Month: November 2017
NSSN 366: BiFab – Scottish workers’ action secures breakthrough
Workers at the three threatened Burntisland Fabrication – BiFab – yards have won a guarantee that their jobs and wages will be secured, at least until April 2018. Their decisive action over the last week, and those of the GMB and Unite trade unions, has delivered this important breakthrough. Watch the Scottish TUC’s video…
365: Support Mears workers – 49 more strike days!
Unite Shocking levels of mental illness and stress revealed problems among Manchester housing workers, as Mears strike action resumes (from Unite website 13 Nov) – A confidential survey of workers employed by Mears in Manchester and joint venture company Manchester Working (operated by Mears) has revealed very high levels of mental health problems and stress…
NSSN 364: PCS members vote YES in pay ballot!
PCS members vote overwhelmingly to back campaign of action on pay (7 Nov) – A decisive yes vote by tens of thousands of PCS members in our consultative ballot on pay sends a powerful message to the government to act to scrap the 1% public sector pay cap and fund above inflation pay rises.…
363: Support Transport Strikes, Picturehouse workers & Mixed Fleet
This week’s bulletin headlines with some key disputes on the trains and buses in the UK and Ireland. Next week, RMT members will be on strike in five rail companies against Driver Only Operation (DOO). For the 3rd time, Southern Rail management have put a divisive offer to train drivers. We call on ASLEF members to…