Tag: #OurNHS

  • NSSN 395: March this Saturday to defend #OurNHS70

    NSSN 395: March this Saturday to defend #OurNHS70

      The National Shop Stewards Network gives full solidarity and support to this Saturday’s demonstrations in support of the NHS as it reaches its 70th anniversary. The NSSN has been to the fore in supporting health campaigns on a national scale against Tory cuts – including the demo in March 2017 and the one earlier…

  • 331: After massive march, fight together to defend #OurNHS

    331: After massive march, fight together to defend #OurNHS

      What a time to celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8th – with struggles and disputes that have a big involvement of women workers. We mention some in our bulletin but keep up to speed with any IWD events through #IWD and #IWD2017 on twitter   The NSSN salutes the massive #OurNHS demonstration…

  • NSSN 330: March this Saturday to defend #OurNHS

    NSSN 330: March this Saturday to defend #OurNHS

      The NSSN is supporting this Saturday’s ‘It’s Our NHS!’ national demonstration in London. We have long supported this initiative and have donated to the Health Campaigns Together grassroots campaign. The demo is now supported by a whole number of national unions and health campaigns. We call on all our supporters and affiliates to join…