Month: July 2014

  • NSSN 203 – FBU Gaza statement

    NSSN 203 – FBU Gaza statement

    The vast majority of trade unionists are outraged by the events in Gaza over the last few weeks and many have attended the protests and demonstrations that have taken place. In this week’s NSSN e-bulletin, we re-produce the FBU’s statement on Gaza.   The Fire Brigades Union deplores the horrific attacks on Gaza and calls…

  • Justice for Doncaster Eddie Stobart/Tesco drivers

    Justice for Doncaster Eddie Stobart/Tesco drivers

    From Unite the union: In July 2012 Tesco transferred 184 drivers to Eddie Stobarts at their distribution centre in Doncaster. Less than six months later 184 drivers were out of work. The drivers’ union, Unite, has continued to support the drivers including pursuing legal action for unfair dismissal and insufficient consultation. As part of the legal…

  • Doncaster Care UK workers on the picket line again

    Doncaster Care UK workers on the picket line again

    On 29 July, Doncaster Care UK workers, members of Unison, began another two weeks of strike action. They have already taken 34 days of strike action between February and May against 35% pay cuts as a result of the privatisation of the Supported Living Service for Adults with Learning Difficulties. Unison has declared a new…

  • 202: Action builds confidence;  Confidence builds action.

    202: Action builds confidence; Confidence builds action.

    The marvellous display of working class solidarity we witnessed during the huge strike of July 10 has, as we predicted, given renewed confidence to whole layers of the trade union movement. J10 saw the big guns move into action – government workers, schoolworkers, firefighters – but this week sees some of the smaller sections of…

  • Ritzy strikers march for a Living Wage

    Ritzy strikers march for a Living Wage

    Strikers at Brixton’s Ritzy cinema were joined by fellow BECTU members and supporters in a march around central London yesterday. The march was part of their long running fight for the London Living Wage of £8.80 an hour. The route took in several well known London cinema’s owned by Cine World, the parent company of…

  • Mark Serwotka to speak at NSSN rally at the TUC Conference

    Mark Serwotka to speak at NSSN rally at the TUC Conference

    The National Shop Stewards Network is pleased to announce that PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka will be speaking at the NSSN rally at TUC Conference on 7th September The NSSN conference on July 5th agreed that the Network will hold a public rally at this year’s TUC Congress in Liverpool to lobby delegates to keep up…

  • 201: NSSN rally at TUC Congress:‘Confirm the next pay strikes!’

    201: NSSN rally at TUC Congress:‘Confirm the next pay strikes!’

    The tremendous #J10 public sector strike last Thursday has changed the mood music. All of a sudden it is the government desperately re-arranging the deck chairs on its Titanic with its latest re-shuffle. As the NSSN predicted, if the unions give workers a lead, they will respond. Not only that, the action was overwhelmingly popular…

  • Firefighters rally to defend Ashley Brown

    Firefighters rally to defend Ashley Brown

    Over 100 fire-fighters and supporters held a rally outside Hertfordshire County Council offices this morning to demand the reinstatement of Ashley Brown. The FBU member was dismissed by Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service in December following comments he made on social media regarding the unions industrial action in defence of pensions. Speaking to the rally…

  • VIDEO: #J10 Public sector strike

    VIDEO: #J10 Public sector strike

    Public sector workers in nine different unions were out on strike in force on 10 July 2014 in a magnificent show of strength to demand an end to the pay freeze. Local government workers in Unison, Unite and GMB; civil servants in the PCS and Nipsa, teachers in the NUT, fire-fighters in the FBU, and…

  • Victory for Look Ahead Unite Members!

    Victory for Look Ahead Unite Members!

    Look Ahead Victory! Strike Off! There has been a stunning eve-of-strike victory for Look Ahead Unite Members. After weeks of negotiation and an escalating threat of industrial action, with a seven day strike due to start on Thursday 9th July, members working in the four Hackney Look Ahead services were finally made an offer that…

  • Victory For Tyneside Safety Glass Strikers!

    Victory For Tyneside Safety Glass Strikers!

    Militant Action Wins!   After three weeks of strike action TSG strikers have won a tremendous victory against tight-fisted  bosses who had offered an insulting zero per cent pay increase.   Initially, the bosses stated that they would not talk terms whilst the strike continued.   By relying on agency workers (illegally taken on), they seemed…

  • NSSN 200: J10 pay strike shows our power!

    NSSN 200: J10 pay strike shows our power!

    Public sector workers in nine different unions were out on strike in force yesterday – in a magnificent show of strength to demand an end to the pay freeze. Local government workers in Unison, Unite and GMB; civil servants in the PCS and Nipsa, teachers in the NUT, fire-fighters in the FBU, and sections of…