NSSN Conference: No to austerity & anti-union laws
As the standing ovation for sacked Greek Vodafone worker, Harris Sedaris, died away, the audience at the ninth annual National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) conference broke into an impromptu rendition of traditional socialist song ‘the International’. It was a fitting end to a day full of hope and confidence – one that laid the foundations…
NSSN 194: Strike together on July 10 for a pay rise!
The NUT’s executive committee has voted to make preparations to give notice for strike action on 10 July. This is the day that school support staff unions have put forward as the date when they hope to be able to call a co-ordinated strike. Other public sector unions like the PCS have live ballots already…
SOAS cleaners strike again!
Unison members working for outsourced cleaning company ISS at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) have again been on strike today. The strikers, many of them migrant workers are demanding the same terms and conditions such as sick pay and other benefits enjoyed by in-house workers. They and their supporters are also calling…
NSSN 181 – Glasgow care workers escalate action
The Glasgow care workers strike action is growing stronger and more solid. After taking two 48-hour strikes in January the around 400 Unison members involved have now just completed a 72-hour strike over the Valentine’s weekend. If Social Work bosses and the Labour administration thought the resolve of the workers could be broken, they couldn’t…
NSSN 180 – Tube unions 1 Johnson 0
A SOLID STRIKE by RMT AND TSSA has gained us a political and industrial victory over Boris Johnson. A partial retreat by our bosses from an intransigent position of refusing to withdraw their proposed cuts of a 1,000 jobs and closing virtually all ticket offices has been achieved. Action is suspended for eight weeks while…
Royal Opera House cleaners beat low pay
From the IWGB Victory over poverty pay
NSSN 176 – Local government cuts: Protest AND then strike
Since May 2010 407,000 jobs have been lost in local government and some of the biggest cuts are yet to bite. In adjoining counties in the east midlands, 2 county councils, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire – both Labour controlled, are planning cuts of £157m and £154 respectively over the next 3 years. These are examples not…
NSSN 175 – Support the London Tubeworkers!
From RMT London Calling read full bulletin here Despite the concerted efforts of TfL bosses to persuade members to vote against strike action our members voted overwhelmingly to take action to defend our jobs and services. 77% voted in favour of strike action. That’s 31% of those balloted, a greater percentage of the electorate than…