Month: August 2020

  • 499: Come to Online NSSN TUC Rally 1pm Sunday Sept 13

    499: Come to Online NSSN TUC Rally 1pm Sunday Sept 13

    NSSN TUC Rally – 1pm Sunday September 13th Facebook event The National Shop Stewards Network is holding its annual rally at the time of the TUC Congress, which because of the COVID-19 pandemic has been truncated. This year’s NSSN event will be virtual but it has never been more important given the threat to workers’…

  • NSSN 498: Victory! Student protests force Tory A-Levels U-turn

    NSSN 498: Victory! Student protests force Tory A-Levels U-turn

    The NSSN salutes the students whose protests around the country have forced the Tory government to retreat. They were rightly furious that through no fault of their own because of the pandemic, many had their A Level results downgraded, threatening their futures. The system that was being used appeared to be to the disadvantage of…

  • 497: PCS consultative ballot of jobcentre and UC workers

    497: PCS consultative ballot of jobcentre and UC workers

    We headline this week’s NSSN bulletin on PCS’s consultative industrial action ballot that will begin on August 17th. We send our full support to PCS and its members and reps in DWP. We also send our solidarity to PCS members on Merseyside, outsourced cleaners working for ISS in HMRC who are on a month-long strike…

  • NSSN 496: Join the NHS Pay protests on Saturday August 8th

    NSSN 496: Join the NHS Pay protests on Saturday August 8th

    NHS workers are on the march for a 15% pay rise that starts to close the income gap caused by a decade of pay freezes. Please join the protests that are taking place, with many on Saturday August 8th. Details of some of these can be found here in the Nurses and Midwives say NO!…