Month: May 2016

  • NSSN 294: Link up the strikes – come to NSSN Conference

    NSSN 294: Link up the strikes – come to NSSN Conference

    NSSN supporters spent last week racing around picket lines and strike protests as a succession of workers took action. In Sheffield, PCS members at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills were on strike to stop their office being closed, while across the city hundreds of BFAWU bakers’ Union members were on picket lines, day…

  • NSSN 293: Support the strikes!

    NSSN 293: Support the strikes!

    Two weeks after the Tory trade Union Bill became law, this week’s NSSN e-bulletin is full of reports and requests of solidarity from a whole number of disputes. PCS members in the National Museum Wales are continuing their all-out strike while their comrades in BIS start action against office closures and job cuts. BFAWU members…

  • TU Bill passed but victories show how it can be defeated

    TU Bill passed but victories show how it can be defeated

    The Tory Trade Union Bill has completed its journey through the parliamentary process to become law. Disgracefully, the Trade Union Congress (TUC) has not organised a single national demonstration against the bill. It’s one lobby of Parliament last November saw hundreds of union members refused access to the venue in Westminster because the TUC had…

  • 90 years since the General Strike

      Ninety years ago today, millions of workers were taking part in the General Strike to defend the miners from a brutal Tory government. The NSSN along with militant unions has championed the idea of generalised strike action to face down Tory austerity and their planned anti-union laws. PCS National Vice-President John McInally celebrates the…