Tag: Prisons

  • NSSN 405: POA members take action over prison safety

    NSSN 405: POA members take action over prison safety

      The National Shop Stewards Network sends solidarity to the POA union whose members took part in protests outside prisons last Friday over the massive safety concerns that the union has for their members and other staff and inmates as a result of Tory cuts. The POA have disgracefully had their democratic right to take…

  • POA Budget Day march against austerity

    POA Budget Day march against austerity

    Prison officers from around the country gathered in Westminster this morning for a march and rally against austerity. The prison service has taken massive cuts since the austerity offensive against the public sector began in 2008. This has led to a worsening of conditions in prisons for prison officers and prisoners alike. Like much of the…