Month: February 2018

  • NSSN 379: UCU lecturers strike back on pensions and pay!

    NSSN 379: UCU lecturers strike back on pensions and pay!

      UCU The National Shop Stewards Network is fully backing University and College Union (UCU) members in 61 universities who are taking strike action to defend their USS pension rights. This Wednesday they will be joined by UCU members at 15 colleges in Further Education, starting action on pay. All this action shows the potential…

  • NSSN 378: Lecturers start pensions strike as Mears workers win!

    NSSN 378: Lecturers start pensions strike as Mears workers win!

      In this week’s bulletin, we highlight the national strike by the UCU lecturers’’ union that begins this week to defend their pensions. We also salute the Mears workers in Manchester who have won a victory after an incredible campaign of action.   UCU Over 1 million students will be affected by university pensions strikes…

  • NSSN 377: Support the strikes & protests in #HeartUnions week

    NSSN 377: Support the strikes & protests in #HeartUnions week

      For the 3rd year, the TUC and the unions are using #HeartUnions week to highlight the role that unions can play. Supporters of the NSSN will be taking part in activities around the country, especially on two of the major themes – public sector pay and assisting the BFAWU in organising low-paid workers in…

  • NSSN 376: Feb 3rd NHS demos – “Prepare for battle!”

    NSSN 376: Feb 3rd NHS demos – “Prepare for battle!”

      National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) supporters took part in protests around the country last Saturday on the day of action called by Health Campaigns Together (which we are affiliated to) and the People’s Assembly. Tens of thousands took to the streets, including on the emergency London demonstration, to send a message to the Tories…