Category: Reports

  • Mass Protest at Hovis this morning & Strike Fund Needed

    Mass Protest at Hovis this morning & Strike Fund Needed

     Mass protest at the Hovis bakery in Wigan on 18 September blocked the delivery trucks from leaving the plant for hours, for the second time in three days. Bakers are on strike against Hovis bosses’ attempts to casualise the workforce and drive down pay, conditions and job security. Hovis tried to enforce zero-hour contracts through directly-employed…

  • Get Planning for November – NSSN Lobby of the TUC

    Get Planning for November – NSSN Lobby of the TUC

    When we arrived in Bournemouth, I really felt like just getting my shoes off and feeling the sand between my toes and listen to the waves rush towards me.. But me and 8 other members, mostly reps, of our Unite LE1111 branch chose to join the NSSN rally & lobby the TUC for co-ordinated action.(Have…

  • Wigan bakers begin second 7 day strike

    Wigan bakers begin second 7 day strike

    Hundreds of bakers in Wigan, Lancashire, are mounting a second 7-day strike against casualisation and need your support with messages, donations, and on the forthcoming demonstration. Members of the Bfawu union have been fighting against Hovis management’s attempts to enforce huge pay cuts and make the workforce easy to sack. The first 7-day strike clearly…

  • Video of successful NSSN lobby of TUC congress

    Video of successful NSSN lobby of TUC congress

  • NSSN lobby of TUC: “All out together in November!”

    NSSN lobby of TUC: “All out together in November!”

    Report from Martin Powell-Davies, NUT NEC member (in a personal capacity) It was a real privilege for me to be the opening speaker today at a rally addressed by leading members of some of the most determined trade unions in Britain. Above, short video of the vibrant lobby and rally. Below, pics of packed audience and…

  • Prison officers take action against prison closures and overcrowding

    Prison officers take action against prison closures and overcrowding

    Around 100 POA members at HMP Leeds held a gate meeting this morning, Thursday 5th September, to discuss yesterdays announcement of the government regarding the prison estate including the news that 4 prisons will close by the end of the financial year. The four prisons are HMPs Northallerton, Blundeston, Dorchester and Reading. As Richard Chamberlain,…

  • NSSN e-bulletin 158 – Stop cuts – Demand united action – Lobby the TUC for a 24-hour general strike (Sunday 8th September)

    NSSN e-bulletin 158 – Stop cuts – Demand united action – Lobby the TUC for a 24-hour general strike (Sunday 8th September)

    it would be nuts not to begin without congratulating Frank Morris, sacked electrician and all those involved in supporting the campaign for his re-instatement.  The NSSN has been a longstanding practical supporter with Frank Morris and against blacklisting! (More later in the bulletin and BSG report is already on the website). We have handed over…

  • Blacklist Beaten – Frank Morris reinstated on Crossrail

    Blacklist Beaten – Frank Morris reinstated on Crossrail

    FANTASTIC NEWS FROM THE BLACKLIST SUPPORT GROUP! Congrats to Frank and everyone involved in this campaign and the wider campaign against blacklisting and trade union rights. (Below is a report from the Blacklist support group) Blacklisted UNITE union shop steward Frank Morris is returning to work on the Crossrail project on 9th September. This is…

  • NSSN e-bulletin 157 – One Housing workers to strike again…& join the NSSN lobby of the TUC!

    NSSN e-bulletin 157 – One Housing workers to strike again…& join the NSSN lobby of the TUC!

    NSSN e-bulletin 157 – One Housing workers to strike again…& join the NSSN lobby of the TUC on Sept 8! Unite LE1111 housing workers at One Housing Group will strike for five days starting the 5th of September. Following a four year Pay freeze, One Housing Group management have decided to slash front line worker’s…

  • NSSN e-bulletin 156 – Mass action can defeat Hunt’s NHS cuts!

    NSSN e-bulletin 156 – Mass action can defeat Hunt’s NHS cuts!

    In Lewisham in south London, triumphant health campaigners’ posters announce: “We’ve won! Justice for Lewisham Hospital.” Local people are celebrating a famous victory. This January health secretary Hunt tried to downgrade Lewisham hospital’s accident and emergency departments and its high risk obstetric department. On 31 July a high court judge ruled that Hunt did not…

  • Bulletin 155 – Stop ambulance cuts & Defend Union Rights!

    Bulletin 155 – Stop ambulance cuts & Defend Union Rights!

    NSSN e-bulletin 155 – “We will not be silenced!’ Stop ambulance cuts in Yorkshire and defend union rights! Request for support: “The campaign against cuts to patient safety via the use of unqualified staff and the de-recognition of Unite the Union at Yorkshire Ambulance Service continues. All Trades Councils have been written to requesting urgent action by…

  • VIDEO: 7th Annual NSSN Conference

    VIDEO: 7th Annual NSSN Conference

    The National Shop Stewards Network’s 7th annual conference successfully brought together key activists, trade unionists and campaigners from struggles across the UK in a packed hall at the Camden Centre. Among the many topics for discussion and debate was the task of ending the ‘pause’ in struggle at the top of the trade movement and…