Tag: Birmingham
437: Breakthrough for Birmingham Homecare workers – save Honda
We headline this week’s NSSN bulletin with what appears to be a major success for the Birmingham Home care workers in Unison. We hope that this can be confirmed and consolidated. We also report on the catastrophic news that senior Honda management have announced that they intend going ahead with the closure. We have been…
NSSN 429: PCS launches national pay strike ballot
We headline this week’s bulletin with PCS’s national industrial action ballot on pay, which opened yesterday. PCS is one of our longstanding affiliated unions and we give them and their members our full support and solidarity. The NSSN vice-chair Katrine Williams is a member of the PCS NEC:- “To challenge the Government’s pay restraint it…
NSSN 424: Birmingham binworkers get ready to strike again
The NSSN sends solidarity to the binworkers who were on strike in 2017 and are being forced to take action again. From the Unite website:- Birmingham bins dispute escalates as council ignores deadline for peace deal (4 Feb) Unite, the UK and Ireland’s largest union, has announced that over 300 refuse workers employed by Birmingham…
404: NSSN TUC Rally – general election to ‘Get Tories Out!’
The National Shop Stewards Network rally last Sunday September 9th before the start of TUC Congress was a tremendous event with over 200 trade union activists attending alongside congress delegates. TUC was held in Manchester to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the first congress in 1868 and the NSSN rally took place in the…
NSSN 401: Sunderland strike at Liebherr cranes for better pay
“We’ll be out as long as it takes”, was the strident attitude of Liebherr strikers. The Unite the Union and GMB members on the picket line told NSSN North East supporters that they are striking for a decent pay increase. Liebbherr’s offer of 3% was rejected by a decisive 94%. Liebherr is a global…
400: Mid Yorks trust staff victory against NHS privatisation
The NSSN marks our 400th weekly bulletin by celebrating a victory by NHS workers against privatisation. This article is written by Adrian O’Malley – Branch Secretary Unison Mid Yorkshire Health (Personal Capacity):- UNISON members working within Estates and Facilities at Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust were due to start 3 days strike action against…
NSSN 399: Support the striking Birmingham home care workers
The NSSN sends solidarity to Birmingham Council Unison members, who are stepping up their action. This report is from a Birmingham NSSN supporter:- Birmingham home care workers are starting 14 days of discontinuous strike action on 9 August in protest at the Labour council’s attempts to create a completely part-time workforce which would mean that many workers…
358: Tory Party demo, Black History Month & NSSN Solidarity Forum
In this week’s NSSN bulletin, we headline some major events for your diary. On Sunday, thousands of trade unionists and anti-cuts activists will be heading to Manchester for the People’s Assembly demonstration outside the Tory Party Conference. We also have an article about Black History Month starting on October 1st in its 30th year,…