NSSN 355: NSSN TUC Rally this Sunday – Fight together for a pay rise!
Workers will be looking to the TUC Congress starting this Sunday in Brighton for a lead in taking on the brutal Tory attack on living standards. Real incomes are at 2007 levels and falling every month as price rises outstrip wage increases. Cameron notoriously claimed that we were “all in it together” when he launched his austerity offensive in 2010 but his class of super-rich have got even richer under the Tories while nurses and other workers have to go to foodbanks.
But the fightback is underway. This summer has seen a wave of strikes as workers fight their way out of poverty pay and attacks on terms and conditions.
Just this Monday, we saw the Birmingham binworkers out along with fellow Unite members in Argos warehouses and historically the McDonald’s workers in the BFAWU taking action for the first time in the UK. On the same day, RMT members in three different rail companies continued their action to ensure that there is a guard on the train. Last week, the Mixed Fleet cabin crew at British Airways paused their action after 85 days of strikes and the Barts NHS Trust cleaners, porters and domestics are due to resume their dispute next Monday on strike day 25. PCS members have been taking action to stop the closure of jobcentres and the CWU have now launched a national strike ballot in Royal Mail.
These and many more are fighting out of necessity but after Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-austerity vote in the general election prevented May getting a majority, it’s not lost on workers that this is now a weak and divided Tory government and confidence is growing.
There is even talk that ministers are considering ‘relaxing’ the 1% public sector pay cap. But the TUC and the unions should beware of being split into ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ public sector workers – we all need a pay rise. In any case, these rumours should give us the confidence to build a real movement that can inflict a serious if not decisive defeat on the Tories and their austerity.
The NSSN rally on Sunday brings together militant union leaders and John McDonnell with workers involved in the strike wave. We will be lobbying TUC Congress delegates to support the pay motions that call for the action that is needed – a national TUC-led demonstration and co-ordinated strike action across the public sector and reaching out to workers in the private sector.
Come to the NSSN rally and help us build the pressure for the mass action we need to defeat the Tories.
NSSN TUC Congress Rally in Brighton: ‘Fight together to scrap the 1% pay cap and get the Tories out!’ – 1pm Sunday September 10th in the Arundel Suite in the Holiday Inn, 137 King’s Rd BN1 2JF.
Confirmed speakers: Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, Len McCluskey Unite General Secretary, Mark Serwotka PCS General Secretary, Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Ronnie Draper BFAWU General Secretary, Sean Hoyle RMT President, Amy Murphy USDAW Southern Division NEC member and Len Hockey Secretary Unite Barts NHS Trust branch – currently on strike. Chaired by Janice Godrich PCS National President – all welcome! We will also be giving a platform to speakers from other current disputes to build solidarity Facebook event From NSSN website
Email [email protected] if you need transport
CWU to stage National Industrial Action Ballot of over 100,000 members in Royal Mail Group – watch video announcing the Ballot by Terry Pullinger DGSP here
McDonalds workers strike back in Cambridge and Crayford – the NSSN was proud to support the historic strike by the BFAWU bakers union, the first in McDonalds in the UK on a global day of action by fast food workers. NSSN chair Rob Williams spoke on the Crayford picket and then again at the solidarity protest outside Parliament to give our solidarity and support to these exploited workers. Keep sending solidarity to the BFAWU, donate to the strike fund and also help the fund by buying a #McStrike t-shirt. More info on the Fast Food Rights/Hungry for Justice website.

Crayford #McStrike solidarity meeting – 8pm Wednesday September 6th at Glyndon Community Centre, 75 Raglan Road, SE18 7. Speakers: Shen Barmaz, striking Crayford McDonalds worker and BFAWU members, Danny Hoggan, Unite Greenwich branch secretaryMeeting sponsored: by Unite the Union Greenwich, the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) and Young Socialists Facebook event
NSSN news
Get your trade union branch or trades council to affiliate to the NSSN – it only costs £50. Already affiliated? Please think about renewing it. Also, many of our supporters pay a few pounds a month. You can set up a similar standing order to ‘National Shop Stewards Network’, HSBC – sort code 40-06-41, account number 90143790. Our address is NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE. Affiliation letter is below
Download the ‘Join the NSSN’ leaflet here
And if you can, come to one of our regional Conferences. If there is not one in your area, get in touch to either assist in organising or have a speaker at one of your meetings or events. Contact Rob or Linda on [email protected]
Union News
Britain still needs a pay rise – TUC Parliamentary Lobby and Rally
Date: Tuesday 17 October
Time: 4.30pm – 6pm for the rally (which follows a Parliamentary Lobby)
Venue: Parliament Square https://www.tuc.org.uk/events/rally-and-lobby-parliament-fair-pay-public-servants
RMT cleaners’ ballots underway for action on Southern/GTR and Southeastern (5 Sept) – RAIL UNION RMT said today that balloting is underway for action in two separate disputes over pay and working conditions on Southern/GTR and Southeastern as the union steps up the fight for workplace justice for cleaners on Britain’s railways. The two disputes are with Wettons, who hold the cleaning contract on Southeastern and Churchill, who hold the cleaning contract on GTR which incorporates Southern, Thameslink and Great Northern. The ballots will both close on 21st September 2017 and are for both strike action and action short of a strike read more
RMT members solid, resilient and determined in disputes over rail safety this morning (4 Sept) – General Secretary Mick Cash said; “The resilience and determination of our members in the three separate disputes over passenger safety on Northern, Southern and Merseyrail is right at the forefront again this morning…” read more
RMT warns against DOO on the Wales & Borders Franchise (1 Sept) – RMT warns against danger of driver only trains on the Wales and Borders Franchise as strike action takes place on other rail companies read more
RMT declares formal dispute over threat to guards on South Western Railway after company refuses to give basic assurances (30 Aug) – RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that a failure by South Western Railway franchise holder First MTR to give clear, cast-iron assurances over the future of guards on their trains has now triggered a formal dispute with the company. The union also confirmed that preparations for a ballot are now underway on South Western Railway and Island Line read more
TSSA ScotRail members vote to strike over proposals to downgrade security (5 Sept) – TSSA ScotRail members in Dunfermline and Paisley have voted 2:1 to take strike action if the company presses ahead with it’s proposal to axe security-critical 22 CCTV monitor positions. And a total of 75per cent of ballots cast were in favour of industrial action. TSSA members are voting yes to industrial action. because because they believe cutting this number of network security supervisors is unnecessary and will expose the entire ScotRail network to increased risk, endangering passenger and industry safety read more
Unite reaches deal with Bank of England (5 Sept) – Unite, the union representing staff at the Bank of England has today (5 September) announced an end to its pay dispute at the Bank of England. In a victory for the workforce Unite members at the bank have voted to accept a deal and end the dispute which brought three days of strike action in August read more
HTC crane strike suspended as company improves pay offer (4 Sept) – A planned strike by Unite members at tower crane company HTC Wolffkran has been suspended following pay negotiations held today (Monday 4 September). The pay offer will see workers receive a six per cent pay increase over two years as well as two one off payments of £250 by the end of 2017. In addition workers will see their paid annual leave entitlement increase by two days by January 2019 and receive greater flexibility on taking unpaid leave during the Christmas shutdown. Unite’s members at HTC Wolffkran will be balloted on whether they wish to accept the offer and this ballot will be completed by Friday 15 September. The strike action, which would have seen widespread disruption on many construction sites, had been scheduled for Friday 8 September read more
Birmingham bin strikes could last the year (1 Sept) – Unite announces new ballot in light of council’s ‘shoddy’ behaviour. ‘Shoddy’ behaviour by Birmingham council has led to a fresh ballot of the city’s refuse workers, Unite the union has announced today (Friday 1 September). The union was shocked by the council’s last minute cancellation of a promised meeting of the council cabinet last night called to discuss a joint union and council proposal aimed at resolving the dispute, rapidly followed by the issuing of redundancy notices to 100 workers, which both parties had agreed would not happen, and now efforts to undermine the recent agreement reached via the conciliation service, Acas. Refuse workers who are members of Unite resumed industrial action today in protest at the council’s alarming actions and failure to uphold the negotiated settlement. Today’s announcement of a re-ballot could mean industrial action and dirty streets extending until 2018 read more Bin strikes set to resume warns Unite as Birmingham council issues redundancies Send messages of support via [email protected] and donations to Unite the Union, 9-17 Victoria St, West Bromwich B70 8HX
Fawley refinery canteen strikers tell their employer: “pay up” (1 Sept) – Women working for caterers Baxter Stanley in the canteen at the Fawley refinery (near Southampton) voted unanimously to strike over their derisory 12p pay rise. Today (1st September) was their third day of four days of strike action read more
Support striking British airways Mixed Fleet cabin crew: Unite chief calls on British Airways to use ‘pause for peace’ to resolve cabin crew dispute after 85 days of strike action read more. Donate to hardship fund – account name: Mixed Fleet Branch, sort code: 60-83-01 account number: 20376387 ref: MFU or make cheques out to Mixed Fleet Branch and post along with messages of support to: Unite the Union, 99 New Road, Harlington UB3 5BQ. Send messages of protest to BA CEO Alex Cruz [email protected]. Follow @MFUnite on twitter
All London Bus Driver Demo (Driven to Distraction) – 9.30am Thursday 14th September City Hall The Queen’s Walk, SE1 2 Facebook event The London Assembly report tells us that bus drivers are working under enormous stress, having short breaks, lacking in toilet facilities, suffering enforced overtime causing major fatigue to drivers. Unite says that this is not acceptable and that TfL must implement the recommendations made in the Driven to Distraction report. Unite London Bus Drivers will present the Mayor with our own Bill of Rights to demand that he intervenes to ensure Bus Drivers are treated with respect. TfL have until October 2017 to implement those recommendations and we will be watching very closely to ensure they do
Support Argos warehouse workers – Unite members have completed a 3 week strike on August 15 in Basildon in Essex, Bridgwater in Somerset, Castleford (West Yorkshire) and Heywood (Greater Manchester) and joined by workers at the Barton Business Park, Burton-on-Trent read more Please send messages of support to [email protected]. Strike fund donations should be made payable to Unite the Union and sent to Paula Hutchinson, 37 Camden Road, Airedale, Castleford, WF10 3LY
Support Barts NHS Trust strike: strikes are set to resume on September 11th read more – send messages of support and request strikers to speak at your meeting to the Unite branch secretary Len Hockey – [email protected]. Sign the online petition – www.change.org/p/pay-up-serco. Send messages of protest to Serco – [email protected] Donate to ‘Branch LE/7384L’ sort code 60-83-01 account number 20344885 – make cheques out to ‘Branch LE/7384L’ and post to Barts NHS Strike Fund, Unite the Union, 33-37 Moreland St, Clerkenwell, London EC1V 8BB
Fund-Raiser in Support of UNITE Barts strikers at Whipps Cross hospital – 7pm Thursday September 7th Star of India 875 High Road Leytonstone, E11 1HR London. Facebook event . Tickets are £10.00 each for a buffet meal. Guest speakers (to date) include John Cryer, MP and Matt Wrack (FBU General Secretary). There will also be a raffle. (Donations of raffle prizes from union branches gratefully received). It’s important to highlight that reservations need to be made in advance- as the events at the Star are often fully booked. Those want to go should email [email protected] – using “UNITE Dispute” in the subject line. All monies raised will be donated to the UNITE strike fund. For more information email Tom Taylor at: [email protected]
Stop DWP office closures:-
PCS members to strike on September 12th against closure of Southall jobcentre
Hoylake jobcentre strike underlines human cost of office closure – send messages of support to Martin Cavanagh at [email protected] read more

Whitley Bay: read more Sign the online petition
Rock solid support for Sheffield jobcentre strike read more. Send messages of support to [email protected] Sign the online petition
For all strikes to defend jobcentres and DWP offices: Make a donation to the PCS fighting fund online or by cheque to PCS DWP Group, 3rd Floor, Town Centre House, Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8LY
Renationalise failing privatised probation services, say unions – The government must bring failing privatised probation services back under public control instead of leaving the taxpayer to bail them out, say UNISON, NAPO and GMB. The three public service unions have written to justice secretary David Lidington highlighting how ‘risky and controversial’ reforms – where private probation firms manage thousands of people who have committed offences – are not working. They say findings from a long-awaited review of these so-called community rehabilitation companies (CRCs) must be published in full, along with details of the public money that has been spent keeping CRCs solvent. The call comes as new figures released by the government show a rise in the number of people who commit serious crimes while already serving sentences outside prison. This is since probation service reforms were introduced three years ago. UNISON, NAPO and GMB also warn about the government’s next privatisation plan to outsource contracts for night-time supervision in probation hostels read more
Durham Teaching assistants reject council’s offer to settle dispute –Durham County Council had voted to put a new proposal to Teaching Assistants. They say it was an improved offer and will see 78% of Teaching Assistants not losing money. However, the County Durham Teaching Assistants’ Activist Committee had serious concerns about the proposal for the following reasons: 22% of TAs are still facing a pay loss. They might have their pay protected for 2 years but they have already had 21 months of extreme stress not knowing if they can keep their homes or their jobs read more https://www.facebook.com/TAsDurhamValueUs/
Support the Kinsley School cleaners in Wakefield on indefinite strike since September 6th – Facebook Group. Donate to strike fund – send to Wakefield Unison, 18 Gills Yard, Wakefield WF1 3BZ
GMB Sellafield workers vote overwhelmingly in favour of strike action (Sept 4) – Our members have had enough of the Company imposing their pay upon them, it is no surprise they have voted by more than 3 to 1 to strike says GMB. Members of GMB, the union for nuclear workers, working at Sellafield Limited in Cumbria have voted for strike action in a dispute over pay. Following the conclusion of a three week ballot process at noon today, 76% of ballot papers returned supported strike action. The vote to strike comes after the company ignored repeated requests for further talks and instead imposed a below-inflation pay offer of just 1.5%. The Unite union is also due to ballot its 2,000 members at Sellafield. Sellafield Ltd offered 1.5% in June which was rejected by 88% of GMB members on site during a consultative ballot. The RPI inflation rate is currently 3.6% read more
RCN national #ScrapTheCap Pay Rally – 12.30pm Wednesday 6th September Central London read more Facebook event
Join the ‘Scrap the cap’ pay protests https://www.rcn.org.uk/nursingcounts/scrap-the-cap
Picturehouse members renew mandate for strike action (30 Aug) – Union members at selected Picturehouse Cinemas have voted in huge numbers to continue their strike action in pursuit of the Living Wage. The renewed mandates for strike action come close to a year after the current dispute got underway in September 2016 with strike action at Brixton’s Ritzy cinema. In less than 12 months, the dispute has both escalated and expanded with union members at Picturehouse locations in Brighton (Duke of Yorks), Central London, Crouch End, East Dulwich and Hackney joining with members in Brixton to press the case for improvements in terms and conditions headlined by the Living Wage read more
Donate to the strike fund: https://www.crowdpac.co.uk/campaigns/250/picturehousestrike
Keep supporting the Picturehouse workers: read the latest on Brixton Ritzy Facebook Page and those of Hackney, Crouch End, Central, Duke of York Brighton and Dulwich East.
Sign petition: reinstate Indro Sen immediately – Indro Sen, a maths lecturer and trade union branch officer at the College of North West London (CNWL) has been dismissed for actions in assisting a former colleague at an employment tribunal case. He was voted by students as the most popular teacher, 2014-15. We demand that the College Governors and Senior Management Team reinstate Sen immediately sign here
Support the reinstatement of London Met union reps: Mark Campbell and David Hardman https://uculondonmet.wordpress.com/
SHAKE THE MAGIC MONEY TREE and SCRAP THE PAY CAP: Demonstration and rally – THURSDAY OCTOBER 12th. Assemble 5:30pm opposite Downing Street. March past Department for Health – Treasury – Department for Education – Home Office
Read on page 5 of ‘NIPSA News’ how NIPSA is fighting to defend the facility time of leading elected lay reps, including President Carmel Gates and Maria Morgan
Demonstrate: September 27th Precarious Labour Strikes Back – The IWGB is planning a big precarious labour bonanza march through central London in September! On the 27th of September Uber will be appealing last year’s Employment Tribunal decision which awarded ‘worker’ status to Uber drivers. The lead claimants in this case are members of the IWGB. We are going to march through central London to the Employment Appeal Tribunal in support of our members and all Uber drivers, and to show ‘gig economy’ bosses, the courts and the British public that we will not lie down as our employment rights are taken away! Facebook event
United Voices of the World union
UVW members who clean and polish the Ferrari and Maserati showrooms in South Kensington are set to strike for a living wage. They are currently paid the minimum, poverty wage UVW Facebook page
Other news
Wigan Diggers Festival is this Saturday September 9th https://wigandiggersfestival.org/
Blacklisting & Victimisation
Buy the book ‘Blacklisted: The Secret War between Big Business and Union Activists’ Author: Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain. Blacklisted tells the controversial story of the illegal strategies that transnational construction companies used to keep union activists away from work.
Blacklist Support Group financial appeal: the Blacklist support group is desperately short of funds, to continue the incredible work we need more finance, would you please consider making a donation, raise it at your branches and trade councils. Please make cheques payable to Joint sites committee and send to 70 Darnay Rise Chelmsford Essex CM1 4XA. Please forward onto your contacts many thanks Steve Kelly (JSC Treasurer)
Book http://newint.org/books/politics/blacklisted-secret-war/
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlCa8yQmZ70
Blog: www.hazards.org/blacklistblog
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/blacklistSG/
Donate to ReelNews – http://reelnews.co.uk/donationssubscriptions/
Russia: Police harassment of Ali Feruz supporters – solidarity action needed! Read more
10 NSSN rally at TUC Congress
30 Construction Safety Campaign (CSC) AGM is the 30th September – Ricky Tomlinson invited speaker
1 Protest the Tory Conference. Let’s get this party started Facebook event
17 Britain still needs a pay rise: TUC Parliamentary Lobby and Rally, 4.30pm – 6pm for the rally (which follows a Parliamentary Lobby), Parliament Square https://www.tuc.org.uk/events/rally-and-lobby-parliament-fair-pay-public-servants
PHONE 07952 283 558
EMAIL mailto:[email protected]
TWITTER – https://twitter.com/NSSN_AntiCuts
ADDRESS NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE