Category: Strikes
VIDEO: Greek trade unionist Harris Sideris at NSSN 2015
Closing the National Shop Stewards Network 9th Annual conference, special guest speaker, the Greek trade union activist Harris Sideris, explained how trade unionists were fighting back in Greece. The packed NSSN conference, held at Conway Hall in London Saturday 4 July, heard Harris demand that the Greek people should not pay for the crisis of…
London Met Unison strike against job cuts
Unison members at London Metropolitan University held a day’s strike action today. The strike was called in response to management plans announced in March to slash 165 jobs at the institution. The walkout follows on from a number of days on action short of strike by Unison members. The other union at the University, UCU,…
VIDEO: Glasgow Unison rally to defend victimised rep
Brian Smith, Glasgow Unison Branch Secretary, speaking at a rally in Glasgow’s historic George’s Square. The march and rally was called to support the Glasgow Homlessness Caseworkers strike, now into it’s 13 week and Robert O’Donnell. Robert was sacked by the management of the Glasgow Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC) for attempting to organise…
London bus strike in video and pictures
Bus workers in Unite in London are taking historic strike action today – for one rate for the job across all 18 companies. Strikers know this might have to be just the start and are ready for a big fight, but what a start! Picket lines of 70, 100 and more, maintained all day. And…
VIDEO: NSSN message to the TUC general council
800 walk out at Jacobs biscuit factory in Liverpool
Around 800 GMB members at Jacobs biscuits in Liverpool took strike action on Sunday over bullying by management at the plant. Betty who is the GMB branch secretary said ‘Over the past two years there has been no meaningful negotiations over changes to work practices and that consultation meetings are no more than management telling…
Crane drivers tell HTC “It’s time to pay up!”
Hundreds of crane drivers from the UCATT construction union picketed building sites in London and around the country this morning in a dispute over pay with HTC Plant Limited. Workers had voted 94% in favour of strike action and 94.6% in favour of industrial action short of strike action. The turnout was in excess of…
St. Mungo’s strike & Appeal
Unite members at the homelessness charity St Mungos Broadway will strike for an initial seven days from Friday 17th October. A new executive, installed following a recent merger, has imposed changes to staff terms with what they call “retrospective consultation”. They have announced their intention to stop negotiating with Unite on pay while the new…
VIDEO: Sparks blockade Tommy Clarke site in Romford
At a Romford rail station site in east London last week, 15 agency construction workers who were suffering being paid via the umbrella company scam called a Unite official to the site. They were seeking help in putting forward their demand that they be employed directly by the building services contractor company T. Clarke. In a meeting…
NSSN leaflet for July 10th strikes
NSSN leaflet for July 10th strikes