Month: October 2012

  • NW NSSN report & agrees to support ETUC day of action

    NW NSSN report & agrees to support ETUC day of action

    An excellent meeting by the north-west Shop Stewards Network in Manchester on Saturday brought together stewards and members across Greater Manchester and Lancashire from Unite, UCU, NUM, Unison and BFAWU. The main discussion on “next steps towards a one-day general strike” affirmed widespread support for the demand that the TUC name the date now for…

  • Housing workers fight for ‘Sector standards’

    Housing workers fight for ‘Sector standards’

    We all have an important role to play building the idea of the need for a general strike. We also support the call for a Day of Action and Solidarity across Europe on 14 November, as the ETUC strongly opposes the austerity measures, which are plunging Europe into economic stagnation, & recession. This Day of Action and Solidarity…

  • Support the Ford workers – stop the plant closures and sackings in Southampton & Dagenham!

    Support the Ford workers – stop the plant closures and sackings in Southampton & Dagenham!

    The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) sends its full support to Ford workers and their unions – Unite and the GMB after their company’s announcement that it intends to close two British plants and sack up to 2,000 workers by next summer. We support any action taken by these workers to defend their plants and…

  • UNISON members working for Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust have voted overwhelmingly for strike action

    Unison Mid Yorkshire Health Branch Press release: UNISON members working for Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust have voted overwhelmingly for strike action in their campaign against compulsory redundancies and pay cuts. The Admin and Clerical staff voted 88 % in favour of strike action and 96% in favour of action short of strike action. UNISON…

  • We Marched together on the 20th, now to strike together!

    We Marched together on the 20th, now to strike together!

    “Blimey!” was the reaction of one railway worker as he heard about Lennie McCluskey’s call for a general strike in Hyde Park on the massive TUC demo last Saturday. We expected Mark Serwotka and Bob Crow to do that, and they did. The RMT, PCS together with POA had committed to campaigning for a general…

  • 113 – March together this Saturday against austerity

    113 – March together this Saturday against austerity

    March together this Saturday against the ConDem austerity offensive…then strike together! We have spent the last few months helping to build for Saturday’s TUC demonstrations in London, Glasgow and Belfast. We also lobbied the TUC conference last month for the unions to follow up the October 20 mobilisations with a 24 hour general strike to…

  • Amnesty strike report

    Amnesty strike report

    On Wednesday 17 October, Unite members at Amnesty’s International Secretariat (IS) offices in Central London took strike action. This is a separate dispute to the one at Amnesty UK, where two days of strike action have already taken place; there are separate ballots and issues, but both are due to managers failing to abide by…

  • Amnesty workers strike

    Amnesty workers strike

    See below for details of the upcoming strike of Amnesty workers, details of the strike rally and where to send messages of support.   Dear friends and colleagues Unite members at Amnesty UK went on strike for a second time last week. We have been overwhelmed by the continuing support from individuals, trade union groups,…

  • October 20: help out the NSSN!

    October 20: help out the NSSN!

    The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) has spent the last few months helping to build for Saturday’s TUC demonstrations in London, Glasgow and Belfast. We lobbied the TUC conference last month for the unions to follow up the October 20 mobilisations with a 24 hour general strike to defeat the ConDems’ austerity offensive. We were…

  • Appeal from South African mine workers

    Appeal from South African mine workers

    Rustenburg, October 12, 2012: FROM: Rustenburg Joint Strike Coordinating Committee TO: Shop stewards, trade unionists, fellow workers, comrades RE: Appeal for support for striking South African mine workers Dear comrades, We write to appeal to you to support our strike for a decent living wage. The strike that started at Lonmin’s platinum mines in Marikana,…

  • Bulletin 112 Its Us vs Them!

    Bulletin 112 Its Us vs Them!

    You can’t help but wanting to kick the telly every time they come on, and that’s just for what you can see happen or begin to experience. The jolly hockeystick bunch should carry a health warning, ¼ of whom are private landlords and 23 of the 29 ,of just the cabinet ,are millionaires. With an…

  • Defend the NHS – Build for a 24-hour general strike

    Defend the NHS – Build for a 24-hour general strike

    National Shop Stewards Network NHS Bulletin No. 2 NHS bulletin 2 The ConDem government’s attacks on the National Health Service are sending it spinning towards destruction. A recent report by the Royal College of Physicians shows the terrifying levels of diminishing resources to demand in the NHS. The number of NHS beds is more than 30% less than 25 years ago, despite having…