading session on NHS.
Jamie Davies, a fast food worker & BFAWU member on organising in the industry.
Jared Wood RMT London Underground political officer on battle with Boris Johnson.
Martin Powell-Davies NUT NEC (pc) warns that strike momentum must be maintained after July 10th.
Oktay Shabaz, from Turkish & Kurdish group Day-Mer condemns Labour cuts in Haringey.
Petrit Mihaj, victimised RMT rep at Sodexo.
Roger Bannister Unison NEC and Knowesley Branch Secretary (pc)
Tamil Solidarity was one of the organisations present at the conference.
Mark Robertson, shop steward at Tyneside Safety Glass, currently taking two weeks strike action.
Linda Taaffe, NSSN secretary delivers conference statement.
Chris Baugh, PCS Assistant General Secretary sums up conference.
Conference ended with a rousing rendition of the Internationale!
After a successful conference forward to the struggle!