Month: July 2013

  • NSSN EBULLETIN 152 We’d like to celebrate the birth of.. ;)

    NSSN EBULLETIN 152 We’d like to celebrate the birth of.. 😉

    NSSN EBULLETIN 152 We’d like to celebrate the birth of.. 😉 some more industrial action.. Following a spring of industrial action PCS will be spending the summer months consulting all of its branches on how to take its national campaign forward. In an escalation of the PCS national campaign in support of pay, pensions, jobs,…

  • Ronnie Draper & Ian Lawrence now speaking at NSSN lobby of TUC

    Ronnie Draper & Ian Lawrence now speaking at NSSN lobby of TUC

    The NSSN are delighted to announce further speakers at the lobby of the TUC Congress on 8th September. Ronnie Draper is the General Secretary of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU). The BFAWU is one of the seven unions that officially support the NSSN. Ian Lawrence is the recently elected General Secretary of…

  • Bulletin 151 ‘Rings of Fire’

    Bulletin 151 ‘Rings of Fire’

    FBU protest goes on NOW – 94% of the public opposes fire cuts in London – and yet the majority of the cuts are to go ahead! These are being piled on to the rest of the Con-Dems’ attacks on the working class, every service which workers rely upon, is under attack or being privatised.…

  • Turkey solidarity appeal from Day-Mer

    Turkey solidarity appeal from Day-Mer

    Dear NSSN supporters, I am writing to ask for the support of NSSN, once again, for the people of Turkey against police and state attack on its people. Police attacks and state terror by the Turkish government on its own people is continuing. On Monday, 8th July 2013 members of the public wanted to enter…

  • Bulletin 150 – New Labour attacks trade unions

    Bulletin 150 – New Labour attacks trade unions

    NSSN e-bulletin 150 New Labour attacks trade unions The major union news of the week has been the battle between New Labour and Unite over the role unions play in the Labour party. NSSN supporters and our sponsoring unions have differing views over the Labour link; some are affiliated to Labour, others have no party…

  • Mark Serwotka to speak at NSSN lobby of TUC

    Mark Serwotka to speak at NSSN lobby of TUC

    We are pleased to announce that Mark Serwotka, General Secretary of the PCS union will address the lobby of the TUC, organised by the National Shop Stewards Network. The full details are below   Lobby TUC conference in Bournemouth on September 8th – Name the date for a 24 hour general strike – ‘all out…

  • Bob Crow and Steve Gillan to speak at NSSN lobby of TUC

    Bob Crow and Steve Gillan to speak at NSSN lobby of TUC

    We’ve just had confirmation that Bob Crow, RMT general secretary, and Steve Gillan, POA general secretary, will both address the lobby of the TUC, organised by the National Shop Stewards Network. The full details are below Lobby TUC conference in Bournemouth on September 8th – Name the date for a 24 hour general strike – ‘all…

  • How we took on Salford Council

    We are a group of Mental Health Service Users & carers in Salford, Greater Manchester. For almost 12 months we have been fighting against the removal of staff from our drop-in sessions, and against drop-in sessions being closed down or moved to totally unsuitable venues. Both the Labour-run council and the NHS Trust have been…

  • No.149 – What next after the NSSN conference?

    No.149 – What next after the NSSN conference?

    NSSN e-bulletin 149 – What next after the NSSN conference? At last September’s TUC conference, ‘Motion 5’ from the POA prison officers’ union was overwhelmingly passed. It called on the trade union movement to consider the “practicalities of a general strike” against the ConDems’ austerity offensive. The NSSN organised a lobby of the TUC conference,…