Tag: Nationalization
NSSN 170 – Fight attacks on Jobs & Pay on the Tube!
This week, we re-produce a statement from RMT General Secretary Bob Crow after the announcement of massive job cuts on London Underground (LUL) and the further threat to the living standards of tube workers. The NSSN appeals to all trade unions to give full support to the unions and their members on LUL Hear Bob…
NSSN 167: 20th anniversary of rail privatisation
On 5 November 1993 John Major’s Tories passed the Railways Act to privatise British Rail, opening an era of public transport chaos and fragmentation in Britain. Rail privatisation is a grotesque ‘corporate welfare’ binge for a herd of gruesome Fat Cats, some well-known like Richard Branson, others less so like the shadowy hedge funds and…