Tag: NUJ
NSSN 434: #WeStandWithLyra
The NSSN stands in solidarity with the family, friends, workmates and comrades of Lyra McKee and her union the National Union of Journalists (NUJ). Lyra was killed while reporting on rioting in the Creggan area of Derry on April 18th. Our supporters took part in vigils and remembrances in Northern Ireland, Ireland and the UK…
NSSN cancels conference to support July 1st demo
As our supporters and affiliates will know, this year’s conference of the National Shop Stewards Network (our 11th) is due to take place in London on Saturday July 1st. Hundreds of trade union and anti-cuts campaigners will be preparing to take part in discussions and debates about the crucial struggles and disputes facing working people.…
201: NSSN rally at TUC Congress:‘Confirm the next pay strikes!’
The tremendous #J10 public sector strike last Thursday has changed the mood music. All of a sudden it is the government desperately re-arranging the deck chairs on its Titanic with its latest re-shuffle. As the NSSN predicted, if the unions give workers a lead, they will respond. Not only that, the action was overwhelmingly popular…
NSSN 185: Defend education – Solidarity with teachers’ strike
The strike of National Union of Teachers (NUT) members on 26 March is most definitely on! Now every NUT Association and every school rep must go all out to get the biggest possible turnout for the national strike. We must reverse the damage that has been done to teachers’ pay, pensions and working conditions. In…
NSSN 181 – Glasgow care workers escalate action
The Glasgow care workers strike action is growing stronger and more solid. After taking two 48-hour strikes in January the around 400 Unison members involved have now just completed a 72-hour strike over the Valentine’s weekend. If Social Work bosses and the Labour administration thought the resolve of the workers could be broken, they couldn’t…
NSSN 180 – Tube unions 1 Johnson 0
A SOLID STRIKE by RMT AND TSSA has gained us a political and industrial victory over Boris Johnson. A partial retreat by our bosses from an intransigent position of refusing to withdraw their proposed cuts of a 1,000 jobs and closing virtually all ticket offices has been achieved. Action is suspended for eight weeks while…
NSSN Southern Region Conference
NSSN SOUTHERN REGION CONFERENCE hosted by UNITE Bracknell Building the Fightback against Austerity Speakers: Alex Gordon (RMT) Rob Williams (NSSN) Saturday 18th January 2014, 2pm to 5pm Priestwood Community Centre, Bracknell. Dear Brother/Sister, If you are a rank and file trade unionist or anti-cuts campaigner you are cordially invited to our NSSN Southern Region conference. The…
NSSN 172: Enough is enough…no work ‘til we drop!
Osborne’s Autumn Statement last Thursday, not only brought forward by ten years the new retirement age of first 68 and then 69 – it will be open-ended with it being regularly reviewed in line with life expectancy. This poses workers getting their state pensions into their 70s and because many occupational pensions use this age…