Month: April 2014

  • NSSN 190 – Celebrate May Day: support RMT & FBU strikes!

    NSSN 190 – Celebrate May Day: support RMT & FBU strikes!

    The officers and steering committee of the National Shop Stewards Network sends May Day greetings to all workers internationally. The origin of May Day is bound up with the struggle for shorter hours and greater leisure time for workers – this remains a major demand of workers’ organisations worldwide. On May 1, 1886, more than…

  • Taking on the bullies in Greenwich

    Taking on the bullies in Greenwich

    11 Occupational Therapists, all employed at Greenwich Council are currently being balloted for strike action in protest at a prolonged campaign of bullying instigated by managers at Greenwich Council. This small group of workers have made the courageous decision that they will not allow themselves to be backed into a dark corner where they take a…

  • EDF strike days announced – while company branding melts in the sun!

    EDF strike days announced – while company branding melts in the sun!

    EDF Energy have just spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on rebranding their vans with the image of their mascot “Zingy”. But this is fast turning into a public relations disaster. Drivers have pointed out that the new colour resembles baby pooh. If this were not bad enough, some drivers have been instructed not to…

  • Fight to defend the NHS, know your enemy.

    Fight to defend the NHS, know your enemy.

    In their attempts to destroy the NHS the Government have established local organisations under the guise of local accountability, but in reality these bodies are part and parcel of the privatisation and fragmentation agenda. If we are to effectively  campaign to save the NHS we need to understand the role of these bodies. Most people…

  • NSSN 189 – Tube Strike back on! Support the RMT

    NSSN 189 – Tube Strike back on! Support the RMT

    RMT members working on London Underground (LU) will strike on 28-30 April and 5-8 May. This is because talks at Acas with LU have failed to make any progress. In fact LU have reneged on their undertakings made when our strike in February was suspended to allow talks to take place. During this time LU…

  • Protest at hearing of Unite Convenor Bryan Kennedy

    Protest at hearing of Unite Convenor Bryan Kennedy

    Unite Housing Workers Fighting for decent pay & dignity at work. Protest at hearing of Unite Convenor Bryan Kennedy  Wed 23rd April 12.30-1.30pm Dear Members Thank you for your ongoing support and solidarity to our branch campaigns. We are inviting you to join our protest outside of the hearing of suspended Unite convenor Bryan Kennedy…

  • NSSN Conference July 5: “Fight Together for a Pay Rise!”

    NSSN Conference July 5: “Fight Together for a Pay Rise!”

    Workers are saying “What recovery? We want our share!” Millions of public sector workers are having their pay again pegged to 1% when RPI inflation is nearly 3% and energy prices are up 9%! Average household income is already 6% below 2003 levels. NHS workers are not even getting this miserly rise and correctly health…

  • VIDEO: The War of the Ports

    VIDEO: The War of the Ports

    “The War of Ports” is the result of a set of European dockworkers testimonials about the solidarity international movement with the port of Lisbon. Taken from the Estivadores Solidariedade YouTube channel.

  • NSSN 187: Sparks Strike Back: The fight for PAYE begins!

    NSSN 187: Sparks Strike Back: The fight for PAYE begins!

    Unrest Wednesday is in Full Swing – 37 Agency Electricians walked off a job at AWE Aldermaston today (April 2) over the new self-employed legislation. It is a Shepherds Engineering Services job. They are demanding to be taken on the cards direct by Shepherds. Shepherds have agreed to a meeting to discuss the possibility. A…

  • Ex-Visteon/Ford workers march for pensions justice

    Ex-Visteon/Ford workers march for pensions justice

    Former employees of Visteon/Ford marched today from Unite HQ in Holborn to Parliament to demand pensions justice. The workers were robbed of their pensions when Visteon went bust in 2009. Since then the Visteon Pensions Justice Action Group have campaigned tirelessly for the parent company, Ford, to live up to it’s obligations to the workers.…

  • In Pictures: NAPO/Justice Alliance march

    In Pictures: NAPO/Justice Alliance march

    The probation officers union NAPO and the Justice Alliance held a joint march on April 1st from Parliament to the Ministry of Justice. NAPO members were in the second day of strike action against the privatisation of 70% of the probation service. The Justice Alliance action by solicitors and other legal professionals was in response…