All out Together in November!
Join us, One Housing Group strikers, the Blacklist Support Group speaker Dave Smith, Reps from the TUJCC and others on Sunday 8th Sep to Lobby the TUC conference in Bournemouth “Name the date for a 24 hour general strike! ‘All out together in November!’
There will be a NSSN rally at the TUC Congress at Bournemouth on September 8th followed by a lobby of Congress. Confirmed speakers: Bob Crow, Mark Serwotka, Steve Gillan, Ronnie Draper and Ian Lawrence (RMT, PCS, POA, BFAWU and NAPO general secretaries respectively) Alec McFadden (North West representative on TUCJCC for trades councils and also President Merseyside County TUC), Teresa MacKay TUCJCC & Ipswich Trades Council and Linda Taaffe (NSSN). TUC AGENDA & RESOLUTIONS online now!
The rally will take place between 12.30pm-2.30pm Hardy Suite, Hermitage Hotel, Exeter Rd, Bournemouth (opposite Bournemouth International Centre, TUC Congress venue). There will be a coach to the lobby from Hampshire. To book a seat on transport from your area, email [email protected] or if you are able to arrange some and have space, let us know!
This lobby is now supported by five TUC Joint Consultative Committee (TUCJCC) Regional Representatives, and the TUC National Unemployed Centres Combine.
Use our Model Motion to raise the need for joint action and also affiliate to the NSSN (Download from our website resources section). Consider adding ‘That their general secretaries should meet with other willing unions prior to the TUC to liaise on co-ordination (&) we fully support the 29th September NHS March in Manchester and will mobilize for this.
If you missed some of our annual conference, with a variety of trade unionists talking about their disputes have a look here and share with others. (see here)