Tag: ISS

  • 497: PCS consultative ballot of jobcentre and UC workers

    497: PCS consultative ballot of jobcentre and UC workers

    We headline this week’s NSSN bulletin on PCS’s consultative industrial action ballot that will begin on August 17th. We send our full support to PCS and its members and reps in DWP. We also send our solidarity to PCS members on Merseyside, outsourced cleaners working for ISS in HMRC who are on a month-long strike…

  • NSSN 457: PCS wins again in BEIS!

    NSSN 457: PCS wins again in BEIS!

      The NSSN sends congratulations to PCS and its outsourced members in BEIS who have won another victory. Weeks ago, it was workers in Aramark and now those working for ISS have won. We echo PCS’s call for all outsourced workers to be brought back in-house. PCS: ISS staff win London Living Wage at BEIS…

  • RMT confront ISS agency over lockout

    RMT confront ISS agency over lockout

    RMT members supported by the National Shop Stewards Network go to ISS corporate headquarters in Canary Wharf. ISS has imposed fingerprinting and biometric scanning on their workforce of cleaners on the London Underground. After a lawful ballot for industrial action RMT ISS members have refused to comply with the scanners when clocking on to work.…

  • RMT protests sacking of ISS Agency Tube cleaners

    RMT protests sacking of ISS Agency Tube cleaners

    The RMT held a protest outside Parliament today in response to cleaning contractor ISS sacking at least one tube cleaner – and sending home many more workers without pay today – for following a union instruction not to book on for shifts using Biometric Fingerprinting Machines. The agency cleaner was sacked after refusing to use the…

  • Bulletin 139 – Time to get your diaries out..

    Bulletin 139 – Time to get your diaries out..

    We’re supposed to be in the age of declining unions but if the TUC calls a 24 hour general strike, the young, the unorganised and the unemployed will join the unions.” RMT General Secretary Bob Crow closed the NSSN lobby of today’s (April 24th) TUC General Council, which saw up to 200 union member and…

  • We will not tolerate low pay!

    We will not tolerate low pay!

    “We will not tolerate low pay in this day and age, nor being treated like second rate people. We clean your trains, your stations and your depots. We mop up all the nasty stuff that no one else wants to deal with. We clean up after four million people who use the London underground system…