NSSN Bulletin 146: Let’s Beat the Blacklist & Build a fighting Trade Union movement!

NSSN Bulletin 146: Let’s Beat the Blacklist & Build a fighting Trade Union movement!

Last Monday night’s Panorama laid bare the realities of the employers’ use of blacklists to prevent trade unionists and campaigners working and organising against dangerous and illegal work practises. Among those interviewed were Howard Nolan, Roy Bentham and Frank Morris, victimised Crossrail worker since September 2012. They were able to vividly illustrate the realities and the effects of the blacklist on workers and their families. But now the unions are beginning to act against companies involved in the blacklist: GMB are campaigning against Carillion while Unite has organised over 350 protests in the last month against companies involved in the Crossrail consortium. We understand this campaign is having an effect, so let’s keep the pressure up to ensure the end of this practice. We need trade union organised workplaces to fight for better conditions, pay and all the workers rights to organise, represent and mobilise members! We have so much to fight for!

Blacklist Support Group statement following Panorama: “The Panorama evidence is damning. Blacklisting is not some historic issue – it is happening today on Crossrail, the largest publicly funded project in the UK. Yet the blacklisting firms continue to act as if they are above the law.

The blacklisting scandal is crying out for a full Leverson style public inquiry. After Panorama, it is time for politicians to act. If celebrity phone hacking deserved a full public inquiry; why should blacklisted building workers be any different? The Panorama programme is available here (only in the UK until Monday 17 June).  Further info from Blacklist Support Group video:  blog:  facebook. NSSN have a Blacklisting workshop at our conference at on June 29th details  GMB launch High Court claim for blacklisting against Carillion More Dirk McPherson interviewed by the BBC here video footage of GMB blacklisting debate: here (starts 13 mins) & More  Motion at Trades Council conference:  Book Launch – “Safe at Work? Ramazzini versus the attack on H&S” by Dave Putson Monday 24th June 6.30pm, WEA, 96-100 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4TP Blacklisted workers: Frank Morris and Tony O’Brien among the speakers.

All trade unionists who want to fight the blacklist are welcome to attend the NSSN conference where there will be a workshop on ending this injustice. This is not about looking back and fighting shocking injustices but also looking at how we organise and mobilise ourselves now in the face of the huge attacks being made.

Join us at the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) 7th national annual conference Register  ONLINE NOW! 11am-5pm, Saturday June 29th, Camden Centre, Judd Street, London, WC1H 9JE. Delegates and visitors £6. Cheques can be made payable to ‘National Shop Stewards Network’  or BACS a payment through – [email protected] or reply to PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE



Wales Shop Stewards Network Conference: 50 trade union & anti-cuts activists met to discussion & debate fighting cuts & campaigning for a 24-hour general strike. Speakers included Fran Heathcote, PCS DWP president, Steve Skelly RMT council of executive member, Cerith Griffiths FBU Wales chair & Rob Williams NSSN chair. The WSSN is booking a coach to the NSSN annual conference. Contact the NSSN for transport details [email protected].

At our 29th June conference we have initial speakers confirmed: union general secretaries Mark Serwotka PCS, Billy Hayes CWU and Steve Gillan POA. We will have 4 workshops: Fighting for the NHS, Building the Housing front, Fighting the Blacklisting & ‘Sick of your Boss’. *Latest speaker confirmed – Tommy Sheridan chair of the Scottish Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation* & Turkish trade unionists from Day-Mar. Alongside trade unionists fighting cuts and striking today. 

NSSN NHS Bulletin (no.3) NOW AVAILABLE.  Plus updated NSSN conference flyer HERE. Please let us know if you need supplies.




NASUWT and NUT Put Employers on Notice of Joint Strike Action – June 27 (5 June) – The NASUWT and the NUT have now served notice to employers that NUT and NASUWT members in the North West of England* will be called upon to take strike action on 27 June 2013 in furtherance of the dispute with the Government over pensions, pay and conditions. This escalation of action is a further step in our on-going campaign to protect teachers and defend education. NSSN Steering Committee member Martin Powell-Davies NUT Executive Report here

NUT members strike to defend teaching assistant posts Heather Rawling Leicester retired NUT member ‘Things are getting serious’ a NUT on the picket line at Uplands Junior School in Leicester.In a second marvellous show of solidarity, teachers at an inner city school have taken another day’s strike action to defend children’s education and the jobs of eight teaching assistants. A united picket line demonstrated the determination of teachers to win their dispute with the Head and Governors at Uplands Junior School in Leicester. Teaching assistants stood in solidarity with NUT members on the picket line. Unison members would like to be withdrawing their labour but are having difficulty persuading their regional office to ballot for strike action. GMB union members are also hoping to be able to support further strike days. ATL have balloted and will be supporting further action. Previously the staff has passed a motion of no confidence in the head teacher.



National executive agrees protest activities Day of Action called for 27 June, day after Government Spending Review announcement here 

Reports of this week’s action hereIn the West of Scotland, the PCS HMRC and DWP strike was solid on Friday 7th June. In Paisley at the Lonend office only 20 went to work out of a staff of 160 at Glasgow Northgate, only a handful out a staff of nearly 1000 didn’t stay out and enjoy the sunshine. Over 100 strikers gathered for an open air rally in the city centre. DWP and HMRC reps spoke as well as Unite Community and Luke Ivory National Secretary of the Scottish Anti Bedroom Tax Federation. DWP President Fran Heathcote and PCS Scotland chair Derek Thomson stressed PCS’s role in campaigning for a general strike.’ Matt Dobson

Job cuts threaten safe air traffic control (10 June 2013) here

Coastguards restart industrial action over pay 10 June 2013 here Send messages of support to PCS members in all these actions – [email protected]



RMT warns of new drive to smash up Network Rail as TUC report highlights real costs of privatisation here

RMT secures key casualisation victory in Northern Rail dispute here

RMT response to ORR two billion cuts plan at Network Rail here

Rail union RMT notified of emergency scheme to renationalise Great Western franchise here

Stop the closure of Whitechapel Ticket office- read more

RMT London Transport Region Statement on Muswell Hill Islamic Centre Fire here



Unite LE1111 Equinox workers take second day of strike action over up to 30% pay cuts despite funding in place! Four fantastic picket lines! here

Crunch meeting for strike action dates by Unite and GMB at eight RAF stations in pay dispute – “current offer of 8p an hour is an insult”. here

NHS privatisation debate taken to Jeremy Hunt’s constituency on 15 June here

Unite begins campaign for collective bargaining at London Gateway port with the following events (all 11am-3pm): 14 June DEMONSTRATING at:

1: Uniserve head office, Upminster court, hall lane, Upminster, Essex rm14 1al

2: triumph head office, Normandy way, Hinckley, Leicestershire le10 3bz

3: Marks & Spencer Head Office, waterside house, 35 north wharf road, London w2 1nw

4. Debenhams head office, 1 welbeck street, London w1g 0aa

15 & 16 June DEMONSTRATING at:

1: Marks & Spencer, marble arch, 458 oxford street, London w1c 1ap

Debenhams, 334 – 348 oxford street, London, w1c 1jg

2: Triumph, unit 2, trident retail park, watery lane, middleway, Birmingham, b9 4eh

Members at One Housing Group, part of Unite LE1111 Housing Workers, are taking 3 days of strike action next week. Following a three year pay freeze, support workers there are being dismissed and re-engaged on cheap contracts meaning pay cuts of up to £8,000 each. The average cut is £2,000. At the same time the company is making record surpluses, which rose by 200% in the supported housing wing alone last year and the CEO, Mick Sweeney took a £31,000 pay rise.  There will be 6 separate picket lines so we are looking for as much support as possible…people on picket lines, messages of support and donations to the hardship fund please to Unite branch 1/1111 Account no:20040639 Sort code 08-60-01.   Further info  [email protected] or contact Nicky Marcus RIO.


Enfield, EN3 4AH Picket Line 8.15-11ish

The Chocolate Factory, N22 6UJ. Picket Line 8.15-11ish

Arlington House, NW17HE.  Picket Line 7.30 -10.00 & 13.30-15.30 ish

W1F 8FL Picket Line 8.15-11 ish

Ponders Bridge House, N7 8UA. Picket Line 7.15-10.00

Head Office, NW1 8EH. Picket Line 8.15-17.30

Unite & Unison Scotland ballot for strike action over pay offer and living wage.



Strike action date confirmed at Kirklees College here

Fury and strike action threat as University of Liverpool attempts to force through inferior conditions here

Lecturers at Chesterfield College were supported by students in their one-day strike against compulsory redundancies. College management want to sack 70 staff. 90 jobs have already gone in recent years. here

The University of Liverpool was today accused of putting a gun to the head of 3,000 staff who face dismissal unless they accept inferior working terms and conditions, which would include weekend, evening and Bank Holiday working without recompense.



Strike ballot opens in o2 outsourcing dispute here

One week left of Royal Mail consultative ballot here

Postal workers at the Royal Mail depot in Bridgwater have voted by 79.3% to strike over allegations of bullying and harassment by managers, the breaking of local working agreements and un-agreed staffing levels. here

CWU is taking legal advice after O₂ yesterday announced a further 400 workers will lose their jobs by the end of year. here



Brighton Strike action 14th June over pay cuts in refuse and street cleaning. With a 96% vote for strike action! Staff on 3 years of pay freeze as Council seeks to implement cuts to their take home pay of up to £4,000 a head says GMB here

Stop Bromley Penalising Sick Employees



Legal challenge over potential age discrimination on pensions . Here

London firefighters in a protest against fire station closures. Mayor’s Question Time, City Hall, 19 June from 9am. More campaign info here



Thera Trust: the campaign moves up a gear Following the strike on 18 April, Unison members at Thera East Midlands (TEM) struck again on 29 and 30 May against a new contract which severely attacks their terms and conditions. The strike certainly had an effect. here

Mid Yorks health workers win important concessions here

Brighton and Hove members joined colleagues picketing two Brighton golf courses bright and early yesterday to protest at plans to cut the greenkeepers’ wages by an average of £4,000. here

UNISON members in the West Midlands lobbied a council meeting in a bid to save a home for vulnerable children from closure. The meeting of the Sandwell Council cabinet is to receive a report on the proposed closure of Spon Lane Children’s Residential Unit in Smethwick. here

Gwent Police chief constable Carmel Napier has resigned just weeks after making public a plan to cut 100 staff, without consulting a union. Here


Bakers Union

The BFAWU has launched a short animated film to advertise what the Union has to offer in an ever and why joining our Union is vital, particularly to those working in the food industry. here We are trying to get young members more involved in the running of the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union. With this in mind, we have arranged for a Young Members Forum on the 29th of October in Manchester. [email protected] or Head Office at [email protected]



NUJ calls for BBC strike action over “paltry” pay deal. Here

Turning the Page on Media Sexism: NUJ event 26 June. Here



Britain has been conned out of billions of pounds by scheming bosses who put off their bumper bonuses until after bankers’ mate George Osborne slashed the top rate of tax. here

NHS Campaigners celebrated victory today in their long battle to save three children’s heart surgery units from the chopping block after the government put the closures on hold. More here

Great news! Children’s congenital heart services at Southampton General Hospital saved from closure. here

 ‘Sick of your Boss?’ has a Week of Action 8th – 3th July targeting one of Britain’s worst employers, Primark. Obviously Primark have hit the headlines with their horrifying contempt for the lives of garment workers in Bangladesh. Here

Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers response to threats to legal aid. Read more & More How the bedroom tax will transfer housing stock from taxpayers to the banks. Read more

SERTUC FILM CLUBA new documentary feature film by Michael Wayne & Deirdre O’Neill – THE CONDITION OF THE WORKING CLASS – Runtime: 82 mins  Thursday 20 June, 7- 9.30pm – FREE ADMISSION Screening + Director Q&A Everything changes and yet everything stays the same. 1844: Friedrich Engels writes his book ‘The Condition of the Working Class in England’, a classic denunciation of the appalling living conditions for working people living at the heart of the industrial revolution in Manchester, England.  Review:  TUC Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS FREE ADMISSION    Booking essential [email protected]  or 020 7467 1220

Cops welcome G8 conference by raiding protesters here


INTERNATIONAL See also Labourstart

Sri Lanka Solidarity Day Report here  

Turkey: The Erdogan government is trying to crack down on the protests against their authoritarian policies and methods. The Day-Mer Turkish and Kurdish centre is urging all its friends in the UK to show their solidarity with the workers and youth by signing its online petition. This is a petition which demands the end to the violence and release of all people in custody. SIGN HERE  Striking personnel of Turkish Airlines make a show to publicise their strike here

Portuguese unions set stage for broad anti austerity strike on June 27th. Read more

Greece: Trade Unions call one-day general strike on 13 June to protest at closure of state broadcaster ERT here & Occupying Greek TV station workers say, “We’re here to win” here

Maintenance cuts to blame for seafarers’ deaths, Russian crewed Swanland  vessel. here




13 Broughton fight the bedroom tax, The Naz Centre M7

14 Brighton Cityclean workers action against pay cuts

Day-Mer festival continues to July

UK Uncut callout – they owe us! Canary Wharf Action 12.30 Jubilee Plaza (Canary Wharf)

FBU London March

15 Brighton Cityclean workers demo Assemble 11:30am at Cityclean Depot, Upper Hollingdean Road, Brighton, BN1 7GA. March 12 noon to King’s House. GMB general secretary Paul Kenny will attend.

Birmingham Bedroom Tax, In memory of Stephanie Bottril 12, Chamberlain Sq, B3

Where’s Hunt? Unite visits Health Secretary’s constituency here

18 Bournemouth Axe bedroom tax protest 6pm Town Hall

Poole lobby council over the Bedroom Tax.

19 One Housing strikes to 21 June.

London FBU firefighters in a protest against fire station closures. Mayor’s Question Time, City Hall, from 9am

20 Kirklees College strike

22 People’s Assembly – Central Hall Westminster, Storey’s Gate, London, Westminster, London SW1H 9NH more

23 Time for Action Bin the Bedroom Tax 1pm CSHC host conference on further actions. The Albert, Albert Rd, NW6

25 Stand up for Schools London NUT regional Rally 5pm March to DoE. Rally 6.30pm Emmanuel Centre, Marsham St, SW1P 3DW

Lobby Housing providers against the Bedroom Tax, Manchester

29 7th annual conference of the NSSN, 11am-5pm Camden Centre, Judd Street, London, WC1H 9JE. 


6 Matchgirls strike festival of East London

8-13th ‘Sick of your Boss?’ week of action

13 Durham Miners Gala

19-21 Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival

19-21 Hazards Conference, Keele University. The national conference for union safety reps and community campaigners. Hazards run the online blog for the Blacklist Support Group and there will be blacklisting speakers at the Friday plenary session More info

27 July Enuf is Enuf L20


CONTACT US [email protected]   or look on our Website for further info.


Secretary: Linda Taaffe
[email protected] or 

Phone: 07952 283 558

NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE