NSSN Southern Region Conference


Building the Fightback against Austerity

Speakers: Alex Gordon (RMT) Rob Williams (NSSN)

Saturday 18th January  2014, 2pm to 5pm

Priestwood Community Centre, Bracknell.

Dear Brother/Sister,

If you are a rank and file trade unionist or anti-cuts campaigner you
are cordially invited to our NSSN Southern Region conference.

The NSSN was initiated in 2006 by the RMT and now has national support
from, PCS, CWU, NUJ, NUM, POA  and BFAWU as well as many branches,
trades councils, etc. Organising mutual solidarity when trade unions
are in dispute is at the heart of our work. We also share information
to develop ways of successfully resisting attacks on our union rights,
jobs, pay, conditions and pensions.

We seek to build unity among trade unionists in the South of England
in our fight against austerity, zero hours contracts, blacklisting,
cuts to local services and privatisation of the NHS.

We campaign for the TUC to call a 24 hour general strike against austerity.

This conference seeks to bring all those together in the fight against
cuts, to build solidarity with those taking action and to build
support for the TUC to “name the date” for a 24 hour general strike.

Get your union branch, trades council or anti-cuts group to sponsor
this event and to send delegates. Please make a donation in support of
this event and send to NSSN, PO Box 54498, London, E10 9DE, (made out
to NSSN and marked “Southern Region Conference”).

Send all correspondence of support and delegates to my email
[email protected]

Yours fraternally
Terry Pearce

NSSN National Steering Committee & Bracknell UNITE member

For further details email:  [email protected]