This week, we headline two disputes – one that has just burst out in the North Sea oil fields and the other reaching its 50th day!
Over 400 members of Unite and RMT working for Wood Group on Shell platforms went on strike today – the first in the offshore oil and gas industry in almost 3 decades – which follows a ban on overtime which came into force yesterday. The NSSN took part in a protest at Shell International in Canary Wharf this morning. See interviews of RMT Assistant General Secretary Steve Hedley and President Sean Hoyle as well as NSSN national chair Rob Williams

Tomorrow Wednesday July 27th, members of the United Voices of the World union will be protesting from 5pm at 100 Wood Street EC2V 7AN to mark 50 days of strike action. Cleaning contractor Thames Cleaning and Support Services Limited, who sub-contract for CBRE properties, have finally conceded the London Living Wage but the dispute continues until sacked workers are reinstated. See video here
Please consider donating to their strike fund. Bank details can be found at read more on United Voices of the World Facebook Group

NSSN news
NSSN TUC Congress rally: ‘Cameron Gone – get the rest of the Tories Out!’ – 1pm Sunday 11th September Ashdown Suite in the Holiday Inn 137 King’s Rd (seafront), Brighton BN1 2JF Map

This is a video of the 10th annual NSSN Conference which took place on Saturday July 2nd in London on the themes: “Cameron’s gone – now get rid of the rest of the Tories! Link the strikes!’
Get your trade union branch or trades council to affiliate to the NSSN – it only costs £50. Already affiliated? Please think about renewing it. Also, many of our supporters pay a few pounds a month. You can set up a similar standing order to ‘National Shop Stewards Network’, HSBC – sort code 40-06-41, account number 90143790. Our address is NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE. Affiliation letter attached and here
Download the ‘Join the NSSN’ leaflet here
And if you can, come to one of our regional Conferences. If there is not one in your area, get in touch to either assist in organising or have a speaker at one of your meetings or events. Contact Rob or Linda on [email protected]
Union News
July-August edition of NUT The Teacher magazine
Support Simon O’Hara — victimised teacher at Small Heath School in Birmingham
Reinstate Kumaran Bose – sacked by Samworths! The NSSN is supporting the BFAWU’s campaign in support of Kumaran Bose who was dismissed for speaking out and for organising a union in his workplace read more Facebook group Protest outside Marks & Spencers 2pm Saturday July 30 Humberstone Gate Leicester

RF Brookes workers continue the fight against bullying management (18 July) – Production at RF Brookes slowed to a virtual standstill on the second day of the second strike in Rogerstone near Newport. Agency workers who had been bussed in to break the strike were sent home as production ground to a halt. About 100 workers supported the picket line read more
Scotrail dispute latest: read more
Southern Rail dispute latest: RMT calls for GTR to be exempted from franchise read more
RMT to ballot on Virgin East Coast over growing threat to jobs and safety (22 July) – RAIL UNION RMT today confirmed that it has declared a dispute with Virgin East Coast and will open a strike ballot next week over a threat to jobs, working conditions and safety read more
UNISON Northern Ireland wins battle over salary payments (22 July) – Union calls off strike ballot, for now, after health minister halts damaging move to monthly payments for health workers read more
Support school support staff against pay cuts – Join teaching assistants Facebook Group here Watch video of Durham protest Durham school support staff mobilise against slashing of pay
Strong start to HMRC cleaners’ strike (26 July) – There was as a very strong start to a two-day strike by PCS members who clean HMRC buildings in Bootle and Liverpool taking action over cuts to their hours to claw back a rise in the minimum wage. The first day of action yesterday (25 July) by staff employed by multinational ISS, against imposed changes to their pay and conditions, saw every single PCS member working for ISS at the affected HMRC sites take part in the action, with only a tiny minority of non-members in Liverpool not taking part read more
Petition urges HMRC to suspend office closures sign here
BIS industrial action to continue throughout the summer – Action short of a strike will start on Monday 20 June with the possibility of more complete walk-outs read more
- Sign the online petition against the closure of the Sheffield office
- Write to your MP
- Tweet your messages of support @pcsbis using the hashtag #KeepSheffieldOpen.
- Donate to the strike fund: cheques made payable to the PCS BIS hardship fund can be sent to the BIS group treasurer at 9 Medina Way, Upper Stratton, Swindon, SN2 7NW or money can be transferred to Unity Trust bank account 20240992 sort code 60-83-01
Second strike at Fawley oil refinery over ‘half pay’ for foreign workers (26 July) – Workers at the Fawley oil refinery will stage a second 24 hour strike tomorrow (Wednesday 27 July) in the dispute that sees foreign workers being paid half that of UK workers at the Southampton site. About 20 specialist workers, employed by Italian company Nico Industrial Services Ltd, will strike from 00.01 tomorrow at the Esso refinery, after talks broke down read more STOP PRESS!! ‘Pay parity’ victory at Fawley oil refinery over ‘half pay’ for foreign workers –
Workers at the Fawley oil refinery have won a ‘pay parity’ victory in the dispute that saw foreign workers being paid half that of UK workers at the Southampton site.
As a result, a second 24 hour strike by about 20 specialist workers, employed by Italian company Nico Industrial Services Ltd, due to have started from 00.01 this morning (Wednesday) at the Esso refinery, was called off
‘Window of opportunity’ to solve Weymouth bus dispute, says Unite (25 July) – There is a window of opportunity to settle the six-week old Weymouth bus dispute as the parent company First Group has sought settlements in two other separate bus disputes in the UK. Unite, the country’s largest union, said the management of First Hampshire & Dorset Ltd should take a leaf out of the books of other First Group managements in Glasgow and Leeds where progress has been made to solve two industrial disputes read more
Leeds bus strike suspended as 1,000 workers vote on a new pay deal (25 July) – Leeds bus workers, who have suspended their all-out strike due to have started tomorrow (Tuesday 26 July), will be voting on a new improved two-year pay deal over the next fortnight. Unite, the country’s largest union, said that the ballot result of the 1,000 bus workers, based at the Bramley and Hunslet Park depots in Leeds, would be known on Thursday 11 August read more
Honda car workers walk out at lunchtime (22 July) – Workers at Honda downed tools at lunchtime causing the production line to come to a standstill. Between 50 and 60 staff walked out accusing bosses of trying to make them work longer than agreed after management changed their minds about a noon finish time read more
Unite leader Len McCluskey joins march against Bromley Council – Unite leader Len McCluskey joined the crowd of 600 campaigners who marched through Bromley on Saturday to voice their opposition to privatisation of council services. The protest, which began from Norman Park, came after a series of strikes by council staff last week. Members of the union voted by 87 per cent to take strike action in protest against what they describe as a “mass privatisation programme” and “cuts to pay and conditions” see photos and videos of demonstration in News Shopper
Industrial Action Ballot At North Lanarkshire Council (July 25) – Overwhelming Support For Industrial Action Over North Lanarkshire Cleansing Cuts. This consultative ballot result sends out a clear message to the council that our members will strongly resist the imposition of further cuts to their livelihoods says GMB Scotland read more
BMA Junior Doctors dispute – junior doctors vote to reject deal by 58% to 42% on a 68% turnout Read more on BMA website
For more info follow #JuniorDoctorsStrike #NotSafeNotFair #JuniorDoctors on twitter
BURSARY OR BUST: Continuing the fight to save NHS bursaries
Firefighters’ union campaign saves frontline fire services from chop (22 July) – Firefighters from the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) in Lincolnshire were celebrating this week as their campaign to save frontline services paid off read more
Stop the sackings of union reps at London Met – #savelondonmet #saveourreps Yesterday (April 30) our branch chair Mark Campbell and secretary David Hardman were made redundant in what is an outrageous attack on their strenuous and tireless trade union activities defending jobs and education at London Met read more Sign petition Since launching this petition, the situation at London Met has now deteriorated further. University management have commenced a further round of compulsory redundancies that threaten the jobs of almost 400 academic and administrative staff – some one-third of all substantive university staff. They have also stated their intention to further increase the use of zero-hour contracts and reduce research to that which explicitly ‘generates a profit’. Please see details here
Reinstate Clive Walder – Clive Walder, a longstanding leading rep in the CWU was sacked last November after 38 years of service with British Telecom. Clive is chair of the CWU Birmingham, Black Country & Worcester branch. Last week, his Employment Tribunal was dismissed on a technicality after a claim by BT, denying Clive the right of a fair hearing. This is outrageous.
Clive worked in a BT call centre and was dismissed after an aggressive customer reported him to management just 33 seconds into a phone call. The decision was made without taking stress into account despite the local CWU branch reporting that 7% of staff at the call centre leave their jobs each month, some walking out mid shift. Management took the decision without consulting any medical advice or taking into account any mitigation.
Clive is a NSSN steering committee member and we will be supporting the campaign protesting the sacking and campaigning for his reinstatement.
Contact Clive to send messages of support and invite him to your union branch, shop stewards committee, trades council etc – [email protected] 07771931185
Strike Ballot At Network Rail (26 July) – A strike ballot by key senior maintenance engineers could lead to disruption and delays at Network Rail during late August, the TSSA warned today. Around 250 engineers will vote between August 2 and 15 to decide if they will strike in a row over payments for out of hours on call standby duties read more read more
Eurostar shift dispute (20 July) – Eurostar services could be disrupted next month in the peak holiday season in a row over work rosters read more
London living wage for LTM cleaners and porters! Join the weekly protests at 1pm outside the London Transport Museum – Covent Garden Piazza, WC2E 8 London read more
Nationalise Tata – support the Steelworkers
For latest developments, follow Facebook group
Union warns workers to check their pay packets (25 July) – UCATT are warning that construction workers need to check their pay packet to ensure that employers have honoured the latest pay increase. Pay rates for workers covered by the CIJC (Construction Industry Joint Council) agreement increased by 2.5 per cent from Monday 25th July read more
BBC retreats over exploitative contracts in drama (19 July) – BECTU has received assurances from the BBC that buyout contracts aimed at workers in drama, including junior staff, are not appropriate and will be ‘investigated immediately’ read more
Other News
The NSSN passes on our condolences to the family of Dave Hopper. We print a statement from the Durham Miners’ Association:
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of our Secretary, Dave Hopper, who died unexpectedly on Saturday 16 July at 4.00pm.
Dave was elected General Secretary of the NUM (Durham Area) in 1985 and led the union through the difficult years in the aftermath of the 1984/85 strike and the final closure of the Durham Coalfield. He was an inspirational leader who held firm to his deeply felt socialist principles.
Dave presided over the recent 132nd Durham Miners Gala the 31st under his leadership – the greatest number of any General Secretary. This Gala attracted the largest crowd in 60 years and this achievement and the Galas to come will be his legacy.
At this moment our thoughts are with his family and those closest to him read more
Pentonville 5 meeting – July 28 6.30pm in the Marx Memorial Library, Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU
Crowdfunder for van for ‘Dare Devil Rides To Jarama’ – UK theatre tour read more
Blacklisting & Victimisation
Buy the book ‘Blacklisted: The Secret War between Big Business and Union Activists’ Author: Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain. Blacklisted tells the controversial story of the illegal strategies that transnational construction companies used to keep union activists away from work. See the official trailer from ReelNews
Blacklist Support Group financial appeal: the Blacklist support group is desperately short of funds, to continue the incredible work we need more finance, would you please consider making a donation, raise it at your branches and trade councils. Please make cheques payable to Joint sites committee and send to 70 Darnay Rise Chelmsford Essex CM1 4XA. Please forward onto your contacts many thanks Steve Kelly (JSC Treasurer)
Blacklist Support Group update – 26 July
- Blacklisting, Bullying & Blowing the Whistle
Blacklist Support Group are co-hosting a major employment rights conference in September at the University of Greenwich.
Bringing together activists & academics, politicians, unions and lawyers to expose the hidden underbelly of the modern workplace. Confirmed contributors include: John McDonnell, Michelle Stanistreet, Gail Cartmail, John Hendy, Roger McKenzie, Art Against Blacklisting – many more speakers to be announced.
Come along, spread the word and be part of setting the political agenda on workers rights (plus on Friday evening there will be a Blacklisting Victory party with live music & DJs)
- When Len McCluskey said that that MI5 could be covertly undermining the Corbyn leadership, he was condemned as a conspiracy theorist. Perhaps his critics should take a look at the evidence of legal democratic campaigns being infiltrated by undercover police and the security services.
- Video shown at UNITE Policy Conference in Brighton
Bill Harvey, Jessica Sparrowhawk, Sandy MacPherson, Bridgett & Darrel Crapper represent
- Solidarity
Solidarity – Wood Street Cleaners
Wood Street cleaners have WON the London Living Wage but have voted unanimously to stay on indefinite strike until their sacked union reps are reinstated.
Day 50 on strike – protest – Time for our entire movement to mobilise in support of this heroic dispute.
5pm Wednesday 27th July
Solidarity with the striking Offshore workers
Solidarity with the Durham TAs
Solidarity with Hazards conference – this weekend
- Davey Hopper R.I.P.
Blacklist Support Group wish to send condolences to the family and friends of Davy Hopper, Durham NUM. Funeral this Friday.
- The short film ‘Apologies’ by Lucy Parker about the blacklisting scandal is showing as part of an exhibition from Tuesday this week until 28th August
Jerwood Space, 171 Union Street, Bankside, London, SE1 0LN.
- Corbyn keeps pushing the case for blacklisted workers at Durham & Tolpuddle
Donate to ReelNews –
Turkey: press freedom victim of coup crackdown read more on NUJ website
Support Postal Workers – Defend Canada Post read more
Union-busting escalates at SABMiller India following attack on rights in Australia read more
Diary (see & use false economy)
10 6th Wigan Diggers’ Festival
11 NSSN TUC Congress rally ‘Cameron Gone – get the rest of the Tories Out!’ – 1pm Ashdown Suite in the Holiday Inn 137 King’s Rd (seafront), Brighton BN1 2JF
PHONE 07952 283 558
EMAIL mailto:[email protected]
ADDRESS NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE