Bakers Union agrees to affiliate to the NSSN

‎”We are delighted to report that the Bakers Union BFAWU has agreed at its national executive to affiliate to the NSSN. We look forward to working even closer with this fighting union and its members.

This decision means that 7 national unions now officially support or are affiliated to the NSSN – RMT, PCS, CWU, POA, NUM, NUJ, and now BFAWU. This is alongside countless union branches, shop stewards committees and trades councils as well as a number of anti-cuts organisations. We are extremely proud and grateful for this support.

We also want to take this opportunity to give advance warning that the 7th annual conference of the NSSN will take place on the 29th June 2013 in the Camden Centre in London. We look forward to seeing you all there.”

Rob Williams NSSN Chair


You can join as a national union, locally or individually.  The National Shop Stewards Network is growing!

NSSN brings together trade unionists from across all industries and services in the battle to stop cuts. Now more than ever it is vital to have the necessary resources to continue this work. That’s why we are making an appeal.

The NSSN was set up by the RMT to help revitalise the trade unions from the bottom up, and to organise solidarity and assistance to all workers under attack from the bosses or the government. We continue this work.

What you can do

Local Trade union branches & Trades Councils can affiliate/support the NSSN for £50 or more a year. We appeal to all trade union branches to make a donation.

Individuals can take up a standing order for as little as £2 (£1 low waged) a month. You can get a form from us, which will also be on our resources page, or, even quicker, go directly to your bank. Our details are:

  • Account Name: ‘National Shop Stewards Network’
  • Account No: 90143790
  • Sort Code: 40-06-41 (& add Reference – your name & union)Send cheques to ‘National Shop Stewards Network’ PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE.
  • E: [email protected] Web: Tel: 07952 283 558



