Month: June 2018
394: PCS national pay strike ballot begins – VOTE YES!
PCS The National Shop Stewards Network gives full support and solidarity to the PCS who voted at their recent annual conference to move to a national strike ballot on pay that opens today June 18 PCS pay ballot opens today – vote yes (18 Jun) – It is vital that all eligible members vote…
393: Solidarity with Grenfell & Unite affiliates to NSSN
The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) gives our full solidarity to all those who suffered in the Grenfell Tower fire in West London last year and all those who have been affected by this tragic disaster. We pay tribute to the courageous work and support of local residents and campaigners and the emergency service workers, including…
NSSN 392: West Midlands firefighters vote for strike action
From FBU website (29 May) Firefighters in the West Midlands have voted by a margin of 9 to 1 for strike action in a dispute over the imposition of contracts on new entrants into the service. The results of the ballot were released today (29 May) and show a 90% vote for strike action…