Tag: Optare

  • NSSN 512: Fight together against the Tory Pay Freeze

    NSSN 512: Fight together against the Tory Pay Freeze

    This week’s NSSN bulletin opposes the proposed pay freeze that is expected to be announced by Tory Chancellor Rishi Sunak this Wednesday.  NSSN Chair Rob Williams said, “Just as the Tories are exposed over giving COVID contracts to their cronies and a day after a big rise in defence spending is announced, millions of public…

  • 511: #RightToPicket protected – support Optare workers

    511: #RightToPicket protected – support Optare workers

      The NSSN sends our solidarity to Unite and its members on strike at Optare in Yorkshire after the union won a legal challenge to the use of COVID rules by police to disperse legal picket lines. This demonstrates the vital importance of the labour and trade union movement retaining its ability to organise during…