Tag: housing

  • NSSN 598: Support the CWU strikes

    NSSN 598: Support the CWU strikes

    The NSSN headlines this week’s bulletin with the series of strikes called by the CWU in Royal Mail, BT and the Post office. We send our full support and solidarity to the union and its members. We support the call of the CWU for Royal Mail and BT to be re-nationalised. Follow the latest news…

  • NSSN 597: Summer strikes hot up #StrikeTogether

    NSSN 597: Summer strikes hot up #StrikeTogether

    The summer strikes are hotting up as workers hit back against the cost of living squeeze. Alongside the growing number of localised disputes, transport workers in the RMT, ASLEF, TSSA and Unite are stepping up their national struggle in a week of strike action. A week later, the CWU will kick off national strike action…

  • NSSN 593: CWU strikes back!

    NSSN 593: CWU strikes back!

    The NSSN sends solidarity to the CWU and its members in Royal Mail, British Telecom and the Post Office. 40,000 BT & Openreach workers will be striking on 29 July & 1 August with a YES vote of over 90%, while 115,000 workers in Royal Mail Group have yesterday voted for strike action by a…

  • NSSN 592: #BorisGone – now strike together to smash Tory pay cap!

    NSSN 592: #BorisGone – now strike together to smash Tory pay cap!

    This week’s NSSN bulletin celebrates the removal of Boris Johnson as prime minister, and we keep fighting to get rid of the Tory government as a whole. We don’t believe that it is accidental that this has happened in the midst of the strike wave that is developing as workers face the spiralling cost of…

  • NSSN 591: NSSN Conference says “Strike Together”

    NSSN 591: NSSN Conference says “Strike Together”

    Hundreds of trade union reps, members and activists took part in the 15th NSSN Conference last Saturday. After a video showing photos from countless picket lines with NSSN supporters bringing solidarity to, NSSN Chair Rob Williams opened up the event by giving support and solidarity to all workers in struggle in the growing strike wave…

  • NSSN 586: RMT members vote for national rail strike

    NSSN 586: RMT members vote for national rail strike

    RMT declares overwhelming mandate for national strike action on railways (24 May) Railway workers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action across Network Rail and the train operating companies, in the biggest endorsement for industrial action by railway workers since privatisation. 71% of those balloted took part in the vote with 89% voting in…

  • NSSN 584: Support the strikes

    NSSN 584: Support the strikes

    The NSSN continues to publicise the increasing number of strikes. Workers are fighting back against the cost of living squeeze. We give support to the ballot for national action by RMT members and the impending industrial action vote by the CWU in Royal Mail. The NSSN sends solidarity to civil service unions such as PCS…

  • NSSN 583: Mobilise for mass TUC demo 18th June in London

    NSSN 583: Mobilise for mass TUC demo 18th June in London

    TUC National Demonstration Saturday 18th June Central London  The TUC has called a national demonstration this summer. The NSSN welcomes this so that the biggest possible national demonstration can be built as a platform for the mass co-ordinated industrial action that is needed as workers fight the squeeze on their living standards. Get in touch…

  • 580: Workers keep striking back against cost of living squeeze

    580: Workers keep striking back against cost of living squeeze

    As RPI inflation surges to 9% and energy bills rocket, the strike wave continues to build. A growing number of workers are forced to take action to keep their heads above water in the biggest cost of living squeeze for generations. The NSSN will keep publicising these disputes and building solidarity for them in this…

  • NSSN 578: Build a mass TUC demo on 18 June

    NSSN 578: Build a mass TUC demo on 18 June

    TUC National Demonstration – Saturday 18th June 12noon Parliament Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3BD read more The TUC has called a national demonstration this summer. We will do all we can to help build what needs to be a massive mobilisation that could be the platform for industrial action across the public and private sectors.…

  • NSSN 577: Glasgow women workers force council climbdown on equal pay

    NSSN 577: Glasgow women workers force council climbdown on equal pay

    Glasgow City Unison statement – UNISON is pleased to report that the council has conceded they will not “dump the deal” and will now maintain the 2019 arrangements to calculate further interim compensation payments. This important concession has been won for one reason and one reason only – the willingness of trade union members to…

  • NSSN 575: Stop union victimisation – support Coventry bin strike

    NSSN 575: Stop union victimisation – support Coventry bin strike

    We headline this week’s NSSN bulletin with the Unite strike by binworkers in Coventry. The Labour council has disgracefully targeted Pete Randle, one of the senior shop stewards. We call on all our supporters to support Pete and his striking members Unite solidarity rally – 11am Saturday 26th March at Broadgate Square, Coventry City Centre…