Tag: strikes

  • NSSN 557: Strikes work as workers force bosses back

    NSSN 557: Strikes work as workers force bosses back

    A clear trend is opening up as the number of disputes increase and many of these are resulting in victories or at least forcing the employers to make serious concessions. The NSSN weekly bulletin carries reports of all the strikes and ballots that are taking place. And it’s clear that workers are more and more…

  • NSSN 556: Support the October strikes

    NSSN 556: Support the October strikes

    October has seen a real step change in industrial action as workers fight back against the bosses’ offensive to make us pay for the Covid crisis. As prices rise, strike ballots and action on pay, pensions and jobs are on the increase, with a number winning demands or at least forcing concessions out of the…

  • NSSN 548: Support the summer strikes!

    NSSN 548: Support the summer strikes!

    The summer months are supposed to be a ‘quiet period’ for the union movement. But as regular readers of this NSSN bulletin will know, that isn’t the case this year. Workers are fighting back against the Tory and bosses’ offensive – fire and rehire, public sector pay insults and union victimisation. The NSSN will continue…

  • NSSN 542: Strike victories show fighting unions vital

    NSSN 542: Strike victories show fighting unions vital

    The NSSN sends our solidarity and congratulations to members of Unite and NEU after their members won important victories after both sets of workers took week-long strike action. This shows again that organised fighting unions are the most important protection workers can have to defend their livelihoods and keep themselves and their families safe. This…

  • NSSN 533: Workers fight back against the bosses’ offensive

    NSSN 533: Workers fight back against the bosses’ offensive

    As the polls open on election day, we continue to report on the increasing number of disputes.  Workers are fighting back against the offensive of the Tories and employers such as their pay freezes and brutal ‘fire and rehire’ attacks. Also, union reps are being targeted, as usual so that the bosses can look to…

  • NSSN 503: Support the strikes!

    NSSN 503: Support the strikes!

    This week’s NSSN bulletin shines the spotlight on the increasing number of union disputes as bosses attack jobs and pay, terms & conditions. An increasing number are using brutal ‘fire and re-hire’ methods. These actions include the indefinite strike by PCS members at Tate continues, which will next week go over 40 days. Leigh and…

  • NSSN 470: Victories show that workers can win!

    NSSN 470: Victories show that workers can win!

      We headline this week’s NSSN bulletin with the tremendous news of victories for workers taking action. Unite members in Bromley libraries have finally resolved their eight-month long dispute. They have been on indefinite strike action since November. Unite members also forced back attacks from management in Newham and Ealing. We send congratulations and solidarity…