Tag: Scotland

  • NSSN 562: Support the RMT Night Tube strike

    NSSN 562: Support the RMT Night Tube strike

    We headline this week’s bulletin with the strike called by the RMT on London Underground from this Friday 26th November. Please support the action To make donations to the hardship fund – account details: account name – Terence O’Neill; sort code: 60-83-71 account number: 89481380 or send cheques to RMT, Unity House, 39 Chalton St,…

  • NSSN 561: Join the NHS protests

    NSSN 561: Join the NHS protests

    Over the next two weeks, there are a number of protests by NHS workers and health campaigners as unions ballot their members on NHS pay at the same time as the Tory Government moves on with their Health and Care Bill. March with Midwives: 2pm Sunday 21st November – details of local protests here. “Our…

  • NSSN 560: Workers keep striking back!

    NSSN 560: Workers keep striking back!

    The NSSN weekly bulletin continues to report on the growing number of disputes, many of them resulting in victories. Workers are taking action to stop brutal attacks from the employers such as privatisation and outsourcing and the sinister use of ‘fire and rehire’ – including at Weetabix in the East Midlands and Clarks in the…

  • 559: NSSN COP26 Forum: ‘Climate change – for workers transition’

    559: NSSN COP26 Forum: ‘Climate change – for workers transition’

    NSSN COP26 Online Forum: ‘Climate change – for a workers transition’ 7pm Tuesday November 9th The National Shop Stewards Network is hosting an online forum during COP26, which is taking place in Glasgow, to discuss how can the trade union movement fight climate change while ensuring workers keep their jobs, pay, pensions and terms &…

  • NSSN 557: Strikes work as workers force bosses back

    NSSN 557: Strikes work as workers force bosses back

    A clear trend is opening up as the number of disputes increase and many of these are resulting in victories or at least forcing the employers to make serious concessions. The NSSN weekly bulletin carries reports of all the strikes and ballots that are taking place. And it’s clear that workers are more and more…

  • NSSN 556: Support the October strikes

    NSSN 556: Support the October strikes

    October has seen a real step change in industrial action as workers fight back against the bosses’ offensive to make us pay for the Covid crisis. As prices rise, strike ballots and action on pay, pensions and jobs are on the increase, with a number winning demands or at least forcing concessions out of the…

  • 551: NSSN lobbies TUC Sunday to fight Tory & bosses offensive

    551: NSSN lobbies TUC Sunday to fight Tory & bosses offensive

    NSSN TUC Rally 12pm Sunday September 12th online via Zoom Facebook event Zoom details:- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86116774093?pwd=OVNvZldISGozKzd6U0QvL1hBWEI3Zz09 Meeting ID: 861 1677 4093     Passcode: NSSN2021 Due to Covid, both the TUC and our rally will again be virtual this year. This will be the 12th successive year that we have lobbied the TUC for the fighting programme…

  • 550: Unite GS Sharon Graham to speak at NSSN TUC Rally

    550: Unite GS Sharon Graham to speak at NSSN TUC Rally

    The NSSN is pleased to announce that newly-elected Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham has agreed to address our annual rally before the start of TUC Congress. It is from 12pm on Sunday September 12th. Sharon spoke at the 2019 NSSN Conference in her then capacity as Unite’s Executive Officer for Organising and Leverage, explaining the union’s strategy…

  • NSSN 548: Support the summer strikes!

    NSSN 548: Support the summer strikes!

    The summer months are supposed to be a ‘quiet period’ for the union movement. But as regular readers of this NSSN bulletin will know, that isn’t the case this year. Workers are fighting back against the Tory and bosses’ offensive – fire and rehire, public sector pay insults and union victimisation. The NSSN will continue…

  • NSSN 547: NSSN TUC Rally 2021 – 12pm Sunday Sept 12

    NSSN 547: NSSN TUC Rally 2021 – 12pm Sunday Sept 12

    At 12pm on Sunday 12th September, the NSSN is organising our annual rally before the start of TUC Congress. Due to Covid, both the TUC and our rally will again be virtual this year. This will be the 12th successive year that we have lobbied the TUC for the fighting programme that is needed by…

  • 545: United action against the Tories on public sector pay

    545: United action against the Tories on public sector pay

    Public sector workers, headed by those in the NHS and education, are rightly furious after the Tories finally made their pay announcements. The 3% to be awarded to NHS staff, who have been on the front line risking their lives during Covid, is nowhere near what has been lost over the last decade. That’s why…

  • 544: NSSN meeting – Stop Freeports Race to the Bottom

    544: NSSN meeting – Stop Freeports Race to the Bottom

    NSSN 544: NSSN meeting – Stop the Freeports Race to the Bottom – 7.30pm Wednesday 21 July Facebook event The Tories have announced their plan for 8 new Freeports, allegedly to boost jobs. But correctly unions have flagged up the dangers of bosses using them to attack trade union agreements that protect workers’ pay, terms…