Month: March 2019

  • 430: Join demo to stop the Swindon Honda closure!

    430: Join demo to stop the Swindon Honda closure!

    The NSSN will be joining thousands in Swindon this Saturday March 30th on the demonstration called by Unite the union against the closure of the Swindon Honda plant. The plan is for this to happen in 2021, with 3,500 Honda workers’ jobs on the line and up to 10,000 more affected in related industries. This…

  • NSSN 429: PCS launches national pay strike ballot

    NSSN 429: PCS launches national pay strike ballot

    We headline this week’s bulletin with PCS’s national industrial action ballot on pay, which opened yesterday. PCS is one of our longstanding affiliated unions and we give them and their members our full support and solidarity. The NSSN vice-chair Katrine Williams is a member of the PCS NEC:- “To challenge the Government’s pay restraint it…

  • 428: NSSN Birmingham Rally to build solidarity for strikes

    428: NSSN Birmingham Rally to build solidarity for strikes

      Tonight March 12th, the NSSN is hosting a public solidarity meeting with striking Birmingham Unite binworkers and Mandy Buckley Unison Convenor for homecare workers as well as PCS Universal Credit strikers from Wolverhampton and Walsall at 6.30pm in the Birmingham Midland Institute – 9 Margaret St B3 3BS. Speakers include striking workers from all…

  • NSSN 427: #IWD2019 – support the ‘Women’s Lives Matter’ campaign

    NSSN 427: #IWD2019 – support the ‘Women’s Lives Matter’ campaign

    NSSN 427: IWD2019 – support the ‘Women’s Lives Matter’ campaign This Friday is International Women’s Day. This year we are highlighting ‘Women’s Lives Matter’ – the campaign against cuts to domestic violence services. Please take this to your trade union and trades council and table it for discussion and debate to help build the campaign:-…