Tag: Glenfield

  • 368: Leicester NHS campaigners save children’s heart unit!

    368: Leicester NHS campaigners save children’s heart unit!

      The NSSN welcomes the victory of the Leicester Glenfield campaign, in which our supporters have played a key role:- ‘One of the main campaign organisers Steve Score said, “Celebrations were taking place in Leicester city centre on the 30th November following an outstanding victory for the campaign to save congenital heart surgery at Glenfield Hospital.…

  • 331: After massive march, fight together to defend #OurNHS

    331: After massive march, fight together to defend #OurNHS

      What a time to celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8th – with struggles and disputes that have a big involvement of women workers. We mention some in our bulletin but keep up to speed with any IWD events through #IWD and #IWD2017 on twitter   The NSSN salutes the massive #OurNHS demonstration…